
Big win!

Counter attack victory!

It was completely beyond everyone's expectation. The practitioners of Baiyu sect and other sects completely escaped from death.

Such ups and downs are really a little too exciting!

When the last escaped disciple of the Shiyin sect was killed, everyone burst into a strong cheering.

Everyone shouted Lin Feng's name in unison. Long live Bai Yumen.

Lin Feng stood in the center of everyone and glanced at the past.

All the disciples of Baiyu sect are full of pride and happiness. Looking at the disciples of other sects, they have mixed feelings in their hearts. On the one hand, they are glad that they have finally escaped death. On the other hand, they despise their leader Lin because of what they said to Baiyu gate. As a result, they are beaten in the face by facts, and feel that there is an unspeakable hot taste on their face.

"Win! Younger martial sister, we really won... "

An infant practitioner of the white feather sect passed by Bai shuangshuangshuang excitedly.

However, Bai Shuangshuang looked at all this with a very sad look. He didn't know how to release it at all.

However, Lin Feng didn't notice the situation of Bai Shuangshuang here. His spiritual consciousness was released around him. He wanted to see if there were any missing fish of the corpse Yin sect.

On the contrary, Xiao nishang, the crazy girl, saw Bai Shuangshuang's appearance, smiled and shook her head, and then quietly landed.

Clean the battlefield!

Cheer for victory!

Even, the leader Lin Feng shouted to make a victory feast for everyone. All the disciples of Baiyu sect screamed and cheered one by one.

"Great! Can you be late for the big meal cooked by leader Lin again... "

"I don't know if it was the buffet last time!"

"If so, it's worth it!"

"I missed it last time. I must grasp it this time!"


The disciples of Baiyu sect were very excited, but they made the disciples of other sects feel very strange.

"Hello! We are practitioners of the truth. We have long been able to create a valley without eating. Why does the leader of your Baiyu sect cook? And... You look so excited? "

"Yeah? Even the most delicious delicacies are just ordinary appetites for our practitioners! Even the food we eat will consume our strength to expel impurities! Do you say that you have fallen to the same level as mortals, accumulating more and more toxins in your body in pursuit of the appetite? "

"Strange! Strange! How strange! Your white feather sect is really weird. A leader in the period of transforming God is so powerful and can cook? The disciples are all... Delicious? "


In the face of the doubts of these outside sects, the disciples of Baiyu sect closed their mouths. No one told the secret of the meal made by Lin Feng. They all showed a mysterious smile.

"Hey, hey! Those fools, how can they know what the delicious food made by our leader Lin is! "

"Just... Don't tell them, otherwise... There are so many people to grab food!"

"But it's a guest! Leader Lin is so generous. When the food is ready, we must invite these expatriate disciples! "

"That's a problem! Forget it... Just invite! Anyway, now the leaders are back. In the future, as long as we strive to contribute to the sect, are we afraid we won't have a big meal? "


After cleaning the battlefield very quickly, the disciples of Baiyu sect began to drool one by one, waiting to eat the big meal made by Lin Feng.

Of course, some of them were directly caught by Lin Feng as coolies and began to help him.

Therefore, for a moment, there was a very disharmonious picture. In such a mountain behind the white feather gate with fairy wind curling, the running water was gurgling, and the crane and the fairy deer danced together, but somehow hundreds of big iron pots were built.

good heavens!

More Than This!

And liquefied gas tanks!

There are all kinds of modern oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar!

And all kinds of condiments and items!

Generator and induction cooker, refrigerator and microwave oven are a family photo of the whole kitchen.

Needless to say, these are all brought by Lin Feng from the earth.

The last time Lin Feng came here inexplicably, he didn't have the slightest preparation!

However, this time is different. Before Lin Feng came, he stuffed a lot of good things into his divine water world. Apart from others, he didn't know how many sets of his own clothes! Anyway, be prepared. Shenshui space is boundless. Lin Feng can put as many things as he wants.

Of course, not only the items used for food and clothing, Lin Feng also put some more strange things in Shenshui space.

What the hell is a generator?

What the hell is an excavator?

What the hell is a sports car?

What the hell is a plane?

Even... Satellites!

And an aircraft carrier!

These... Are indispensable on earth. The largest port in the former United States found by Lin Feng alone is an aircraft carrier Washington. Don't be vain. Of course, Lin Feng has directly entered the Shenshui world.

So, for Lin Feng, what are hundreds of big iron pots?

However, this surprised the kitchen disciples of Baiyu sect one by one.

"Wow! The leader is so powerful. What kind of jar is this... It can spit fire! "

A disciple studied the liquefied gas tank with great interest and said it was amazing.

"This thing is strange! The headmaster just taught me, you see... No ingredients need to be shredded. As long as you roll from here, they will automatically become one by one... "

"And this! Come and see, put things in, turn around, and then wait to hear a Ding! It's just heated. There's no fire in it? "

"What's that... Look at this big box that the leader asked me to take charge of. It can freeze inside! At first, I thought there were some array spells working, but they didn't work at all! The headmaster said... This is a refrigerator. It uses... Electricity... "


For these earth buns in the cultivation world, everything Lin Feng took out was full of a sense of freshness and surprise. These high technologies are unheard of and never seen before!

However, these are not the key points. The key point is... Lin Feng is going to cook a pot of shocking dishes today!

As for the practitioners of the outside sects, they are all watching and rubbing. Although they are very curious about these things taken out by Lin Feng, they still don't see the dishes made by Lin Feng. They always think that it's very foolish for practitioners to eat.

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