"Lin Feng, elder Kang is setting you up!"

After hearing elder Kang's words, Zixia fairy immediately sent a message to remind Lin Feng, for fear that Lin Feng would suffer a loss.

However, Lin Feng smiled and said to Zixia fairy, "who's on whose set doesn't know yet? Zixia, just be at ease! Waiting to see a good play... "

"Hello! Smelly boy, are you sure! If you're not sure, don't promise! This white feather sword seems to be a good thing. Just now they said... This is the only way to open the secret room of the treasure house of the white feather gate! Otherwise, they wouldn't be so nervous! "

Xiao nishang also hurriedly sent a message to Lin Feng and said, "even if we want to return it, we have to go to their treasure house to sweep it first!"

"Come on! Crazy girl, your vision is so limited. What are the good things in the treasure house of Baiyu gate? Hey, hey... I don't like it! On the contrary, the supreme sword formula is a good thing... "

Narrowing his eyes, Lin Feng inadvertently looked at the three big characters at the gate of the mountain. Then he had confidence in his heart and directly promised to elder Kang and others: "yes! Kang Changlao, that's it! Don't worry, I have the white feather sword. It's safe! I promise nothing will happen to it... "

Lin Feng's words make people want to vomit blood again!

A flying sword. What can happen to you?

Most likely, it's not lost by you!

However, hearing that Lin Feng finally agreed, elder Kang was relieved and quickly agreed: "Taoist Lin, it's a deal! We have three days! "

"No problem! You... And you, one by one, three days later, wait to meet the new leader! "

After the two sides negotiated the terms, Lin Feng winked at Zixia fairy and others and said, "Zixia, Hongxia, crazy girl, let's go... Let's go down to the secret room to understand the supreme sword formula! You can learn advanced sword skills and get a sect for nothing. Why not do such a beautiful thing? "

With that, Lin Feng didn't talk nonsense with the people of the white feather gate anymore. He directly controlled Feng Tong's sword and flew towards the cultivation chamber below.

Zixia fairy and Xiao nishang also followed up one after another. On the contrary, Bai Shuangshuang in the white feather hall was lonely and heartbroken.

In her opinion, her father just killed Lin Feng and others. Lin Feng and himself must be impossible. He must hate himself very much.

"Junior sister! This... This is all a misunderstanding. I believe Lin Daoyou won't care. "

Wang Po Feng didn't know how to comfort his younger martial sister, so he had to whisper aside.

"Forget it! Elder martial brother Wang, I know... I'm far from worthy of Taoist Lin. Besides, it's ridiculous! Lin Daoyou and I have only been in contact for only half a month, but we never forget him. Elder martial brother Wang, do you think I am very cheap? " Bai Shuangshuang said with some self mockery.

As soon as Wang pofeng heard this, he was also distressed. He quickly waved his hand and said, "no! can't! Younger martial sister, in my eyes, you are the most beautiful and perfect woman in the world. No man can match you... "

"Elder martial brother Wang, thank you! I've been making me happy since I was a child. But I know what I am like. well! In the future, I will put away those unrealistic dreams. This time, Taoist Lin must be unable to understand the sword formula left by the founder of kaipai, so he handed over the white feather sword at that time. I'm afraid... The supreme elders will deal with Lin Feng. I hope elder martial brother Wang can... Help... "

At this time, Bai Shuangshuang decided to give up on Lin Feng, but he was still concerned about Lin Feng.

"How? As long as I can do... "Wang Bangfeng patted his chest and said.

"My father should hold me tight these days, so I'll bother my senior brother to tell Lin Daoyou and let him leave here quickly in these three days! As long as you keep the white feather sword, the supreme elders won't go after him. " Bai Shuangshuang said.

"Good! Younger martial sister, I'll go in a minute. "

As soon as Wang pofeng had promised, he saw the leader's white robe come in with a gloomy face. He looked rather embarrassed and said to Bai Shuangshuang unhappily: "Shuangshuang! Come here. You've been introspecting in the cave for half a year. Don't run around for me! You know what? Everyone provokes me back... "

"Father! Lin Daoyou didn't mean any harm...... "

Bai Shuangshuang had expected such a result, so he asked Wang pofeng in advance, but he still defied his father.

"He has no malice. Do you mean that all this was provoked by his father?"

Leader Bai really lost face today. He was not only disgraced by Lin Feng's nuclear bomb, but also lost the leader's symbol Bai Yu sword. He had to ask the elder to come forward before he could barely negotiate such a three-day agreement with Lin Feng. For him, it was a shame among the humiliations.

Therefore, Bai zhangmen immediately implicated his anger in his daughter and immediately gave her a foot ban.

"Hum! The Father himself knew what it was because of! "

As soon as he turned his head, Bai Shuangshuang flew back to the cave by himself.

"Shifu, little younger martial sister, she actually..."

Wang broke the wind and was embarrassed. He still wanted to speak for Bai Shuangshuang, but with such a stare from leader Bai, he didn't dare to speak again.


At this time, Lin Feng happily came to the cultivation chamber below. In fact, it was a secret chamber. It was really not secret at all. It was completely an open-air thatched shed!

"These practitioners of the white feather sect really enjoy it! You got a natural hot spring here? You can practice in the hot spring every day? "

Lin Feng fell down. Seeing the hot natural hot spring full of sulfur, he was happy and shouted at the Zixia fairies, "come on... Zixia, Hongxia, crazy girl! Let's have a mandarin duck bath together? "

"Lin Feng, don't you have a serious thing in your mind? What did you say to do just now! Isn't it for understanding the sword formula? " Xiao nishang glanced at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"Hey, hey! There is plenty of time to understand the sword formula! Isn't there three days left? First take a hot spring to relax! Otherwise, how can we have the best state? "

With that, Lin Feng ignored the thirty-seven twenty-one, brushed himself, and then jumped in.


Hongxia and Zixia fairy were startled, closed their eyes and shouted.

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