However, before the man finished his sarcastic words, Lin Feng snapped, took out a top-grade spirit stone, threw it on the counter and said, "come to a Tianzi room! Stay for ten days first... "

One top-grade spirit stone is equal to 100 middle-grade spirit stones and 10000 lower grade spirit stones.

Lin Feng immediately threw out a top-grade spirit stone and directly changed the man's face. He quickly complimented: "master Xian doesn't remember villains. The villain immediately took master Xian to the best Tianzi room..."

With that, the waiter took Lin Feng to room Tianzi No. 10. After opening the door of the room, Lin Feng knew that it was not unreasonable for Xianyuan house to dare to collect ten Chinese spirit stones for one night.

In the room, the immortal sound is faint, the clouds are swirling, and even there are natural hot spring pavilions. All kinds of furnishings and even lit incense burners are conducive to cultivation.

Such a room, even among the top ten sects, I'm afraid only the elders in the period of deification have the financial resources and qualifications to decorate it!

"How's it going? Immortal master! All the wing rooms of our Xianyuan residence are carefully designed and arranged by level 4 array mages. You see, what is lit in the incense burner is a millennium sandalwood incense of a medium-grade spirit stone, which is especially helpful to calm Qi and concentrate. It is the best assistance in cultivation... "

The man knew that Lin Feng was a rich owner, so he worked hard to introduce him.

"All right! You can step down... "

Of course, Lin Feng knew what the man wanted. He threw out some inferior spirit stones and sent the villain out.

"Thank you, immortal! Thank you, immortal... Don't worry! In the evening, when the snake clan witch performs, the villain must inform the immortal master in advance... "

The man who got the tip naturally withdrew happily.

Lin Feng sat cross legged in the room and enjoyed the luxury box of these ten middle-grade spirit stones for one night.

"Good! That's right... In this box, there are materials that completely block the prying of spiritual consciousness. Not to mention anything else, the cost of this material alone is very expensive! "

As soon as Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness spread out, it was blocked by a force. After careful identification, he found that there was a layer of special material outside the whole box.

Sure enough, no matter what world, the coastal areas are more developed. Looking at other items and array furnishings in the box, Lin Feng is basically far ahead of the big schools in the inland.

Moreover, there are many items that Lin Feng has never seen used at all. It must have been passed from the yanxuan mainland.

However, Lin Feng is basically not interested in these. What he is interested in is the performance of snake clan witch at night.

In fact, whether on earth or in the eastern yellow Kingdom, Lin Feng has never seen any species other than human beings.

That's why the snake witch aroused Lin Feng's interest. After taking a short break in the box, Lin Feng heard a knock on the door outside.

"Master Lin Xian! The snake clan witch's performance is about to begin... "

It was the voice of the man before. Lin Feng knew it as soon as he heard it.

He got up and opened the door. Lin Feng nodded and said to him, "lead the way ahead!"

However, the guy didn't move, but smiled and stretched out a hand to ask for a tip.

"Take it!"

Lin Feng shook his head when he threw out two inferior spirit stones. Although Xihua city on the west coast is prosperous, it seems to be a place where you can't walk without spirit stones.

This is a bit like Shenzhen at the time of reform and opening up. There are money addicts everywhere, but it is difficult to move without money.

But fortunately Lin Feng had nothing else, but there were a lot of spirit stones.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Lin Feng came out directly from a secret passage in xianyuanju.

"Huh? Isn't the performance of the snake witch in your Xianyuan residence? "

Felt farther and farther away, Lin Feng was a little confused.

"Of course not in our Xianyuan residence. Master Lin doesn't know. The business of the snake clan witch was completely monopolized by a god changing Donghua immortal. This Donghua immortal master, relying on the merchant ships, buys snake clan evil women from yanxuan mainland, and then carries out various sales and performances, charging high fees... "

The waiter carefully explained, "master Lin Xian should pay more attention when entering the guild hall. Don't provoke right and wrong. Even if you see a snake witch you like, you must buy people with hualingshi according to the rules of the guild hall. Never rob... "

"Oh? Robbery? Has anyone done this before? "

Originally, Lin Feng thought it was just a simple performance, but now when he heard what the man said, he knew that in the whole west coast, it seemed that the industrial chain of snake witch had been monopolized.

"Yes! There was once a fairy master in the later stage of Yuanying who fell in love with a snake Witch and didn't want to pay a high ransom fee, so he robbed people and ran out when people didn't pay attention. As a result... "The man deliberately raised his tone and got stuck in this place.

Knowing that he was going to tip again, Lin Feng threw out two inferior spirit stones: "go on..."

"Of course, the result is self-evident. The immortal master of Yuanying's later stage was directly caught back by Donghua immortal master, and even Yuanying was dug out. From then on, no one dared to make trouble in the guild hall of Donghua immortal teacher. "

I got a lot of tips from Lin Feng. The guy was obviously very happy and told Lin Feng many secrets about the snake witch all the way.

"I heard that the snake clan was originally a big clan in yanxuan continent, but the defeat of the tribal war directly led to the destruction of the clan. Many snake clan demons were caught by practitioners one after another. As a good double - furnace repair tripod for practitioners! "

Man is not a cultivator, but he is very clear about many Xinmi among cultivators. After all, he has been in contact with so many.

"Oh? Is the snake family still a big family in yanxuan continent? It seems... This yanxuan continent is not simple! "

Although this guy doesn't know much, Lin Feng can still speculate through this sentence. I'm afraid this yanxuan continent is not as simple as he thought. It's all Terrans. It is very likely that the human race and other demon and beast races live together, and the demon and beast races also have huge power, and wars often occur between tribes.

"Yes! Immortal master, I heard that... One of the snake clan demons was a saint, and she also wandered out. It is said that the snake Saint really has the blood of the real dragon. If the immortal master can be good with the saint who has the blood of the real dragon, he can also get a trace of the blood of the real dragon at the same time, which is very conducive to the cultivation of the immortal master! " The man suddenly thought of some hearsay and added.

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