Lin Feng listened to their conversation and mentioned a woman in the hundred grass Valley, so he became more interested.

Before, the practitioners of cangyun sect also mentioned that they came to find a woman in the hundred grass valley. Now the people of Baiyu gate have the same purpose. Lin Feng further guessed whether the woman in their mouth would be their own sister Tongtong?

"Sorry! Miss Bai, I want to ask... Who is this woman you mentioned? It's amazing that so many sect disciples can come for her. "

Lin Feng didn't reveal that he was looking for someone at the beginning, but asked tentatively.

"Lin Daoyou, since you have come to this hundred grass Valley, don't you know? Five years ago, a woman suddenly appeared in the hundred grass valley. At that time, she was only in the foundation period, but she had a very excellent weapon refining method... "

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't even know about this woman, Wang pofeng kindly told him in detail, "at the beginning, this woman could only refine some spirit weapon level flying swords and magic weapons. But almost every handle is of the best quality. Even some of the best flying swords are as good as inferior magic weapons, but they just don't have some special functions of magic weapons. "

"Oh? Every one of them is the best spirit weapon? How did she do it? " When Lin Feng heard the speech, he was also very curious.

"If we had known, we wouldn't have come here!" Wang pofeng smiled.

But Bai Shuangshuang went on with a smile: "Lin Daoyou! This sister's ability is more than that! No one knows what method she uses to refine her weapons. She claims to have no school, so many people come to invite her to join the school. Unfortunately... This sister is indifferent. "

"Yes! The leader of our white feather sect even came to invite her personally, but she avoided seeing her. She has been living in seclusion in this hundred grass valley. "

Wang Po Feng sighed and said.

"That's interesting. What is this strange woman doing here?"

After listening to their description, Lin Feng became more and more suspicious that the woman was Li Yutong. However, according to what they said, this woman came here five years ago!

However, according to his own feeling, Li Yutong should have come in less than a few days!

"Someone said she was waiting for someone."

"Some people say that she devotes herself to practicing here."


Several other disciples of Baiyu sect gossip.

"But even so, no sect will target her. Disciples of many sects will come to Baicao Valley to ask her to refine spiritual tools. She basically makes a living by refining spiritual tools and collecting some spiritual stones and materials for others... "

When Wang Po Feng spoke, his tone changed, "it's a pity that when she broke through the golden elixir cultivation, she could refine magic weapons, and it didn't take much effort to refine flying swords. As soon as the news spread, many sects coveted it. "

"Kill and seize treasure! This is what these so-called famous and decent sects and big sects often do. What's more, now it's not just a treasure, but a treasure house that can continuously refine Dharma treasures... "

Lin Feng smiled and said, "however, according to my idea. The girl should not give in so easily. "

"Yes! Since knowing that this woman can refine magic weapon flying sword, all major sects have sent people here. They all want to bring this woman into their own sect, which is a completely different treatment from before. Refining the best spirit tool and refining magic weapon are completely two concepts! "

Wang pofeng said with an envious expression, "but no matter what conditions these sect elders offered, and even took out the precious jieying pill as the solicitation condition, the woman was still indifferent, and even... Finally disappeared completely."

"I see. Now it's estimated that you sects can't be soft, but you have to be hard. Pretending to ask the disciples to come to Baicao Valley for experience, they were actually sent to search for the girl's whereabouts, right? "

After listening to Wang pofeng's narration, Lin Feng understood the general situation here. No wonder the disciples of cangyun sect also shouted to catch some bitch.

Dare you, people in this world don't seem to be able to refine weapons, or... Don't know the key to refining magic weapon flying sword? Therefore, he caught a cultivator who could refine magic weapon flying sword and pursued it.

"Shame! Lin Daoyou, a disciple of the white feather sect, never kills people or seizes treasures, but I hope to see this girl when I come to Baicao Valley, and then invite her to live in our white feather sect. " Wang pofeng blushed and said.

"Elder martial brother Wang, don't worry! As long as we can find this sister, I will be able to persuade her to come to our white feather gate, and then... Hee hee! By the way, refine a magic weapon flying sword for me... "Bai Shuangshuang said with a smile.

Lin Feng asked a few more words and probably made clear the situation in the hundred grass valley. In fact, the whole hundred grass Valley is not a valley, but a secret place that can only be entered through the array.

At present, there is only one entrance and exit, and all entrances and exits must come from that array. The entrance and exit of this array are guarded by ten sects in turn. This year, it's cangyun sect's turn to take care of it, so cangyun sect has many disciples who come in to practice.

Baiyu sect is also one of the top ten sects, but it is a weak sect behind, not as strong as cangyun sect and other front sects.

It is said that the secret place of Baicao Valley is a medicine garden called Baicao immortal in ancient times. There is array suppression in it. Only practitioners in Jindan period and foundation period below Yuanying period are allowed to enter. If practitioners in Yuanying period come in, if they don't seal their accomplishments in Jindan period, they will be killed on the spot by the array.

Because there was only one entrance and exit, the elders of all sects who suppressed cultivation and entered the Baicao Valley determined that the woman was still in the Baicao Valley, but did not know where to hide.

The world in Baicao Valley looks small, but it is very complex and deep. When the mysterious woman hides in the depths of the jungle, it is difficult for others to find her.

The array of Baicao Valley can only enter and exit on the full moon night of each month, and only about 100 people can enter each time. Taking advantage of their sect's jurisdiction this year, cangyun sect let a large number of disciples of its own sect enter it, in an attempt to find and catch the woman by relying on more people

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