This sudden force is extremely terrible. At least in situ's cognition, this force is definitely better than himself.

Although the defensive Dharma array above the attic was also laid by him, situ Bo's attainments in Dharma array were not very high.

Therefore, the array arranged can at most defend against the attack of the strong around the middle of the combination.

In an instant, situ Bo decided that if he ignored the attack, his defense array would be fragmented, and at that time, he would become a fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered.

"No, I have to resist, but in this case... It's too late to think more!"

Situ Bo's mind turned like electricity, but the next moment he gave up directly to suppress the restless vitality in his body, and blew a punch upward at the same time!

The restless vitality seemed to find a breakthrough at this moment, swarmed to situ Bo's fist, and finally turned into an extremely huge attack penetration defense array, which was together with Zhang Xiong's hard attack!


How powerful are the monks in the later stage of integration?

The terrible vitality wave diffused from the mid air to all around, and the visible ripple energy swept away wave by wave, sweeping the gang members of the nearby Weihai Gang to the ground.

A little faster, just spitting blood.

The one who reacted more slowly was directly killed by the aftershock on the spot.

At this time, Zhang Xiong also fell into a state of ignorance. He couldn't believe it. Why did situ Bo fight back?

His move is clearly intended to break the Dharma array and save situ Bo!

What the hell is going on?

At this time, situ Bo had scolded the man who attacked him thousands of times. At the same time, he prayed silently: "don't, don't!"

Facts have proved that situ Bo's prayer is of no use.

Situ Bo's vitality was already saturated by his peak cultivation.

Even if no one attacked the Weihai Gang today, he was lucky to suppress this vitality fluctuation, but he can only suppress it for a while, I'm afraid he won't be able to suppress it next time.

During the critical period of repression, situ Bo was attacked, resulting in that he had to fight back. Now, his vitality fluctuation has been leaked out and sensed by heaven and earth.

"The guild leader is fine, and this time he has the upper hand against the guild leader. Great, we Weihai gang can be saved."

The surviving Weihai gang members and elders were very excited when they saw this scene.

"Wait. When our guild leader comes out, you'll all die here. You'd better not run!"

"Yes, master situ, come out quickly. My subordinates are willing to go through fire and water for you and fight the enemy together!"

The crowd was so angry that the momentum of the Weihai Gang reached its peak at this moment.

In the face of the provocation and abuse of Weihai gang members, the four Zhang Xiong in the air have been in a completely dull state.

"Help... Leader?"

"What the hell!? Who are they talking about? Is it brother situ? "

Ren demon was also silly and asked.

"Hehe, you demons, now know the name taboo of our guild leader. I tell you, our guild leader's surname is situ, and his single name is Bo. The guild leader used to come from yanxuan mainland overseas. Under the same level, almost no one is the opponent of the guild leader. Hum, hum, wait. It seems that the guild leader's cultivation of suppression is successful. You'll die soon!"

Elder LV hugged his chest with both arms and said politely.

Hearing what elder LV said, the four of Zhang Xiong immediately understood.

"Brother situ, isn't he the leader of Dinghai Gang? Why are you the leader of Weihai Gang now? "

Lu'an mumbled with his eyes blankly. He tried to recall the situation when he asked Lin Feng before, and even directly extracted his own memory to explore what happened at that moment.

However, the results of the exploration made him more confused.

The fact is right. According to the news he got, situ Bo was indeed the leader of Dinghai gang and was imprisoned by Weihai gang.

"Haha, haha, do you think it's useful to ask big brother to be soft now? In addition, please don't use such a bad excuse in the future. We Weihai gang and Dinghai Gang have always been feuds. When we were the old leader of Dinghai gang at the beginning, we were hurt by our situ gang leader and damaged our foundation. Dinghai Gang thought it was too late for us to die. "

Another elder laughed wildly.

At present, the only elder who remains calm and understands the truth is elder Yang who was chased and killed by Ren demon.

Take a deep breath. Elder Yang took a step forward and arched his hands at the four monks in front of you: "four, I think you should have been used. Did someone tell you any news, so he let you kill the Weihai Gang?"

When elder Yang said this, people on both sides were stunned.

The elders of Weihai Gang reacted fiercely. Old LV jumped out and shouted, "elder Yang, what do you mean? Why are you so polite to them? They have slaughtered tens of thousands of us. The backbone of our Weihai Gang is almost dead and injured! "

"Yes, elder Yang, come here quickly so that they don't attack you secretly. Situ gang leader should come out right away. Then we will work together and kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

After the monks of Weihai sect had confidence, they looked at the four people in the air with scarlet eyes, clenched their magic tools one after another, and showed their green veins on their exposed arms.

They are completely angry.

Seeing that they usually live together, the gang friends who chat and fart die one by one. At this time, the Weihai gang members have no fear of death.

They have only one idea now, that is, to use people and keep the four people in front of them here!

"You all shut up. Can't you see the situation now? The four of them came to the man we Weihai gang were looking for, which was situ Bo, the leader of our situ Gang! "

Elder Yang's voice was a little bitter. Although he dared not admit it, after countless times of repeated judgment and deliberation, this was the only answer he got.

"You guys, am I right?"

Elder Yang raised his head and looked at Zhang Xiong again. On the surface, his tone was calm. In fact, in his heart, elder Yang has scolded these four so excited fools who were used and killed thousands of times.

All the mess of Weihai gang was caused by these four people. They were all fresh lives. Even after Lu'an's array, the friars in the guild didn't even leave their bones.

In other words, even if they now have 10000 soul reviving pills, even one person will not be saved.


Feeling the eyes of everyone nearby falling on themselves and others, Zhang Xiong finally realized a problem... They were fooled.

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