"Thank you! Ms. Anne Wei, you have always been the goal of my efforts and study! "

Although she has been affected by Lin Feng's award just now, Alice feels honored and excited to receive the award personally from her idol in the scientific community.

"You deserve it!"

Smiling Annie Wei, holding the microphone, announced the reasons why Alice won the Nobel Prize in physics, including her great R-type fuel.

Scientists in other disciplines who did not understand the latest developments in physics were also in an uproar after hearing such an introduction.

They never imagined that such sky high aerospace materials would be created by a female scientist under the age of 30. Although it is inferior to Lin Feng, it is still a unique genius in the history of Science in the world.

"Thank you! I'm glad that I was born in such a good era, so I have enough conditions to complete my dream... "

Standing on the stage, Alice proudly delivered the award-winning speech that seemed to have been prepared for a long time. In front of her, there were some high sounding words mixed with some of her own feelings.

Everyone listened more comfortably. After all, the voice of a beautiful woman was always so pleasant, but when Alice almost finished her acceptance speech, she immediately changed her tone, then pointed to Dr. Miller and said, "however, I have to and have to thank someone for all my achievements today, That's Dr. Miller... And my biological father! "


When Alice exposed the secret hidden in her heart for a long time, all the scientists and professors in the audience were in an uproar.

Who is Dr. Miller!

He is one of the world's top biomedical scientists, and who is Alice? She is the youngest winner of the Nobel Prize in physics in history and a leader and benchmark in the field of international aerospace and aviation.

However, the two of them, one in the United States and the other in Europe and Germany, seem to have nothing to do with each other. Can they even have a father daughter relationship?

Such revelations have blinded everyone.

"This... Alice... How did she take the initiative to say it? Still in this award speech! In this way, don't people all over the world know? "

Originally in the loss of not winning the prize, Miller looked unhappy and loveless, but suddenly heard Alice tell the truth, and his heart was both happy and worried.

He was glad that Alice disclosed their father daughter relationship as soon as she won the prize, which actually brought Miller many honors and topics from the other hand.

However, Miller was worried that his treatment of Alice's mother had also been exposed, which was despised and the reason why he always felt indebted to Alice.

"Eh? Lin Feng, did we hear right? That Alice, she could be Miller's daughter. Is this... The world a little too small? "

Li Yutong also opened his mouth and said with a surprised expression.

"Ha ha! More and more interesting... "

Lin Feng was also stunned for a moment. He knew the relationship between Alice and Miller. He shook his head and hugged his chest with both hands. He felt as if there was a lively scene to watch.

Because from the attitude and tone of Alice's words, Lin Feng doesn't think Alice wants to have a touching picture of father daughter recognition on the stage that attracts attention all over the world. There must be something hidden in it.

Sure enough, after seeing the uproar, Alice sneered and continued, "that's the man, that's right! I thank him very much. He gave me life. Can let me come to this world, but... I also hate him very much. My mother gave birth to me after being ruthlessly abandoned by him. Then she brought me up alone, but she still misses him all the time. Then he lay on the hotbed of another woman in America... "

Then Alice's words aroused thousands of waves with one stone. It turned out that Miller was still more reputable and respected internationally. However, now the scandal has been exposed by Alice in front of almost all the people in the world, his dignity has been swept, and his hard-working public image has completely collapsed.

"Alice, you..."

It's very sad. Miller never thought that his own daughter would treat herself like this. Moreover, when he looked at the smile on Alice's mouth, he was more convinced that Alice had planned for a long time, and even that she had been trying to expose her "crime" to the world on the spot on the Nobel prize presentation stage in Sweden.

"All right! I have finished my acceptance speech. Thank you. "

After all this, a big stone in Alice's heart was completely put down. She knew that everything was over. She completely disclosed her father daughter relationship with Miller and exposed his hypocrisy and abandonment in front of so many people. Alice felt that her mother could rest in peace.

But she did not intend to recognize this heartless father.

"Alice! How can you do this to me? I'm your father! "

When Alice stepped down, Miller couldn't control his emotions and rushed forward to question her.

"Have you ever fulfilled your father's responsibility for one day?" Alice asked back with a smile.

"This... Anyway? Medically, I'm your father. The father who is related by blood... "Miller was guilty and said forcefully.

"Please get out of the way. I don't need such a father. I didn't need it before, I don't need it now, and I don't need it in the future." Said Alice faintly.

At this time, Lin Feng also thoroughly knew the strange father daughter relationship between Alice and Miller.

"Alice is really a goblin! In order to expose her father's true face in front of so many people and for her mother's peace of mind, she won the Nobel prize so desperately. The world is really, Xueba's world... I really don't understand! "

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He couldn't help sighing. At the same time, he also took a higher look at the blonde Alice.

But at this time, a sudden change emerged. Originally, because the award ceremony was over, everyone present should evacuate the auditorium in a more orderly manner. But now, with a few bangs, the three doors of the auditorium were suddenly locked from the outside.

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