"Xiao Feng! Where have you been for ten years? "

Lin's mother came forward and held Lin Feng in her arms, crying and laughing.

Their children finally came back safe and sound. Over the past ten years, Lin's mother didn't know how many nights she missed Lin Feng and couldn't sleep.

"Xiao Feng! You bastard! Ten years! Where have you been? At least give your family a word! You don't know what your mother is worried about... "

For the first time, Lin Fu was angry and shouted at Lin Feng.

But everyone knows that such anger is normal and represents Lin Fu's father's love for Lin Feng.

"Mom and Dad! Sorry, I really can't come back. Not to mention word of mouth, I have gone to another world. "

Lin Feng also knew that what he said was incredible. However, in fact, this is the case, but now everyone knows that there are practitioners, which makes it much easier to understand the transmission array and other aspects of the world.

"Other worlds?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, all the people present opened their mouths one after another.

Although they are all practitioners, they have always lived on the earth. They only know that the extraterrestrial demons of the corpse Yin sect come from other worlds. It's really unexpected that Lin Feng has gone to other worlds in the past ten years.

"Boss! Tell me... What is the other world like? Did you go to the nest of the corpse Yin sect? " Zhang Zhen asked with interest.

"I don't know! The world I came to is very big, and there are all practitioners in it. Even, there are many practitioners in the period of Yuanying and Shenhua. Maybe... There are higher levels. I can come back by chance... "

Lin Feng is not particularly clear about what happened on earth, especially the current main situation of his great saint group.

However, seeing that everyone's cultivation is not weak, Lin Feng also knows that it is much better than he thought.

"Yes! Boss, I forgot to introduce myself to you. There are many strange faces here, you may not remember... "

Then Zhang Zhen began to introduce them one by one, because there were many foreigners here.

"This is avason, the top physics professor in the United States, and this is yevsky, a Russian chemist..."

After a series of introductions, Lin Feng was also stunned.

The faces of these people may be familiar to Lin Feng, but their names and titles are like thunder. When Lin Feng was going to receive the Nobel Prize, he had already seen the data of some of the world's top scientists in advance.

As a result, it can now be said that eight of the world's top scientists have been concentrated in Dasheng city.

"Well... What's going on? Zhang Zhen, you... This is inviting the power of the scientific community all over the world? " Lin Feng was surprised.

"No! Boss, thanks to sister-in-law Alice... "

Zhang Zhen said with a smile, "when the demons broke out outside the sky, thanks to sister-in-law Alice's reminder, we remembered that we should first rescue the world's famous scientists, and scientists in various fields, so as to preserve the seeds of science for our human civilization! Otherwise, when we want to invent an atomic bomb, there will be no corresponding scientists... "

At this time, Alice jumped out happily and said proudly, "Lin Feng, my husband! I am proud to tell you that with my efforts, the scientific power of Dasheng city can be said to be far more than that of the previous United States and the most in the world. "

So many scientists, all of which are the top types in the world, are concentrated in such a small holy city. We can imagine how powerful the scientific power in this city is.

"No wonder... No wonder, there should be artificial sun and blue sky above the head, right? This is only in science fiction! "

Lin Feng looked at the farmland not far away and found some clues, "those are high-efficiency planting bases! All scientific planting, making full use of every piece of land... "

Seeing these scientific and technological achievements, Lin Feng couldn't help but be amazed. The power system of the whole city, including the most advanced and safe nuclear engine, has been used, and there is no need to worry about insufficient energy.

"Yes! Lin Feng, we don't need anything now! I want you back... "

Regardless of so many people, Xu Minjing snuggled in Lin Feng's arms, then suddenly remembered what Lin Feng had just said, and asked, "just now you said... You have a lot of spirit stones? Really? Now we have a group of very good and gifted children in Dasheng City, but there are not enough spirit stones to make their realm have not broken through... "

"What? Boss, do you have a spirit stone? Hand it in quickly! I have been stuck in the later stage of this golden elixir for two years because I have no spiritual stone supply. oh dear! I saved the spirit stone and gave it to my two nephews and nieces! You have to make it up to me... "

Zhang Zhen was still the previous cheeky character. He pestered Lin Feng and asked for compensation.

Seeing him like this, Lin Feng smiled and said, "good! Zhang Zhen, tell me, how many spirit stones do you want as compensation? "

"Ha ha! The boss is the boss. It's so cool! I don't want more... Give me... En! How about giving me 10000 pieces of spirit stone? Hey, hey... I'm not greedy! Ten thousand! "

Zhang Zhen said with a smile, but as soon as he said this, everyone present was startled.

Ten thousand inferior spirit stones!

This is not a small number!

Even, for the current Dasheng City, this is one-third of the whole Lingshi reserve. At present, there are only thirty or forty thousand spirit stones that can be found in the whole Dasheng city. Everyone has a disdainful look at Zhang Zhen. He also means to speak! It's too greedy to ask for 10000 pieces of spirit stone as soon as you open your mouth?

However, for Lin Feng, he smiled and didn't take it seriously. With a casual shake of his hand, a lot of spirit stones flew out of it.


Pieces of spirit stones fell down

One hundred!

A thousand dollars!

RMB ten thousand yuan!

Ten thousand spirit stones, no more, no less.

"Sleeping trough! So many spirit stones, boss, you... Do you really give them to me? You went to other worlds and really became a local tyrant? "

Seeing so many spirit stones, Zhang Zhen's eyes straightened this time.

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