Only the sacred water space like Lin Feng. Can resist the burning of heartburn.

Therefore, it is almost unique. After collecting the inflammation of the earth's core, there is no need to worry about being burned through by the inflammation of the earth's core. That is, only Lin Feng's divine water space has such ability.

"Lin Feng, did you really subdue the inflammation of the earth?"

Zixia fairy came forward and asked with some shock. After all, the power of the inflammation of the earth's core is very powerful. I'm afraid the general storage magic weapon can't stand a breath, and it will be burned through by the inflammation of the earth's core.

However, Lin Feng's sacred water space can be burned by the inflammation of the earth's heart, and they are all safe and sound. Because Shenshui space is actually a real world. It is not afraid of any burning of the inflammation of the earth's core. The thick wall of space will never be burned through by the inflammation of the earth's core.

"Not yet, but... It's hard to say later."

Lin Feng smiled and let him enter his divine water space.

He saw that the inflammation of the earth's core, which was included in it, made bursts of Zizi cries, because it found that in this divine water space, there was no resistance at all, could not escape, and there was no part that could be burned and penetrated, but could only be surrounded by divine water and dead water step by step.


The inflammation of the inner earth is forced by divine water and stagnant water, and has fled to the horizon of the whole divine water world. However, under Lin Feng's instruction, Shenshui and dead water are pressing step by step, forcing the inflammation of the earth's heart little by little, so that it has no breathing time.

"Ha ha! Let you chase me, ha ha... See how you can escape! This is my world. You... Will surrender to me after all. "

Lin Feng also laughed when he saw that the fire in the center of the earth was so oppressed and bent. The spirit consciousness made such a sound in the divine water space.

The inflammation in the center of the earth began to tremble and made a request for mercy to Lin Feng.

"Do you know you're afraid now? Why didn't you want to give me a way to live when you chased me just now? "

Lin Feng snorted coldly, but silk ignored the request of the inflammation in the center of the earth.


The inflammation of the earth's core has changed into ten fire dragons. They want to break through Lin Feng's anti lock, but where does it know that the whole divine water space is under Lin Feng's control?

Even if it turns out a hundred fire dragons, it can't escape Lin Feng's palm.

"Still want to run? Ha ha... Admit your fate! Surrender to me! "

As soon as Lin Feng's psychic power exerted pressure, suddenly, the ten fire dragons separated by the inflammation of the earth were bound by a five invisible pressure, and they couldn't move at all, let alone escape.

"How's it going? Disobedience? In this divine water space, I am the Creator! I am everything... You... Must surrender to me! Or I'll kill you. It's just an idea. "

There is nothing wrong with this. Lin Feng is the master who plays with everything in the divine water space. No matter how powerful a magic weapon or fierce beast it is, as long as Lin Feng takes it into the divine water space, the outcome is doomed.


However, the inflammation of the earth's heart still refused to accept his life. He continued to differentiate into flames and wanted to escape, but he was blocked by Lin Feng's power again and again.

Can't escape!

I don't want to admit my fate!

Lin Feng directly squeezed all the forces of the inflammation of the earth to the top with the pressure of spiritual consciousness.


The inflammation of the earth's heart can't bear such pressure, but it still refuses to give in. It seems that it is about to be crushed by Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge

"I didn't expect that a just opened flame could fight like this? Forget it, let you go for the time being. Anyway, you can't go anywhere in this divine water space! Let my divine water and stagnant water play with you... "

After Lin Feng felt the will of dying rather than succumbing to the inflammation of the earth's heart, he smiled and said.


As Lin Feng wished, the fire in the center of the earth had released all the precautions. Lin Feng left his spiritual knowledge on it with his spiritual knowledge.

"How's it going? Lin Feng, did you succeed? "

Zixia fairy, who has been paying attention to one side, asked nervously.

"Almost! But how can I fail when I'm Lin Feng? It's just a inflammation in the center of the earth. Can't I take it? It's just that it's not time yet. Let's put it in there to sharpen its temper. When it tastes the pain, it will naturally take the initiative to give in... "

Lin Feng took back his mind and said with a smile.

"Great! Lin Feng, as long as you can accept the inflammation in the center of the earth, then next... Isn't it possible to have the true fire of samadhi in the legend? "

Zixia fairy said excitedly when she saw that Lin Feng had really accepted the inflammation of the earth's heart.

"Samadhi is really hot? Zixia, you think highly of me. Samadhi true fire must gather three kinds of sky fire, three kinds of earth fire and three kinds of human fire before it can be integrated into samadhi true fire with infinite power... It is too difficult for us. Even one kind of flame must be met by organic fate, not to mention the other eight kinds of flame... It's too difficult... "

Hearing what Zixia fairy said, Lin Feng smiled bitterly, shook his head and said.

After all, although he also knows the prestige of samadhi true fire, it is really difficult to collect and conquer nine rare flames between heaven and earth!

From the beginning, Lin Feng actually wanted to subdue the inflammation of the earth's heart, so as to prepare for his later alchemy and weapon refining.

As for the samadhi true fire, which is said that even immortals can kill second, Lin Feng didn't dare to think about it at all.

"Yes! Lin Feng, you have taken the first step now. As long as you collect a kind of ground fire, plus a kind of sky fire and a kind of human fire, you can first integrate into the pseudo samadhi true fire. Although the power of this flame can not resist the real samadhi true fire, it is enough to sweep the whole cultivation world. There is a long way to go in the future, and you have the possibility of collecting and integrating all samadhi true fire! "

Although Lin Feng was discouraged, Zixia fairy encouraged him.

"Indeed, Zixia, I can even collect so much special physique, so... The fire of heaven, earth and man will naturally not come down."

Lin Feng, who had no great expectations, regained his confidence after hearing what Zixia fairy said.

"Good! Lin Feng, since you have collected the inflammation of the earth into the sacred water space, let's go out first. I don't know. Hongxia is outside and will worry about what it looks like. After all, we have been underground for more than ten days... "Said Zixia fairy.

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