"Sir, excuse me..."

"Who are you, who dare to be in the territory of my corpse Yin sect..."

"Kill my disciple! You are ready to pay with blood! "


Although the elders of the corpse Yin sect did not start, they still fired several guns.

However, how could Lin Feng listen to them? His time is very precious!

Many people from the corpse Yin sect have come this time. If we don't attract them and kill them bit by bit, I'm afraid we'll have to run around for a long time!

"Have you said enough? Any last words! Come on, I'll give you five breaths. "

Lightly, such a domineering remark immediately made the elders of the corpse Yin sect completely blow up.

Five breath time to say last words?

Are you kidding?

Even if you are the strong one in the fit period, you should be afraid of it under the siege of so many incarnation periods and Yuanying periods!

But now, so arrogant, let's leave a last word?

Now, the elders of the corpse Yin sect are really angry!

They took out their magic weapons and flying swords one by one and began to accumulate strength to enlarge their moves. Everyone thought about how to kill Lin Feng, and then they could take the Yuanying and head of the earth strongman to the sect to receive high rewards.

If you occupy an indigenous planet like this, and then kill the leaders or strong among the indigenous people on the planet, you can receive high rewards from the sect.

Before that, the most powerful cultivator on the earth was Yuan Lin, who was the later cultivator of Yuan Ying.

However, Yuan Lin's physique is too strong, and his ability to escape is very strong. He even escaped a powerful pursuit in the fit period. Not to mention several times of encirclement and suppression in the period of turning God, these elders of the corpse Yin sect touched the ash of their nose.

This time Lin Feng appeared, but they saw a lot of bounties again.


Such a beautiful dream seems to have awakened before it is finished.






When he counted here, Lin Feng yawned and continued, "five! Give you five breaths, since you are so introverted and silent! If you don't leave a last word, then... I won't send it... Go to hell! "

Lin Feng's words suddenly stopped here, and the anger of the elders of the corpse Yin sect exploded like a volcano.

Sword light!

Strong vitality power fluctuation!

However, they haven't had time to release the trick.

Suddenly a powerful force of rules appeared around!

Sword rules!

A flying sword that can break time and space, that's it

A sword!

Pierced the bodies of more than a dozen elders in the incarnation period!

A drop of blood didn't come out!

Come on!

Lin Feng's sword is so fast that people don't feel it at all!

The elders in the period of turning God who were hit by the sword, their thoughts broke in an instant!

Then, I didn't even feel the pain.

Their bodies are still intact, but their spiritual consciousness has completely disappeared.

Even Yuanying has no time to escape!

Even... There's no time for self explosion!


One sword!

Sword back!

Just a round trip!

It was quiet in the middle of the noisy sky.

All the elders of the corpse Yin sect kept the same movement just now.

Even a few people who open their mouths are still half open.

Time, as if solidified.

The Chinese people below were surprised. Lin Feng's sword was too fast. He went out and came back with one sword. It was difficult for even the practitioners in the period of transforming God to capture his trajectory, not to mention these ordinary people. They didn't think Lin Feng had moved at all.

Lin Feng still stood there motionless, but those practitioners in the period of transforming God could not move.

"What's going on? Those evil spirits outside the sky were stunned by the great saint? "

"Curious! Didn't they still clamor to join forces to besiege the great saint? Why is there no action now? "

"Is it difficult? They are playing with one, two or three wooden people. Don't move?"


Just when all the Chinese people were puzzled, a burst burst in mid air.

The first body exploded, and then there was a shower of blood!



Bang Bang Bang Bang

In the sky, there was a blood rain!

This may be the most expensive blood rain in history!

They are all those who live in the period of Yuan Ying and Hua Shen period. Each drop of their blood does not know the essence and strength of how many talents exist.

Lin Feng smiled faintly, covered with spiritual knowledge, and put away the Yuanying, all of whom had lost their vitality.

These yuan babies are all good things!

All of them are Yuanying in the later stage of Yuanying and the period of transforming God. In addition to those collected before, Lin Feng now has as many as two or three hundred Yuanying in his hand.

This is no joke!

Even among the big sects like Baiyu sect and cangyun sect, there are only a few hundred practitioners in Yuanying period.

Corpse Yin sect should be a much larger super sect than Baiyu sect and cangyun sect. However, practitioners above Yuan Ying period will never be everywhere like Chinese cabbage.

After all, Yuanying is a barrier that most practitioners can't cross for almost a lifetime.


Blood rain!


The Chinese people below watched a shower of blood fall, and they didn't even have time to hide. They were immediately covered by this smelly shower of blood.

After half a ring!

All the talents react again.

Mahatma won!

Their great saint is invincible!

Facing the siege of so many extraterrestrial demons, the great sage has killed all extraterrestrial demons without making any moves.

"Great sage! Mahatma, please let me follow you! Please give me strength! "

"Yes! Great sage, I will follow you to kill the demons outside the sky... "

"Anyway! Mahatma, can I have the same power as you? "

"We want revenge! We will kill all the evil spirits outside the sky... "

"Kill... Follow the great saint and kill all evil demons!"


If Lin Feng's previous actions can be regarded as arousing the hope of survival in everyone's heart, then this time Lin Feng's strong strength is to ignite everyone's anger and hatred.


Counter attack!

Find the human dignity of the earth!

Drive the demons out of the sky completely

no It's killing on earth!

Use their blood to pay tribute to the hundreds of millions of dead compatriots!

Counterattack, here we go!

Lin Feng wants this effect!

Looking at the emotions of tens of thousands of Chinese people below, he also ignited.

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