Beijing, 1:30 p.m. National Convention Center.

Hundreds of media reporters from all over the world gathered here, and all kinds of flash lights and lenses were aimed at the stage.

Although it is said that the press conference will not officially begin for half an hour, these media reporters in the whole conference center have been playing stimulants.

After all, this is an important moment for the official announcement of the great sage's identity in the state of China!

After all, the Chinese government has bounced votes three times in a row. This press conference was finally held as scheduled. It seems that the identity of the great saint will be announced.

At the same time, not only the media reporters of various countries, but also the people of all China have turned on the TV and waited eagerly for the live broadcast of this press conference.

The Lin family and Lin's parents are worried. They haven't heard from their son Lin Feng for several days. They call Dasheng group to ask about Li Yutong's specific situation, but the Xiao brothers say that Li Yutong is also missing and can't be contacted.

In desperation, Lin's father and mother could only let Luo Qingqing come to accompany them for a few days. These days, they didn't go to the hero restaurant. They didn't have any thoughts, so they were thinking about their son Lin Feng.

"Uncle Lin, Aunt Zhang, you really don't have to worry too much. Smelly boy will take good care of himself. It's estimated that he went somewhere to go wild with Tongtong. There's no signal. "

Although Luo Qingqing is worried about Lin Feng in her heart, she still wants to pretend that there is nothing to comfort Lin Feng's parents.

"This little rabbit, when he comes back, I'll see if I don't break his leg. No matter where you go to play, at least tell your family? " Lin's mother sat on the sofa angrily.

"Forget it! Forget it... Guizhu, just relax. Let's wait a few more days! Xiao Feng is sure to be fine. We'd better watch TV first. I heard that today the country will announce the true identity of the hero saint who saved Xiao Feng and so many scientists around the world that day... "

Father Lin is very concerned about national affairs. At the same time, he is also very proud of the hero of his country.

However, at this time, in Lin's mother's eyes, no one or anything is more important than his son Lin Feng.

She doesn't care about the big saint or the small saint. She only cares when her son Lin Feng can come back.

"To see you die, I... I want my son back..."

Her eyes are red. Lin's mother hasn't slept much these days. She is trying to call and send text messages to her son Lin Feng every day.

So now while leaning on the sofa, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Feng's number.

Doodle doodle

I thought that this time, like countless times before, I heard the prompt sound that the phone had been turned off, but when Mrs. Lin heard the beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep bee.

"Yes! The phone is connected. It's no longer turned off. Lao Lin, it's Xiao Feng's phone... "

Lin's mother shouted with excitement. Luo Qingqing and Lin's father also turned their heads and asked with concern.

"How's it going? Is Xiao Feng answering the phone? " Father Lin.

"Smelly boy's phone? That means he's fine! " Luo Qingqing also widened her eyes and said excitedly.

Doodle doodle

After a few rings, Lin Feng, who was driving the flying shuttle back to China, picked up his mobile phone. Seeing that it was his mother's call, he hardened his head and answered: "Hello! Mom... "

"Little rabbit, are you finally willing to answer the phone? You... "

As soon as she heard her son Lin Feng's voice, Lin's mother immediately shed tears.

"Mom! Sorry, I have a bit of an emergency, which has just been solved. Now I'll rush home immediately. Don't be angry and don't worry! I'm fine! " Lin Feng explained with a smile.

"Do you know how to come back? I haven't called home for so many days. " Lin's mother pouted and scolded.

"I know I'm wrong! But there's really no way to call. There's no signal! OK, first, mom! I'll be in the capital soon... "

After hanging up the phone and looking at the GPS positioning, Lin Feng has now returned to the territory of China.

However, because Lin Feng used very sophisticated stealth and anti radar technology, all countries along the way did not find such a giant flying over their national territory.

Naturally, although the air defense force of China is stronger, Lin Feng's flying shuttle can still not be found.

At 2:00 p.m. at the National Convention Center, elder Wang, as the spokesman of the dragon group and now the highest spokesman of the Chinese nation, walked onto the stage of the press conference with a serious face and said to everyone sorry to the microphone: "media reporters and friends present! Originally, we were going to announce the identity of the great saint today, but now... Due to some special reasons, we have not been able to announce the identity of the great saint yet... "

As soon as this remark came out, the media reporters who had been looking forward to it for several days immediately quit.

"What's going on? It's clearly agreed to be announced. Why did you change your mind again? "

"If not published! What kind of press conference? "

"Can you have some dry goods! This is a hero of our country. Why hide it! "


These are the complaints of the domestic media and are relatively rational.

However, the foreign media have no such attitude at all, because they have come with some political tasks, that is, trying to find ways to discredit the hero of China, especially the media reporters in the United States and Britain. The political dignitaries and people of their country do not want the hero of China to really become a global superhero.

In that case, it will be very disadvantageous to them.

"You Chinese love to be mysterious! Maybe the great sage is not from your Chinese country at all? "

"I think the great sage is more like our American style. Maybe it's our Chinese Americans?"


These foreign journalists and media also said many more unpleasant things. Some even threw machines and took off their clothes in public to protest against the Chinese authorities.

"I'm sorry! Because we can't contact the great saint for the time being and can't get the consent of the great saint, so... It's not easy to announce his identity for the time being... "

Although elder Wang is a congenital elder, he still has a headache in the face of the questions of so many reporters. After all, he can't use force and threats against these reporters, and he has to be made difficult by their problems.

But when elder Wang was extremely embarrassed, suddenly, there seemed to be a dark cloud on the top of the National Convention Center. Everyone couldn't help looking up. On the transparent glass roof of the National Convention Center, there was a huge flying shuttle falling and pressing down slowly.

"It's Feitian shuttle, it's the great saint... Dragon scale, come on... Let the staff of the venue immediately open all the glass skylights on the top of the National Convention Center, let Feitian shuttle come in, and then immediately play the national anthem to welcome our hero back..."

Seeing that the flying shuttle was pressed down, elder Wang cried with tears in his eyes!

The superhero of China is back!

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