The whole Zixia Valley is shrouded in this wonderful Zixia, so no one can see what kind of state it is inside just from the outside.

Lin Feng and his party came early, so when they came, no other practitioners came.

However, when they began to look for the entrance to the valley, some practitioners of other sects had already looked for it.

Each of them basically holds one or two pieces of Zixia Ling in their hands. Because everyone only knows that the Zixia order is the key to entering the Zixia Valley, but no one knows how many pieces are needed, or... You must collect the five elements Zixia order to enter the valley.

"Lin Daoyou, more and more people are coming now. Look at those over there. They are sword practitioners in Qingfeng mountain. They are very obsessed with the magic weapon flying sword. So the number of people coming this time is second only to cangyun sect, and now cangyun sect has been destroyed by us. Now it can be said that the disciples of Qingfeng mountain are the largest in the whole Baicao Valley... "

Seeing more and more practitioners from other sects coming, Wang pofeng carefully reminded Lin Feng.

Although he believed in Lin Feng's strength, there was no elder in Yuanying period among these practitioners, so it was impossible to compete with Lin Feng.

However, the two fists are hard to defeat the four hands. Moreover, they have a grudge against cangyun sect. They should especially worry about the leakage of information and the Revenge of cangyun sect.

Now these practitioners in the valley know that there is a particularly strong team to trouble cangyun sect, but they don't know that they are Lin Feng and Bai Yumen for the time being.

"Don't worry about others. We're seriously looking for the entrance to the valley."

Lin Feng only has his own sister Tongtong in his eyes. He just wants to know whether the Zixia fairy in the valley is his sister Tongtong, and what other practitioners and sects he doesn't care about or want to know.

It's just that they don't provoke themselves. If any sect doesn't have eyes, Lin Feng doesn't mind setting an example.

"Senior brother Wang! Younger martial sister... "

At this time, some other disciples of Baiyu sect immediately gathered around Wang pofeng and others.

"Younger martial brother Zhang! Younger martial brother Liu, and... Younger martial brother Zhong, great! You are all here. In this way, we have almost all the disciples of Baiyu sect... "

Looking at the following disciples of Baiyu sect, Wang pofeng was a little relieved. After all, almost all the disciples of Baiyu sect who entered Baicao Valley gathered here.

Moreover, with so many people and the prestige of Baiyu sect, Wang pofeng has enough confidence to scare other sects. At least it is impossible to join hands against them.

"Younger martial brothers, let me introduce you to Lin Feng and Lin Daoyou, who saved us and our younger martial sister. Lin Daoyou's strength is unfathomable. We owe him all the way."

Wang pofeng didn't give much introduction, but just slightly clicked Lin Feng's identity.

However, the other disciples of Baiyu sect came to see Lin Feng first. They didn't think it was strange. Then they turned around and looked at the disciples of Baiyu sect following Wang pofeng. They were all surprised and opened their mouths one by one.

"Younger martial brother Zhang, why are you on the second floor of the golden elixir? When did it happen? A month ago, I thought you were just building eight floors! "

"Isn't it? Are you really younger martial brother ye? Before, you were just building the seventh floor of the foundation. Why didn't you see it for half a year? You've already... The first floor of the golden elixir? "

"Are they all golden elixirs? Elder martial brother Wang, what's going on? Why are all the younger martial brothers who followed you promoted to the golden elixir period? "


We found that the younger martial brothers who were familiar with the foundation period were all promoted to the golden elixir period at one breath. They were surprised with their mouths open.

After all, in everyone's understanding, it is not easy to cultivate each layer during the foundation period. Even if it can be washed up through pills in a short time, it is not solid enough. Moreover, these are not difficult. The most difficult thing is the leap from the foundation period to the golden elixir period.

Where did the gold pill come from?

And in such a short time!

Let a group of practitioners in the foundation period be promoted to the golden elixir period. How many golden elixirs does it cost?

If it's one or two, it's understandable, but it's more than a dozen! Where the hell did this come from? What the hell happened?

Seeing that the younger martial brothers were so surprised, Wang pofeng also smiled, touched his beard, pointed to Lin Feng, who was ignored by the public, and said: "all this is thanks to Lin Daoyou. Younger martial brothers don't know. Lin Daoyou is a four-star alchemist. These younger martial brothers' knot elixirs are all refined by Lin Daoyou... "

As soon as Wang pofeng finished speaking, the disciples of the white feather sect immediately looked at Lin Feng and stared at Lin Feng with a monster's eyes. They really couldn't imagine that Lin Feng looked so young and would never be more than 50. How could he be a four-star alchemist?

You know, a two-star Alchemist is already the pastry of major sects. It will take decades to refine to this extent, let alone three-star and four-star alchemists.

A three-star alchemist can refine a treasure pill like Jiejin pill, which can be said to be the treasure of the whole sect. No matter what his cultivation, even the leader should respect him.

Not to mention, Lin Daoyou is a four-star alchemist.

Four star alchemist!

This is not common. Even among the largest sect, Qingxu sect, there are few four-star alchemists!

"Everyone is friendly!"

Lin Feng smiled in the face of everyone's surprise and bowed his hand to greet politely.

"Lin Dao is friendly! Lin Daoyou, are you really a four-star alchemist? "

Someone couldn't help questioning.

"It should be."

Lin Feng nodded. In fact, he didn't know how many stars it was, because he felt like those five-star and six-star pills. He seemed to be able to refine them, but now he lacked some materials.

"Junior brothers, this is not the time to verify these. Entering the valley is the most important thing! How to find the entrance with the fastest speed and enter the Zixia Valley is a top priority! "

Wang pofeng knows the meaning of a four-star alchemist, but now entering the valley is the most important thing.

More than a dozen of them arrived half a day early, but they searched for a long time in the purple glow, but it was a cliff. There was no way to enter the valley. Entering it was hazy and disoriented, and they couldn't find any way.

Therefore, what Wang Fengfeng wanted was to let so many martial brothers coming from behind mobilize their strength and look for the entrance everywhere.

However, at this time, with more and more practitioners entering the valley, a small number of these practitioners had Zixia orders on their bodies, so... Just when 49 Zixia orders appeared at the same time, everyone's Zixia orders immediately became hot and glowed with a slight heat.


With the outbreak of the light caused by the purple glow, the whole valley shrouded by the purple glow suddenly changed. The purple light suddenly dispersed into red, blue, yellow, gold and green, which represent the five colors of the five elements, and they are still changing.

"Five elements enter the valley array?"

Seeing the changes of the five colors, Lin Feng immediately frowned and said.

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