"Lin Feng, see? That's Old Lady Anne Wei. She... Is the lady's old best friend. After taking our beauty pill and applying beauty cream, we recovered to this level in less than seven days. "

Under the stage, Li Yutong smiled and pointed to Annie Wei on the stage and explained to Lin Feng, "there are other judges who have also received the samples of beauty pills and creams we provided in the past. At the beginning, they were still skeptical and vigilant, but slowly when the effect came out, they had nothing to say... "

"Sister Tongtong, let's talk with facts and beat our face hard with strength."

Lin Feng smiled. When he was strong enough, even if the judges had any prejudice and ideas about himself, he had to award this award to him.

At this time, Dr. Miller on the stage was also stunned, pointed to Annie Wei and shouted, "Annie Wei? No way, you can't be Annie's. "

"Miller! We haven't seen each other for about thirty years, have we? At the beginning, you were just a college student. You came to visit me with your mentor Joseph... "

In this way, Annie Wei said several things that only Miller knew in a row on the stage. Miller's face became very ugly. She still widened her eyes and cried inconceivably: "how is this possible! You are miss Annie Wei, this... This... I can't accept it! "

"It's not just me, let's see! Over there, Jimmy, Ladens, moster, etc. don't you recognize them? "

As Annie Wei waved her hand, all the guests were surprised to find that the judges this time were not those they didn't know or changed people, but those they knew well before.

But today, they have completely changed their face. Almost all of them have recovered to their youth. They look like they are about thirty or forty years old. Like Annie Wei, they are completely rejuvenated.

"Oh, my God! Is today April Fool's day? Are these all doubles you've got? "

"It must be so. How else can we explain that these old people are suddenly tens of years younger? "

"No! They're just getting younger, God! Is it true that such magical drugs have been invented? "


There was an uproar at the scene!

incorrect! Not only the scene, but the whole world was in an uproar. All the audience watching the live broadcast of the award ceremony were frightened by what they saw.

A group of old professors in their 70s and 80s suddenly become young? Isn't this the plot and story of science fiction? How did it really appear in reality?

"This is definitely not a funny Nobel Prize? But the real Nobel Prize? "

"What the hell is going on? These judges don't all make up on purpose, do they? But this makeup is too rebellious! "

"Wait! I wonder if it has anything to do with Lin Feng? "


The audience's attention has been attracted by the rejuvenation of several judges, but the real business is that judge Annie Wei came to the stage to correct Lin Feng's name.

She spread her hand with a smile and said to the camera, "I believe everyone can see it clearly. Eight members of the jury, including me, got a sample of a magical drug sent by the Dasheng group controlled by Lin Feng a week ago, for internal and external use... "

At this point, Annie Wei pointed to her face and continued, "seven days! In just seven days, my old face full of time marks has become younger, there are no wrinkles, and the functions of other parts of my body seem to have recovered a lot. Do you have any objection to such a cross century drug invention and winning the Nobel Prize in medicine? "

As soon as Annie Wei said these words, those who protested the loudest just now became dumb.


Everyone has such an expression.

A 90 year old woman turns into a 40 year old charming young woman in seven days?

This is only achieved through some internal and external drugs, which is incredible and unimaginable.

And all this was invented by the magical Oriental boy. To be fair, everyone present felt that even giving ten Nobel prizes in medicine to such an invention was not too much, but it related to everyone's own.

However, the most ignorant person is Dr. Miller.

You know, his biggest discovery in his life is this catalytic enzyme, which can restore the activity of human skin cells under certain conditions.

This effect is the same as Lin Feng's beauty pill and beauty cream. Unfortunately, Miller's enzyme has no accurate effect and use method at all, but Lin Feng's beauty pill and beauty cream have completely conquered all the judges in just seven days.

This is a naked face!

And it's still crackling. The difficulty in this field that miller wants to devote his life to research has now been invented by Lin Feng, an 18-year-old smelly boy.

At this moment, on the one hand, Miller was ashamed, on the other hand, he was really more disgusting and uncomfortable than eating flies.

"Down! Let's invite Lin Feng, the winner of this Nobel Prize in medicine, to the stage to receive the prize. "

The host who has been stunned there finally has the opportunity to speak. According to the process, Lin Feng must be invited to the stage.

In this way, under the eyes of the top scientists in the audience, Lin Feng walked step by step towards the award stage.

"Sure enough, he really won the Nobel Prize in medicine?"

Alice, who was sitting in the front row, saw Lin Feng in a formal suit. She didn't know why. She thought Lin Feng was particularly charming and handsome. Her heart was pounding. She secretly glanced at Lin Feng. It was completely the shyness and fear of a girl in her teens when she peeped at her lover.

Lin Feng came to the stage and accepted the award from Annie Wei. Then the host asked a few questions and asked Lin Feng to express his acceptance of the award.

When he picked up the microphone, Lin Feng's expression was very serious. Just when everyone felt that he wanted to make a serious speech about winning the award, God knows which tendon Lin Feng was wrong, but he took out a bottle of beauty pill and a bottle of beauty cream from his pocket, directed the camera to the audience watching the live broadcast all over the world and advertised: "after eating beauty pill, go back to 33! After applying beauty cream, you can throw away all your cosmetics... "

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