
The disciples of the Shiyin sect of more than ten strands are basically in the golden elixir period and the foundation building period, and only a few are in the Yuanying period.

However, without exception, there are a lot of corpses of Chinese people in each team.

Even, in three or four teams, they captured hundreds of thousands of Chinese people alive, and all of them were strung together with a magic weapon like a rope.

Those Chinese people who were strung together alive howled in pain. They were in a state of life rather than death.

However, these goddamn disciples of the corpse Yin sect still take this as a joy, and even compete with each other on how to abuse these Chinese people in order to burst out a more tragic cry.

"That's unreasonable! You are not human at all... "

Lin Feng, who originally wanted to kill, was even more angry. Without saying a word, he directly covered his spiritual knowledge and momentum.


Lin Feng was a cultivator in the later period of Yuanying, but the spirit stone and momentum broke out, which was not weaker than the cultivator in the period of transforming God.

Therefore, as soon as the disciples of the corpse Yin sect felt Lin Feng's powerful spiritual knowledge, they immediately trembled and stopped everything in their hands.

"Dare to ask which elder!"

"This is the trial planet of our corpse Yin sect. I don't know which elder entered by mistake..."


The two yuan infantile practitioners who asked questions didn't finish them. Suddenly, with a bang, they burst into a flower of blood.


At this moment, all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect were shocked.

This... What does this mean?


A word doesn't agree... Kill?

At least, this is also the trial planet of the corpse Yin sect. He was so arrogant when an outsider broke in?

Originally, these disciples of the corpse Yin sect were afraid of Lin Feng, but they couldn't help shouting one by one.

"What school are you from? So you don't know the rules? This planet is under the control of the corpse Yin sect. How dare you be wild here! Do you really think my corpse Yin sect didn't turn into God? "

"Don't run if you have seed! I've sent a message to the martial uncle in the period of transforming God. You can kill my disciples of corpse Yin sect at will and wait for our revenge! "


However, the disciples of the Shiyin sect who spoke had no time to speak a second sentence. All of them, like the previous two, burst into a flower of blood.


After a sneer, Lin Feng's voice sounded like a Hong bell over the whole capital, "then how can I revenge your corpse Yin sect for killing billions of people on earth?"

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of the corpse Yin sect were even more shocked

"What? Earth man? "

"What did he say? Is he from earth? "

"Impossible! How can there be spiritual cultivation among people on earth? "

"But he kept saying that?"


These disciples of the corpse Yin sect did not expect that the elder of the incarnation period, who made them awe and angry, would be earth people.

It's unbelievable that the earth people are like slaves who are slaughtered at will. After all, the aura on the earth is not enough to give birth to a spiritual cultivator. They heard that the earth people have a primordial period before, but this is almost the limit

The Chinese people who were locked and still alive were very excited when they heard Lin Feng's words.

Some who could still see looked up at Lin Feng in the sky, and someone recognized it immediately.

"It's the great saint! It's really a saint... "

"The great saint is back at last! Great sage, help us... "

"Great! The great saint has come to save us! "


Great saint!

These two words!

Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of justice and invincibility in the hearts of the Chinese people!

After Lin Feng appeared in the name of the great saint, he made the word the great saint become a resounding Chinese business card.

All Chinese people are proud of the great sage.

But it was a time of peace. Although we were proud of the great sage, we didn't feel any crisis of life and death.

But now, the whole earth has become a piece of ruins, the end of the world, countless compatriots have been destroyed to death, and the living are also living without dignity.

At this time, everyone desperately needs a reason to live, a spiritual idol to worship and place hope.

Originally, the great saint was the best choice!

However, the great saint has been missing for ten years. No one knows where he has gone, no one even knows whether he is dead or alive, and no one knows whether he will come back

And now, the great saint is back!

The great saint returns and sweeps away all evil spirits!

Many people are full of tears!

The pain in the body had been completely ignored. They shouted wildly, they roared, they waved their chains, and the whole person trembled

"No! It seems that this person is really an earthman! "

"Is this man called the great saint? Quickly... Send a flying sword and send a message. Please turn your God to shishuzu! "

"Call more people!


The disciples of the corpse Yin sect began to report one after another. They knew that they would never be Lin Feng's opponent, so they had to ask for help, immediately, and in large numbers.

"Ha ha... Call people! Call all your ancestors and I'll kill one! Two, I'll kill one! Come and kill me... "

Seeing this, Lin Feng didn't immediately kill all disciples of the corpse Yin sect, but deliberately left time for them to report.

Come on!

Just come on!

What baby elder!

What God period shishuzu!

Even... Why not have one or two fit old monsters?

I'm not afraid of you calling people!

I'm afraid the people you call are not enough to kill!

Looking at the news sent by the disciples of the corpse Yin sect, Lin Feng stopped worrying and continued to kill. His spiritual knowledge covered him. His mind moved. None of these low-level practitioners could stop them, and they burst into blood flowers one by one.

"All dead? How... How did you die? "

"The great sage is mighty!!"

"We are free! Run... "

"But this damn thing strung us all together..."


The captured Chinese people were stunned one by one. They were forced by Lin Feng to explode into a mass of blood without even a move from their extremely powerful tianwai evil.

Such power!

Completely beyond their expectations!

Even beyond their cognitive level.

At the same time, they also uncontrollably cried and moved.

Over the past five years, the dignity of human beings on earth has been eroded to such a low level!

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