
One smashed the fortress where Lin Feng's three father and son were hiding, but elder Qiu did not relieve his anger, but was even more angry.

"What should I do? Elder Qiu, they even know that they escaped early! Now the earth is so big, where can we find them? " Elder Zhou is also in trouble.

"Dig three feet! Look everywhere, and... Find a way to offer a reward among human beings on earth! Find their hiding place at all costs! "

Elder Qiu narrowed his eyes and ordered, "everyone spread out and offer a reward in the major cities of the earth! Catch the cultivator named Da Sheng. Once found, he must be caught alive, and reward the informant with enough resources to practice until the birth... "

In order to get the demon refining pot, Qiu Changlao does not have much time at all costs. The longer the time is delayed, the more likely it is to be discovered by other practitioners in the fitting period, so he must seize the time.

At this time, the five fit stage practitioners hidden among the many yuan infant stage practitioners felt that elder Qiu was angry, and they all felt that they were not normal.

The five of them began to communicate with each other through spiritual consciousness.

"Old Qiu always pays attention to the overall situation! How can you get angry because of a little guy in the later stage of Yuanying? "

"Yes! Look at this posture. I want to find this person at all costs. Moreover, it seems that as long as you live, there will be something fishy in it. "

"Yes! With Qiu laoguai's personality, it's impossible for Yuan Ying's later cultivator to spend so much effort to find him... "

"I've heard that the three people seem to have a special ability to break through the space and move hundreds of miles away. Otherwise, Qiu laoguai would not work hard to arrange a large array to block the space. Can it be said that the three people have some kind of treasure that can break through the space? "

"It must be so! Otherwise, it doesn't make sense at all. Even if a practitioner in the later stage of Yuanying is strong, he can't be under the hand of a fit period... No! It should be said that two men in the fit period have escaped their lives repeatedly! "

"Treasure! It must be a treasure! I guess, at least it should be the fairy level... Otherwise, it's impossible to make old Qiu so interested! "


As soon as their spiritual consciousness communicated with each other, they were ready to move immediately.

Originally, they just planned to compete for the earth secretly, which can make the cultivation speed accelerate steadily.

But now, they feel as if they have found something wonderful. At least... They vaguely feel that Qiu laoguai keeps chasing and killing the cultivator in the later stage of Yuanying because of a treasure.

In this way, the treasure that Qiu laoguai values so much must be a good baby, and they are naturally very interested.

"Let's not expose it for the time being! Hide like this for the time being and see how old Qiu monster goes next! "

"Yes! Hide your strength. We'll join hands when Qiu laogua succeeds! Take advantage of it... "


The five practitioners in the fitting period hid deeply. After such a discussion, they scattered again. It seems that they spread the news like other practitioners in the yuan and infant period, but in fact, the four people followed elder Qiu and others at a constant distance and kept an eye on his movements.


At this time, a grand celebration ceremony is being held in Dasheng city.

Lin Feng successfully promoted to the early stage of transforming God, mastered the application of multiple elements, and even combined these applications with the law of sword to create multiple sword techniques.

"Congratulations! Lin Feng, with you, the earth can be carefree! You are our true earth God of war! "

Chen Luping raised her glass. In such a Grand Auditorium, there were nearly 10000 elites left on earth.

"Congratulations to the great saint!"

"Congratulations to the great sage..."

"Long live the great saint!"

"The earth is saved..."


Everyone also raised their glasses together and sincerely congratulated Lin Feng on his promotion, because only Lin Feng's promotion can guarantee their life safety.

At this time, Zhou Yun was like a shy little lady, following Lin Feng, wearing a purple evening dress. She looked very lovely.

The essence of the wood in her body gave Lin Feng, though she had lost a little bit of her energy, but then Lin Feng supplied her strength, but also made her repair to the highest peak of the yuan baby.

Woof, woof

Tweet, tweet

Rhubarb and Mengmeng are also around Lin Feng. Xiao Jin and Xiao Hei are flying in the air. After 20 years of tempering, each of Lin Feng's pets has the ability to resist the spiritual cultivators.

Even, Xiao Jin and Xiao Hei married happily and gave birth to a pile of black and gold insect eggs. I don't know what kind of spirit insects will be born inside and are hatching.

"Thank you for your congratulations! However, it's too early for us to be happy. The evil invaders have not been driven out of the earth. We still have more than 1 billion compatriots suffering outside. This time... We must concentrate our firepower to kill all the demons outside the sky... "

He raised his glass and Lin Feng drank it up. In the past ten years, although he has been killing those disciples of the corpse Yin sect, his fists are difficult to defeat four hands. The earth is so big that he can't take care of the people in every country and region on the earth. He is still devastated by the corpse Yin sect.

The world's population, which originally grew to more than 7 billion, has rapidly fallen below more than 1 billion in the past 20 years. Moreover, of the remaining 1 billion, 7 Chengdu is Chinese, because Lin Feng is basically protected by the region of China.

Other countries and regions without the protection of Lin Feng's third father and son have been persecuted by those extraterrestrial demons. Now there are only hundreds of millions of other races in the world.

For the whole earth, it was really a catastrophe to be invaded by extraterrestrial demons.

"Report, boss! According to the new information just received, in the outside world, Qiu Changlao of the corpse Yin sect issued an order to search all the information and whereabouts about the boss, and also offered a reward with resources enough to cultivate to the age of Yuanying... "

Xiao Yulong, who was already Yuan Ying's later cultivation, came forward and whispered as soon as he received the news.

"Oh? Have you used a counter plan? Since they want to know so much! We'll do what we want! Just let out all our information and tell them that Lin Feng is waiting at Tianmu peak to see if they have the courage to come... "

Lin Feng was full of confidence after his promotion to the God stage. This feeling of bursting strength was enough to make him ignore the siege of several practitioners in the fit stage.

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