Lin Feng didn't expect that the inflammation of the earth's heart, which didn't even have any intelligence, would sneak into people.

This was greatly beyond his expectation, but fortunately, his injury was not serious. Because he has the healing of divine water, if other practitioners, even those in the period of transforming God, come here, I'm afraid that just now will be enough to kill them in a short time.

"How's it going? Lin Feng, is it serious? "

Zixia fairy's whole heart is hanging at this time. Although she has no memories with Lin Feng, all her concerns have been on Lin Feng.

It seems that Lin Feng has a natural attraction to her, as if she was born for Lin Feng all her life.

"It's all right. Basically, it has been conditioned... "

About half an hour later, after Lin Feng recovered from meditation, he took a breath and vomited out some of the anger accumulated in his body.

"But now that the inflammation of the earth's heart has been found, how can we take it away? I just tried it. Basically, as long as I get close to it within ten steps, I will be perceived by it. Its power is very powerful. We... We have no power to resist... "

Zixia fairy frowned. When Lin Feng was meditating just now, she had tried many times. Every time she was a little close to the inflammation of the earth's heart, she would be perceived by it.

"This is indeed a problem. The inflammation of the earth's core is worthy of being the top three super flames of the earth fire. Even if there is no birth of wisdom, it is not something that practitioners below the general divine period can resist. "

Lin Feng stood up unconvinced, turned his mouth slightly and said, "however, we are not ordinary practitioners. Today... I will let it have a good look at our abilities."

"Do you have a way? Lin Feng, be worried... It seems that it hasn't exhausted its strength just now. If it has exhausted its strength, the burst of flame... I'm afraid it won't give you time to heal with divine water. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zixia fairy was both happy and worried. After all, this is the inflammation of the earth's core, which has multiplied underground for a long time. Its ability is a huge quantity.

Just look at the magma outside. The power of the inflammation of the earth's core is even enough to burst out the whole magma and submerge the whole Baicao valley.

"Yes! I'll be careful. I was careless just now, so I was succeeded by it. But now that I know that it will deceive people, will I still be deceived? "

Although Lin Feng was not sure at this time, he also had several plans in his mind. After all, he had a lot of congenital babies.

First of all, Lin Feng took out one of his 24 dinghaishen beads. The power of this dinghaishen bead is pure water power, which can be used to restrain the inflammation of the earth's heart.

However, water and fire are incompatible, and they are born to overcome each other. Lin Feng is not sure whether the water power of the sea god pearl can completely restrain the inflammation in the center of the earth, but... This is a good method.

"Sample! Did you dare to attack me just now? It's my turn to fight back. Aren't you fire? Aren't you going to burn it? Now... See how I killed you... "

At the right time, Lin Feng threw this Dinghai God bead directly towards the inflammation of the earth's heart. At the same time, he used his spiritual consciousness to control the power of water in the Dinghai God bead, and suddenly broke through the barrier of fire.



A loud noise!

The fire in the center of the earth seemed to feel the threat brought by the Dinghai God bead. In an instant, from the state of the small fire just now, a fire dragon burst out, roared, opened the mouth of the fire dragon, and chased after the Dinghai God bead thrown.

"Inner earth fire dragon! Lin Feng, be careful! It seems that we guessed wrong. The inflammation of the earth's core is basically hiding that it has been born with wisdom. If it can evolve into the fire dragon of the earth's core, it must have been born with a trace of wisdom... "

Seeing the appearance of this fire dragon, Zixia fairy immediately changed her complexion and reminded Lin Feng.

"Oh! There are two children! Sure enough, I have thinking and intelligence. Otherwise, I won't disguise like this. Good... It's better to have wisdom and greater power. After I accept it, I can be more relieved. "

Lin Feng also had to be cautious and serious, controlled the fixed sea god bead and shot directly at the fire dragon's eyes.


The fire dragon roared!

There was a strong fire in the center of the earth, and the temperature was very high. Lin Feng's dinghaishen bead couldn't resist it at all, retreated steadily, and even began to show signs of melting.

"I'll go! It seems that one can't stand it! Then have more... "

Puff, puff

Lin Feng spit out 11 fixed Poseidon beads, a total of 12 fixed Poseidon beads, which is the most he can take out. The other twelve Sea God beads must remain in the body to stabilize the whole divine water space.

Otherwise, as soon as all the Dinghai God beads are taken out, it will lead to the collapse of the whole Shenshui space.

However, the power of the twelve dinghaishen beads was strong enough. Lin Feng asked the twelve dinghaishen beads to form a water dragon and grabbed it at the fire dragon in the center of the earth.


The two dragons are fighting each other in the air, which is not only the struggle between water and fire, but also the struggle between two different forces


Water and fire!

The whole underground space is full of steam!

The temperature is very high!

The surrounding magma also burst out.

There used to be normal rock walls nearby, but now they have begun to slowly melt into magma.


The 24 fixed Sea God beads are worthy of being a congenital magic weapon, which contains the power of congenital Kui water. The water dragon controlled by Lin Feng seized an opportunity, immediately spit out a huge column of water and directly shot at the fire dragon.


The power of water is restraining the energy of fire.

The fire in the center of the earth felt the great threat of the water dragon, and the flames all over began to tremble slightly. This huge water column almost wiped out its flames.


Then at this time, the fire dragon roared up to the sky, then completely disintegrated, turned into a huge flame, and burst out with a roar.

Boom! Boom!

The whole underground space shook.

"No! Lin Feng, break out! The fire in the center of the earth is crazy. It's really going to detonate the volcano... "

Seeing this, Zixia fairy immediately knew what had happened. It was the inflammation in the center of the earth that could not fight with 24 Sea God beads. She began to detonate the volcano with the help of geographical advantages, and then she could completely enhance her own strength.

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