As soon as the high price of $50 million was shouted out, situ Shaofeng, the leader of Weihai Gang, shocked the whole audience again in an instant.

It's not a small hand to raise the price by 20 million in one breath!

This is 20 million inferior spirit stone! I'm afraid that's almost all the possessions of ordinary practitioners in the period of transforming God.

Although these people have advanced accomplishments, they have consumed countless spiritual stones for thousands of years. Generally, those who can maintain 10 or 20 million inferior spiritual stones can be said to be relatively rich on hand.

The people who really have money are those from major sects and gangs. Even those in the aristocratic family dare not let some children of the aristocratic family squander their wealth at will because their wealth belongs to the whole family.

This is the biggest difference between Xiuzhen aristocratic family and ordinary mortal aristocratic family. The sense of crisis and challenges faced by Xiuzhen aristocratic family are more urgent. Although they have certain cultivation advantages, they also have a lot of cultivation resources.

But all this is based on blood ties. People in the whole family struggle. It is not something that some young masters and sons can squander at will.

However, gangs are very different. Among the three bullies and nine families, the young leader of the three bullies can be said to hold countless power and spirit stones. In the real sense, he can spend as much as he wants.

However, one thing is that these young guild leaders are not mediocre. They will spend the spirit stone on the blade, otherwise... They naturally don't have the ability to sit in this position. After all, every cultivator gave birth to many children before he became a Yuanying.

On this side of the west coast, Lin Feng also thoroughly understood that as a cultivator, whether male or female, it is almost impossible to have children as long as they reach the primordial period.

The way of heaven is fair. If you want to live forever, you must cut off the opportunity to have offspring.

This is also the viewpoint put forward in modern scientific theory on the continuation of life. Biological reproduction is actually immortality in a sense. Through continuous reproduction, such a race can live forever.

In fact, immortal creatures in the real sense have existed, but this kind of creatures will no longer have the function of reproduction because they can live forever, so they will become extinct.

In fact, those who want to cultivate longevity also go along such a route.

However, these are also digressions. When Lin Feng heard situ Shaofeng shouting a high price of $50 million, he felt that it should be, and he was a little suspicious.

In his heart, he thought, what's so special about these 48 snake clan demons that situ Shaofeng should spend so much to get them?

Of course, other people don't think so much. They just think that situ Shaofeng is too heroic and spends a lot of money!

They couldn't help feeling and began to seriously inquire about the identity of situ Shaofeng.

"Fifty million! Is this man crazy? Completely crazy... "

"If I have 50 million spirit stones, why not! I have bought some pills and magic weapons for a long time, which can help me achieve higher accomplishments... Maybe I can live a few more years! Used to buy these snake witch who can only have fun in bed. Bah! I really can't think of it! "

"Who is this master situ? So big? The surname situ is more common in our area... "

"If you really want to study carefully, this situ childe should not be the one of the Weihai Gang?"

"Young leader of Weihai Gang? It seems... It seems to be him! "

"No wonder! It's the young leader of Weihai Gang...... "


Soon, the reputation of situ Shaofeng, the young leader of Weihai Gang, became very famous. Even the red haired old monster named price just now couldn't help shouting at this side: "since the young leader of Weihai gang has a crush on these 48 snake clan demons, I'm willing to quit and give in!"

As soon as he said this, the people under him were full of contempt for his words. Your old man clearly said just now that anyone who can offer 40 million won't follow up the bidding. Now situ Da Shao shouted 50 million. You have to come out and make concessions on purpose, as if you can continue to afford it.

However, the situ Shaofeng was very gracious and kind-hearted. He also bowed his hands and smiled and said, "thank you for your acceptance. If you really like these snake clan demons, you can come to our Weihai gang in a few days. I can give you a few... "

"So good! Thank you, young sect leader! " The old monster with red hair thanked him with great joy.

However, with the admission of situ Shaofeng, all the people present had nothing to say. Weihai Gang is the largest force on the west coast. Even those practitioners in the integration stage should give Weihai Gang a face, let alone them.

It's too late for the practitioners in the period of transforming God to make friends with Weihai Gang!

Since situ Shaofeng showed his identity and shouted a high price of 50 million, everyone thought that situ Shaofeng was popular. Apart from situ Shaofeng, who else dares to bid for these 48 snake clan evil women?

"Mr. situ paid 50 million! Does anyone else offer a higher price? It seems... Mr. situ is destined to hold the beauty back tonight... Wrong! The beauty should have returned! "

The East China immortal master has laughed so much that his mouth is almost crooked. If they were auctioned separately, these snake clan demons would sell a total of only 10 or 20 million, but now they can call 50 million. This is definitely going to make a lot of money.

"Fifty million to buy forty-eight snake clan demons. What's wrong with these snake clan demons?"

Driven by Lin Feng's curiosity, he quietly explored his spiritual knowledge to see what was different about these snake clan demons.

It's not polite to check with spiritual knowledge, but it's also completely in line with the rules of looking for a happy home. Many people have done this just now. Lin Feng just disdained it, so he hasn't checked these snake clan demons.

This time, after he explored his spiritual knowledge to check, a snake demon looked at it one by one, but he didn't find anything unusual.

It's just that the body structure is different from human beings. Others seem to be really common.

But when Lin Feng was about to withdraw his spiritual consciousness, suddenly his spiritual consciousness touched a snake witch hiding in it. The snake witch obviously trembled all over, felt Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness, checked it, and then immediately seemed to have met the Savior. He also called to Lin Feng with his spiritual consciousness: "please, help me..."

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