Today's Bai Shuangshuang is like a small boat in the sea of suffering. He can't find the way forward at all. He can only drift with the waves and can't see the confused way ahead.

However, after Xiao nishang read this poem, it ignited the fire of hope in Bai Shuangshuang's heart.

That's why she looked at Xiao nishang like this, hoping to get an answer from Xiao nishang's mouth.

However, Xiao nishang just shrugged her shoulders, smiled and said, "why do you ask me? You should ask your own heart! What do you want? Then... What should I do... "

"What do I want?"

Bai Shuangshuang asked himself, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I don't want to suffer like this again. I want to tell him that I..."

Bai Shuangshuang clenched his lips and said, "I feel about him, I hope... He can know. Even if... Even if he doesn't feel that way about me. Then I have... No regrets! "

"Yes! Since you know what you want so clearly in your own heart, why hesitate and hesitate? " Xiao nishang smiled relieved and said.


However, Bai Shuangshuang hesitated again.

"But what?" Xiao nishang asked.

"But I'm afraid!"

"Haven't you considered the worst consequences? What are you afraid of? "

Xiao nishang came forward and patted Bai Shuangshuang on the shoulder, cheered her up, smiled and said, "don't worry! According to my years of experience, Lin Feng is a big turnip! Don't you think sister Zixia and I have fallen into his clutches? You are taking the initiative to go to the fire pit! "

"I'm not afraid!"

Bai Shuangshuang said stubbornly, "nishang girl, i... I want to be Lin Feng's woman like you."

"Go! Since you made the decision yourself, then... Please don't let yourself regret it and summon up your courage! " Xiao nishang finally encouraged.


Bai Shuangshuang nodded heavily and made up his mind.

Just at this time, Lin Feng had come out of the encirclement of his disciples.


Lin Feng just came out. Bai Shuangshuang had already controlled the flying sword, rushed forward, grabbed Lin Feng's hand and pulled him up.

"Eh? Miss Bai, you... What are you doing? "

Although Lin Feng's spiritual sense had already found that Bai Shuangshuang rushed over, he did not dodge, but was pulled into the air by Bai Shuangshuang's hand and stood on Bai Shuangshuang's flying sword.

"Lin Zhang... Lin Feng! I... I have something to say to you... "

The pinched Bai Shuangshuang was even more ashamed in the face of Lin Feng.

"Say something! What are you doing flying so high? "

Lin Feng also couldn't laugh or cry. Bai shuangshuangshuang kept flying upward and completely flew to an altitude of 10000 meters.

In the air, a genuine vigorous wind came and was blocked by Lin Feng's protective mask.

"What I want to say can't be heard, so... I have to fly high to say it to you."

Bai Shuangshuang was very nervous and his voice trembled.

Since she was born, she has never faced a heterosexual like this, and she has never been so nervous. Her heart beats too fast to breathe. Her vitality and blood collide indiscriminately. As soon as her chest goes up and down, she doesn't dare to collide with Lin Feng's eyes directly.

"Oh? What are you going to say? "

Looking at Bai Shuangshuang in front of him, Lin Feng said with some knowing questions.

The small pink face and exquisite waist reveal a sense of simplicity and holiness. The white clothes float above the 10000 meters high altitude, which also can't help but remind Lin Feng of her appearance when she just met Bai Shuangshuang.

Talk about life with her in the woods!

Made delicious roast chicken for her to taste!

Under Bai Shuangshuang's amazing eyes, he killed the cultivators of cangyun sect.


Although Lin Feng and Bai Shuangshuang haven't been together for a long time, these memories flash in my mind like a movie at the moment.

Similarly, in Bai Shuangshuang's mind, these scenes also roar past.

"I want to be your woman! Just like nishang girls and them...... "

Finally, after holding it for a long time, Bai shuangshuangshuang said directly that he didn't know how long he held it in his heart.


Lin Feng couldn't help laughing.

He really never heard the girl express herself so directly, which is more direct than the crazy girl Xiao nishang.

"Lin Feng, you... What are you laughing at? Don't you want to? Do you think... I don't deserve you? "

Bai Shuangshuang was worried when he saw Lin Feng laughing so brightly.

"No... Miss Bai, I feel a little... That's what... Right! It should be that happiness comes a little too suddenly... "

Lin Feng quickly waved his hand and explained, but he couldn't help laughing and saying.

"What the hell do you mean? You... Would you like me? " Bai Shuangshuang said with a pinch.

Indeed, whether it's practitioners or ordinary people, it's really difficult enough for a girl to say such words.

"It's not whether I want it or not, but... Do you know my situation? I... I already have women, and there is more than one... "Lin Feng said in a very serious tone.

"I know! Nishang girl told me that you not only have her and Zixia fairy, but also many other sisters, but I... but I don't mind! The more excellent a man is, the more women should like him! We are practitioners. We have a long time. I believe you will... Hurt me enough... "

As if afraid of being rejected by Lin Feng, Bai shuangshuangshuang said quickly.

And Lin Feng was also said by her call. She didn't know what to say. Finally, she held it for a long time. Looking at Bai Shuangshuang's white and stubborn little face, she asked softly and affectionately, "have you really considered it clearly?"

"Well! I've thought it over. "

Bai Shuangshuang gave a heavy nod.

Then the next second, Lin Feng's thick and soft hot lips stabilized Bai Shuangshuang.


The whole flying sword was manipulated by Bai Shuangshuang and was attacked by Lin Feng. The flying sword immediately swayed and was about to fall.

"Take it!"

However, Lin Feng directly put Bai Shuangshuang's flying sword away, and then his water control ability was immediately displayed. Unexpectedly, in the altitude of 10000 meters, the whole high-altitude water vapor was directly condensed into a large piece of ice, suspended in the altitude, and then with a slap, he held Bai shuangshuangshuang and crushed on the ice bed of 10000 meters

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