In fact, just as soon as Lin Feng came out, he had secretly released Xiao Jin and Xiao Hei.

Now these two insects are amazing. They have grown rapidly to maturity and have strong reproductive attack ability.

This reproductive attack ability is to give birth to many eggs in a short time, and then after the eggs hatch, they can produce a kind of insect with strong short-term survival attack power.

With such attack ability, it's almost impossible to prevent, especially against some fit old monsters with advanced cultivation. As long as they are not 100% focused on their body, Xiaohei and Xiaojin can easily invade their body to lay eggs.


When the five old monsters found everything in their bodies, they were already late. They can only finally watch their internal organs completely eaten by dense insects.

"Ah! What the hell is going on? Where did the bug come from? "

"These insects can devour the vitality in my body. Elder Zhu, find a way! What should I do now? We can't deal with these insects at all! "

"Hurry up! Forty percent of my body has been eaten by insects... "

"Come on! Try to see if Yuanying can escape... "

"It's no use! Yuanying is surrounded by insects and can't move at all. Moreover, even if Yuanying escapes, can we escape Lin Feng's clutches? "


At this moment, these old monsters in the integration stage are really gray.

Although they had probably known their fate before, they could not imagine that they would eventually die in the hands of small insects. In the face of Lin Feng, they would not even have the ability to attack and counterattack.

"Dad! This is another five yuan babies in the fitting stage. "

Lin Sifeng floated beside Lin Feng with a smile, and then shouted at his two sisters, Lin Anqi and Lin linger, "sister Anqi, sister linger, start preparing! I'll see which of you receives more yuan babies in the five fit stages... "

"Brother, of course it's me!"

Lin ling'er turned her eyes and said with a smile.

"Are you talking big? I won't fall behind. "

Lin Anqi also patted the wind pocket and was ready at all times.

"Little black! Kim! Come back! "

When Lin Feng saw that the time was almost up, he called Xiao hei and Xiao Jin back, and the insects in the old monster's body that had entered the five integration periods began to die one by one.

They all belong to one-time life creatures. Their life span is very short. If they are longer, they can last two more days, or even a few minutes. They are all under the control of Xiaohei and Xiaojin.

When Xiaohei and Xiaojin separated, basically the body of the five fit old monsters had only an empty shelf, but only Yuanying was intact, because their Yuanying was of great use to Lin Feng.

"OK! Angie, it's time for us to show our skills! "

Lin ling'er pulled the wind pocket, and then flew up.

"Wait for me... Don't run!"

Lin Anqi also immediately caught up with them. Their wind pockets were grabbed by the five fit old monsters who were about to escape at this time.

"Spread out! The wind pockets of these two female dolls are too powerful. If they are caught, they will die! "

As soon as elder Zhu escaped, he was scared to death. He quickly controlled Yuanying to escape from afar.

However, the two girls would not let go of any of them at all. They chased up with flying swords.

"No! You can't accept me... "

A fit old monster screamed and was accepted by Lin Anqi.

"Come in, too!"

Lin ling'er also shouted and harvested a yuan baby in the fit period.

That's it. You and I divided it up.

Finally, Lin ling'er found and caught three yuan infants of old monsters in the fitting stage. Lin Anqi was a little weaker. At the last time, Lin ling'er robbed him first.

"Ha ha! Dad, look... I can grab it better than Angie! "

Lin ling'er ran down excitedly and said.

"Dad! I made a mistake this time. If I were given another chance, I would not lose to her. " Lin Anqi said somewhat unconvinced.

"All right! okay! You two are both heroines, all right? "

Xu Minjing joked aside.

"No! no way! You have to say what your father says... "

Lin Anqi immediately waved her hand and said.

"Yes! namely! What Dad says counts! "

Lin ling'er also said on one side. The two girls locked their eyes on Lin Feng.

"Yes! You are all good children. Now that the demons outside the sky have been eliminated, we will kill them to their base camp immediately, and then close the array quickly. In this way, the people of the corpse Yin sect can't find us at all. "

Say it! Lin Feng nodded at Xu Minjing again and said, "Minjing, open all the arrays! Our army is going to be killed! "


Xu Minjing almost just waved his hand, and Lin Feng found that the space array that locked the whole Dasheng city had completely disappeared.

"All of them! Kill these evil spirits outside the sky of the corpse Yin sect! Are you still not happy? I'll take you to copy their nest! "

Lin Feng raised his arms and suddenly those who had not killed the happy people just now were in high spirits again.

Now the earth people hate the disciples of the corpse Yin sect more than the Chinese were hostile to the Japanese.


The heavily armed army of earth practitioners went towards the air fortress and array of the corpse Yin sect.

Because the corpse Yin sect almost poured out just now, there are less than 100 practitioners in the air fortress, and some of them are elder Qiu who stayed to guard the house.

At this time, Zhang gen, a practitioner in Yuanying period who controls the whole fortress, suddenly found that a large number of practitioners with accomplishments above Yuanying period approached from the feedback of the fortress, and immediately said happily to another Yuanying period practitioner nearby: "look! It's our army back! Unexpectedly, the two elders led the army out this time and made such a quick decision. "

Another baby also nodded, smiled and said, "of course! After all, this is an abandoned star. There can be no high-end cultivators at all. Even if there are one or two of them.

With more than 1000 yuan in the past, the two fit old monsters naturally made a quick decision and returned quickly.

However, when the team got closer, Zhang Gen found it in horror and shouted, "no! no These are not our people! It's an earthman... My God! When did the earth people have such diverse practitioners in infancy? "

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