Seeing that all his conditions were agreed, master Donghua nodded slightly, but his face was still not very good-looking.

Even if he won't lose money this time, his reputation will eventually lose, and Lin Feng put him together, which has blocked the heart of Donghua immortal.

Take a deep breath and try to calm yourself down. Master Donghua's eyes slowly swept around, and then he bowed his hands. Such a gesture stunned many people present.

"You Taoist friends, the problem really lies with me this time. I... Would like to give you some compensation. One million spirit stones per person. Come up and get them."

Speaking of this, master Donghua Xian took a look at Lin Feng and suddenly had a plan.

Being able to do such a big business, master donghuaxian's mind is not stupid. He was put together by Lin Feng before. In the twinkling of an eye, he thought of a method for Lin Feng.

If he compensated others for the spirit stone, but did not compensate Lin Feng, it would be hard for others to say. Although a million spirit stones may not be much for a person who is a hundred million spirit stones, he can at least disgust Lin Feng.

Thinking of this, the corners of Donghua immortal's mouth outlined a sneer.

Lin Feng has been observing the expression of the immortal master Donghua. Seeing this, his heart moved, his spiritual knowledge expanded, and he spoke to the white bearded old ghost in the crowd.

"This Taoist friend, this is the compensation of one million spirit stones. I'm really sorry."

Master Donghua took out a storage bag, but his heart was dripping blood.


The monk standing in front of him was about to reach out and pick up the past. Suddenly, he heard a low cry from the crowd: "I say everyone, have you forgotten who won the benefits for us?"

As soon as the words came out, the originally complicated friars suddenly became silent.

"Yes, it's Lin Daoyou, so I think since he won it for you, Lin Daoyou should be the first to get compensation. I believe that master Donghua and all of you here think so."

In the crowd, the old ghost with white beard talked.

He was really afraid of offending situ Shaofeng, but he was not very afraid of Donghua immortal.

No matter how powerful Donghua immortal master is, it is a period of transforming God. So is his old ghost with white beard. Maybe he is a little lower than Donghua immortal master in realm, but anyway, he is also a monk in the later stage of transforming God. Donghua immortal master can't take him even if he hates him.

Therefore, for Lin Feng's sake, master Donghua immortal didn't mind adding a knife in this case.

When master Donghua heard the speech, his breath stagnated and he was almost crazy.

The cold eyes instantly locked on the white bearded old ghost in the crowd.

The old ghost with white beard looked at him reluctantly.

After a short silence, someone said one after another: "Taoist Bai Xu is right, Taoist Lin, you'd better get this one first."

The person in the front row who could have received the first share said very consciously that he was just a monk in the middle of Yuanying. For him, a million inferior spirit stones were almost half his own wealth. Therefore, he was naturally grateful to Lin Feng.

Now I am willing to give up my position without hesitation. Anyway, I can get it later, that is, the order is different.

"Yes, thanks to Lin Daoyou this time!"

"Lin Daoyou, please go to get the compensation first!"

All of you and I said a word, which directly pushed Donghua immortal division into a situation where it was difficult to ride a tiger.

Should he give it or not?

Seeing Lin Feng coming towards him with a smile, the facial muscles of the East Huaxian teacher twitched rapidly.

"Donghua Daoyou, I didn't expect you to be so open-minded. I believe your business will be better and better in the future."

Lin Feng said with a trace of compliment.

However, the more he was like this, the more uncomfortable he was.

Seeing that the immortal master of Donghua was still in place, there was no movement. Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said suspiciously: "is it unwilling for you, Taoist friend of Donghua? In that case... "

"No! Stop it. I'm willing to compensate. "

The East China immortal master returned to his senses and hurriedly pushed the storage bag into Lin Feng's hand.

He has learned Lin Feng's powerful mouth. If he keeps talking, he may come up with some shocking words next.

"Well, in that case, thank you very much and leave."

Lin Feng arched his hand and turned to walk outside the crowd. The monks along the way took the initiative to make way for a road and greeted Lin Feng with a smile.

When passing by the white beard old ghost, Lin Feng inadvertently pushed the storage bag in his hand into the white beard old ghost's arms.

A million inferior spirit stones are really nothing to Lin Feng, but they are not a small number for the casual repair of the white beard old ghost, which has little power. You can tell from the tone of the white beard old ghost at the previous auction.

Lin Feng has always been clear about gratitude and resentment. Whether there is gratitude or resentment, he will repay ten times.

It is certain that the old ghost of white beard can stand up and speak for himself under such circumstances and offend master Donghua. In that case, Lin Feng will of course choose to repay him.

"I'll go first. Taoist friends should be careful later. Don't be watched."

Lin Feng preached with spiritual knowledge.

"Lin Daoyou just leave. As long as situ Shaofeng doesn't intervene, he alone can't help me."

At this time, the white beard old ghost came back to his mind. He hesitated for a moment and didn't show any affectation. He directly put away the storage bag. He just looked at Lin Feng and his eyes became obviously different.

The road to truth is lonely and bumpy.

In the case of interests, what friendship has long been forgotten by the monks.

Lin Feng did not hesitate to give him the one million inferior spirit stones, which has shown his sincere heart.

This kind of person, the old ghost with white beard, has lived for hundreds of years, and it is the first time to meet him.

"An old man who is bad for my good. Damn it, young master situ, can you help me later and assign another person to help me. As a result, I lost the white beard old ghost?"

Seeing Lin Feng's figure disappear in his field of vision, Donghua immortal master was almost angry and immediately sent a message to situ Shaofeng road.

"Donghua Taoist friend, the strength of the old ghost with white beard is not comparable to that boy in the early days of turning God. Moreover, he has no grievances with me. Is it not within the scope of my help? You also know that Xihua city is not peaceful. It's the limit for me to send one of my men out. If I send someone again, will you be responsible for my safety? "

Situ Shaofeng is a little unhappy. He usually asks others. Has anyone ever asked him?

In his opinion, it's very kind to take Lin Feng back alive and bring him to Donghua immortal master. He's a dignified young master. Has he become a tool for Donghua immortal master?

Sensed the fluctuation of situ Shaofeng's mood, master Donghua quickly said, "master situ, I'm abrupt this time. Sorry, I'll solve the white beard old ghost myself."

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