"Lin Daoyou, this is..."

Seeing the appearance of Xiao nishang, Bai Shuangshuang also looked confused.

Originally, a Zixia fairy was already as beautiful as heaven, which made her feel ashamed. Now, I don't know where she came from. Another woman, no matter her beauty or temperament, was not weaker than Zixia fairy.

This made Bai Shuangshuang feel inferior, especially when Xiao nishang's eyes looked over, she unconsciously lowered her head.

"Oh! Lin Feng, very good! Not long after you came to this world, you hooked up with a sister paper again! It looks good... Very pure! "

Xiao nishang has always been so unscrupulous, so when she sees Bai Shuangshuang like this, she doesn't know that she has made a secret promise to Lin Feng!

"Crazy girl, don't talk! Will you die if you don't talk? Did you feel bored and flustered after sleeping so long without talking? "

Rao Shi Lin Feng was so cheeky and blushed at what Xiao nishang said. He quickly interrupted her, and then introduced Bai shuangshuangshuang: "Miss Bai, this is Xiao nishang, my classmate..."


Obviously, Bai Shuangshuang doesn't understand what his classmates mean. After all, this is a real world!

"Oh! What students mean is... The kind of fellow martial brothers in your Xiuxian sect. You can take Xiao nishang as my younger martial sister. " Lin Feng explained.

However, Xiao nishang immediately snapped: "if you are also a senior sister! Do you know? Lin Feng, do you deserve to be my senior brother? Hee hee! "

"Crazy girl, you will die if you don't quarrel with me one day!"

Lin Feng was also quite speechless. However, Bai shuangshuangshuang was not stupid. He saw the relationship between them at once, so he said in a very weak voice: "Lin Daoyou, the trial time of Baicao Valley is coming to an end. These two days are the last time to get out of the valley. If you don't go out, you have to wait for the next opening. Are you... Are you going out? "

From Bai Shuangshuang's face, Lin Feng also saw a trace of loneliness. She also knew that she had that kind of relationship with Xiao nishang. However, Lin Feng didn't want to explain or say anything more. Maybe this dialogue is better for both sides!

After all, I'm not a person in this world. I'll leave sooner or later. Is it difficult... To return to the earth with Bai Shuang? Just as he doesn't want to stay in this strange world for a long time, Bai Shuangshuang also has relatives here. How can he go to the earth with himself?

only! only!

Let it be!

This is Lin Feng's idea. As for whether to go out of the hundred grass Valley, Lin Feng turned to Zixia fairy and asked, "Zixia, do you think... Yanran will be in the hundred grass Valley? Or... Outside? "

"Lin Feng, I think Yanran must be in the outside world. This hundred grass valley should be just an exit connected with our earth. According to what you said, Yanran was sent by the transmission array, so it is very likely to be in the outside world. If we want to find her, we must go out of the valley first... "

Zixia fairy nodded and said, "I've been in Baicao Valley for several years, and I've been to almost all the places I can find. Yanran can't be here."

"OK! In that case, we'll hurry and head for the exit. Come out of the valley first. Crazy girl, do you have any opinion? "

Lin Feng asked Xiao nishang again.

"What can I say? Whatever you want! Just in time, I also want to go out and see what the world of cultivating immortals is like... "Xiao nishang said naturally.

"Aunt... Do we really want to leave the valley?"

Hongxia is a little awkward to ask Zixia fairy way.

"Yes! Hongxia, if you don't want to go out, stay in the valley! "

Zixia fairy knew that Hongxia didn't want to leave the valley for some reasons, so she stayed with her for so many years.

"No, i... I want to be with my aunt if she leaves! Hongxia alone in this valley has no meaning! Therefore, Hongxia will go wherever her aunt goes. " Hongxia hesitated and said with certainty.

"In that case, let's leave without delay! Miss Bai, please lead the way ahead and let's go out of the valley together. "

After unifying everyone's opinions, Lin Feng's team officially assembled and flew towards the exit of Baicao valley.

At this time, in the outside world, the only exit of Baicao valley.

The sect on duty in Baicao Valley this time is cangyun sect. These days are the date when we can go out of the valley. Continuously, some disciples of various sects have come out of Baicao valley.

However, it is strange that few people seem to come out this year.

Elder Liu Xuanqing, the seventh floor cultivation of Yuanying of cangyun sect, looked at the total number of people who came out of the valley today. He immediately frowned and became angry: "what's the matter? What the hell is going on? Where are the people dead? In recent days, there are less than 100 testers from all schools, and... None of our cangyun sect disciples have come out yet. What are they doing in there? If you don't come out again, you'll have to wait for the next time... "

"Elder Liu, calm down! Maybe the disciples found some treasure or chance in it! " Zhou Shan, a new elder on the first floor of Yuanying, said carefully.

"Impossible! It's too strange. It's impossible that all the disciples of cangyun sect have encountered opportunities, right? Moreover, not many disciples from other sects came out... "

Liu Xuanqing looked suspicious. Just at this time, the transmission array at the exit lit up. A disciple of other sects was transmitted. Liu Xuanqing immediately pulled him over and asked, "what's going on inside? Has anything strange happened? Have you ever seen our disciples of cangyun sect? "

"Liu... Elder Liu? I haven't seen any disciples of your sect. Everything is normal inside! Nothing strange! "

That disciple happened to be looking for lingcao conscientiously inside, and did not participate in any major events. He came out as soon as time came, so he didn't know what happened inside.

It was equivalent to that elder Liu Xuanqing asked Bai. He was so angry that he pushed the disciple out, slapped him on the nearby rock and said angrily, "where are our disciples! What the hell happened? For so many days, how come none of the disciples came out and there was no news... Are they going to rebel? All betrayed the school? "

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