"Brother Lin, are you... Are you okay?"

Seeing Lin Feng injured, Qianqian immediately exclaimed, looking full of worry.

Even when running the Dharma formula, Lin Feng never stopped exploring Qianqian. Lin Feng found that at the moment of her injury, the snake Saint really wanted to care about herself from the bottom of her heart.

This made Lin Feng feel inexplicably at ease.

"It's all right. It's a little hurt."

Lin Feng waved his hand: "by the way, Qianqian, do you know if there is something similar to a seal or something, which is in this shape."

As Lin Feng spoke, he outlined the chain shape in his memory in the air with vitality.

"This is..."

After Qian Qian saw it, his eyes showed a trace of confusion. However, after a moment, Qian Qian's pupils suddenly tightened up: "nine days and ten earth seals, my God, brother Lin, what's your identity, and you should be planted with such seals!"

"Nine days and ten earth seals?"

Lin Feng searched his memory for a moment, but did not find any information about it.

You know, twenty Sea God beads have passed on countless masters, including ordinary people, monks and immortals. It can be said that these knowledge reserves of memory inheritance have been quite rich.

"Yes, this is a means of sealing the blood of the demon family, and it is a particularly extreme means."

Qianqian took a deep breath and her plump chest fluctuated up and down. Obviously, she was very frightened at this time.

"The reason why it is extreme is that if you use the seal, it will cost your own life. After you use it, the seal will stay in your body forever. Once you die, the seal will look for the next host. This seal is extremely powerful. Even if you let the whole demon world go, there is no way to crack it."


Lin Feng was a little silly when he heard the speech.

There is no difference between a sealed powerful blood and no blood.

This is a chicken rib! What's the use without a solution?

"However... There is a rumor that one of the dragon clan leaders was sealed for nine days and ten places at first, and then he succeeded in lifting it with a method. However, the dragon clan leader is very mysterious, so I don't know whether this rumor is true or false."

Qianqian propped his chin with his hand and said with hard thinking.

"How do you know this?"

Lin Feng looked suspicious.

It is reasonable to say that Qianqian is just a saint of the snake family. Even if the snake family and the dragon family have origin, they must not be too deep. Otherwise, the snake family will not be destroyed, and Qianqian and others will not be caught.

Lin Fenggen had never thought of it, but his words touched Qianqian's sadness.

Qianqian's eyes were red, and there were tears in his eyes. This expression was definitely not pretended, so Lin Feng's claws.

What he fears most is that women cry, and women's cry is also the most terrible thing in the world.

"Well, don't cry, don't cry, Qianqian. If I accidentally offended you, I apologize."

Lin Feng hurriedly coaxed.

Fortunately, there are enough women, and the experience of coaxing women is a little. Now Lin Feng is no longer a rookie in high school.

Qianqian hesitated and said, "in fact, our snake family has always lived in the demon world. Only thousands of years ago, our branch was framed, so we were expelled from the lower world. Because of the retention of blood, our development is still very rapid, and soon became the leader of the demon family in the Xiuzhen world."

"But people are hateful... Of course, brother Lin, I'm not talking about you. There are too few kind monks like you."

Speaking of half, Qianqian hurriedly explained.

"It doesn't matter. It's true. That's right."

Lin Feng smiled. At present, in the cultivation world, Terrans absolutely occupy a dominant position. However, through some historical records in the cultivation world, the talent of Terrans can only be regarded as general among countless star regions. There are countless races. They have unique advantages in cultivation.

Just like the dragon clan, the weakest dragon clan just born has Mahayana cultivation, and countless monks are still fighting for this goal.

What you get, you also lose.

Today, human beings rely most on not cultivation, but wisdom.

With wisdom, there will be a conspiracy to win more with less, win the strong with weak, and survive in the world with wisdom.

This is man.

In the hearts of countless demon races or other races, humans are cunning.

Lin Feng will not argue against this.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't care, Qian Qian was also a little relieved and continued: "this time, we were trapped by a human Friar and besieged by many friars during the robbery period. Among these friars, there were three Mahayana friars. Finally, the strong ones in the family were killed and injured, and we were forcibly moved out by several elders' blood sacrifice transmission array."

"My mother is one of the elders who sacrificed."

Speaking of this, Qianqian has burst into tears.


Lin Feng sighed in his heart, but he didn't know how to comfort.

"Originally, we thought we could be safe, but we met many late fitting monks. Although we also had fitting period, the number was too small. Due to physical and mental fatigue, we were soon subdued by each other and forced to put a vitality curse on us."

Qianqian looked miserable. In order to remove the vitality curse, she looked for many methods, but all failed. There was a saying in the cultivation world that once she was hit by the vitality curse, it means that the road of cultivation in this life has come to an end.

So Qianqian is now completely desperate about it.

"What level of strength are you and your sisters?"

Lin Feng's heart moved and asked.

"I have the accomplishments in the early stage of combination. Most of the 47 sisters are in the realm of transforming gods, and there are a few in the six stages of combination. The strongest one is on the sixth floor of combination."

After a pause, Qianqian continued: "because it took too long to be printed by the middle and lower vitality curse, our vitality has passed a lot. Even if we recover, we will fall to at least two or three small states."


Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully and stood up: "stay here and don't leave. I'll go out and come back right away. I'll lift the vitality spell for you later."


Qianqian only answered at will. However, after listening to Qinglin Feng's words, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly stared round and said excitedly: "brother Lin, what are you talking about? Do you have a way to remove the vitality spell? "

Qianqian has been bound by this spell seal for two years. This spell seal is like a yoke on her.

Now, hearing that there may be a way to solve this spell seal, how can Qianqian not be excited?!

[the fifth watch, two days in a row! Do you still want to continue watching the fifth watch every day? Then come to QQ to read, subscribe, reward and vote! Now, brother fire is finished, and it's awesome.

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