After using the spiritual knowledge, Lin Feng can finally see the old fairy coming out of the painting.

I saw the old fairy with a pleasant face and a fairy like demeanor. It looked like a kind of immortal who got the Tao. It didn't eat human fireworks.

However, Lin Feng still looked at him with vigilance, and was even ready to take out his most powerful demon refining pot at any time.

At that time, whether he is an old fairy or an old monster, all will refine him.

"Young man, you don't have to be so nervous. I'm just a broken soul, no! It should be said that it is not even a wisp of residual soul, but a trace of residual spiritual consciousness, which will not pose any threat to you and the girl. "

The old immortal stroked his beard. It was obvious that he saw Lin Feng's wariness of him.

"Yes! Lin Feng, I think this old uncle is kind-hearted and won't harm us at all! If he wants to harm us, we may not have the strength to resist at all. "

Seeing this, Qin Yan smiled and advised Lin Feng. Because she really didn't feel any malice from the old fairy, and she also felt a special kind feeling from the old fairy, which seemed to be similar to some temperament of her grandmother.

"Good! Old fairy, I'm rude. But what is this place and where are you sacred? Can you tell the boy! "

From the old immortal, Lin Feng didn't feel any malice and evil, so he was a little relieved. Think about it, even if there is only a trace of spiritual knowledge left, it's easy to crush him and Qin Yanran.

"Yes! Old fairy, talk to Yan Ran! Who the hell are you? How did you come out of the picture? " Qin Yanran also asked with a smile, just like listening to her grandmother's story at the head of the bed when she was a child.

"Me! It's just a painter. It's no big deal! "

The old fairy had an indifferent expression on her face and said with a smile.

However, Lin Feng can see from his expression that he is definitely an expert in the world, and must be a cultivator. No... not only a cultivator, but also a fairy.

However, Qin Yanran didn't think so much. When she heard that the old fairy said he was a painter, she smiled and said, "that's really great, old fairy. My grandmother is also a painter. And I also like painting since I was a child. It's a pity. If you can get out of this painting, I'll take you to find my grandmother. I'm sure you two are both painters and will talk about it. "

"Oh? Your grandmother paints, too? "

Hearing Qin Yanran's crisp voice, the old immortal was also very happy and laughed. Then he asked Qin Yanran, "so, little girl, are you willing to learn painting with me?"

"Learn to draw?"

Qin Yan Ran was stunned when she heard the speech, and then said with a smile, "good! Old fairy, my grandmother said she would. She has almost taught me. And now these famous painters and teachers in China are basically my grandmother's disciples, so they have nothing to teach me. It would be better if you could teach me. I believe I can learn something completely different... "

Qin Yanran didn't think much about the old fairy's words. She just talked to him with a smile with her own feelings and senses.

On the contrary, Lin Feng watched silently and didn't interrupt, because he already knew that the old immortal might have left a little broken here to look for his successor.

The reason why he would ask Qin Yanran about painting is that his inheritance must be related to painting.

"Yes! In that case, little girl, you kneel down and knock your head. From then on, you will be my closed disciple of painting Saint Fang Daozi. "

The old immortal heard that Qin Yanran was simply willing to worship him as a teacher, so he said happily.

But Qin Yanran shook her head and said, "old fairy, I can't kneel down and kowtow to you. Grandma said that this was a bad habit in the old society. How can you kneel and kowtow to people other than your parents? Not even a preaching master! "

As soon as Qin Yanran said this, Lin Feng couldn't cry or laugh. He pulled Qin Yanran and said, "Yan Ran, the old fairy can't accept this view of our modern people. Their idea is to be a teacher for one day and a father for life. Master is almost the same important role as father! "

"Lin Feng, even so, you can't ask the disciples to kneel down to the master! I think this method of accepting students used to be very wrong. You see, in our school, if we really want to implement this method, should our whole class kowtow to the teacher before each class? "

Qin Yanran's words left Lin Feng speechless and choked there.

When the old immortal heard this, he laughed and said to Qin Yanran, "ha ha! No kowtow, no kowtow, no kneeling! Xiaonizi, I like your temperament. I have my own reason. It's much better than my so-called proud disciples. In front of him, they always kneel and kowtow obediently. "

"Old immortal, will you accept me as an apprentice?" Qin Yan asked, blinking her lovely big eyes.

"Take it! Of course! There are few disciples with wisdom like you! Moreover, to my great surprise, you are still the most suitable five elements, yin and Yang, three wonders constitution to inherit my painting skills. " The old immortal Fang Daozi stroked his long beard and said with a smile.

"Five elements, yin and Yang, three strange physique?"

Hearing Fang Daozi's words, Lin Feng was also stunned and couldn't help asking, "old immortal, what you said about the five elements, yin and Yang, three strange physique, shouldn't it be Yanran, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind and thunder, and all attributes of Yin and Yang account for 10% respectively?"

"Yes! Young man, it seems that you already know the physical attributes of xiaonizi. " Fang Daozi said with a smile.

But when he said so, Lin Feng was even more confused: "wait! Old immortal, Yan Ran, isn't this five element Yin-Yang and three strange physique the most waste material physique, and even the cultivation of truth can't get started? How come you have the best physique to inherit your Kung Fu? "

"Young man, it seems that your understanding of heaven is not thorough enough! There is a reason for the existence of each constitution. You think the five elements, Yin, Yang and three wonders constitution is an attribute that can not be cultivated. However, in our Taoist's painting sage inheritance, this constitution is the most suitable... "

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