
The red lightning was brewing in the thunder clouds, and a palpitating threat slowly spread, and Lin Feng felt great pressure.

Although Dinghai Shenzhu can cover up his breath and make Lei Jie unable to lock it, it does not mean that he can help Lin Feng block the pressure.

Therefore, this belongs to the thunder robbery and threat of erzhuan friar. Lin Feng should resist it himself.

"This is at least twice as powerful as the previous thunder robbery!"

Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

About the nine turn friar, there is also a lot of relevant knowledge in the Dinghai god pearl.

But it's one thing to remember and another to see.

Until now, Lin Feng didn't understand why he felt a threat on Zhang Xiong when he first saw him.

After all, in a sense, Zhang Xiong is no longer a fit monk, but a monk beyond the range of fit monks, between the peak of fit and the period of robbery.

At this level, Zhang Xiong has mastered some means of crossing and robbing friars, or has a trace of the characteristics of crossing and robbing friars.

Its combat effectiveness is naturally unmatched by ordinary friars.

"Two turn thunder robbery, big compensation."

Lin Feng licked his lips. He could clearly feel the joy from the demon smelting pot.


Finally, the thunder that had been brewing for a long time crashed down.

If the previous thunder robbery was like a silver snake, now the two turn thunder robbery is like a world destroying magic dragon, and there are some cracks in the space between the huff and puff.

The demon smelting pot was spinning again, and after this absorption, a light red light appeared on the demon smelting pot, which looked very strange.

Lin Feng was surprised to feel the connection between robbing thunder and refining demon pot.

He obviously noticed that when absorbing the red thunder robbery, the demon refining pot absorbed more than the ordinary thunder robbery before.

"Is it because it was repaired?"

An idea came into Lin Feng's mind.

But the next moment, he lost consciousness briefly.

The dazzling red awn made Lin Feng completely lose his vision. The earth trembled. Lin Feng subconsciously moved his steps. The position where he stood before has now cracked a huge gap. The violent atmosphere of thunder robbery is raging on the island.

In contrast, the previous ordinary mine robbery was too weak to explode!

You know, this is because the demon smelting pot has absorbed part of it. It can be imagined that if the thunder robbery still keeps its full strength, what terrible power will it be?

In the middle of the red light, Zhang Xiong stood still. It was faintly visible that a trace of blood had seeped from the corners of his mouth, but Zhang Xiong's expression was full of excitement.

"I can bear the power of thunder robbery!"

Zhang Xiong roared in his heart.

Although this was powerful, it was much weaker than he expected.

This made Zhang Xiong, who was already desperate, suddenly raise endless hope in his heart.

As for the life and death of the tool spirit, it was no longer in his consideration.

In short, under his perception, at least 90% of this thunder robbery was resisted by this ship magic weapon.

While surprised, Zhang Hongzhi inevitably has some regrets.

He knew that he was afraid that after the robbery, the unknown magic weapon spacecraft would completely lose its role. In addition to the material being worth some money, it had no substantive role at all.

At the same time, outside Dinghai Gang headquarters.

"This two turn thunder robbery is so powerful. I don't know if brother Zhang can carry it."

Situ Bo looked dignified and had a lot of balance in his heart.

Seeing the power of the two turn thunder robbery, situ Bo didn't want to be a nine turn monk.

I'm kidding. This powerful thunder robbery feels scared at the bottom of my heart so far away, not to mention Zhang Xiong who directly bears the thunder robbery.

"It's a blessing, not a disaster. It's a disaster. However, blessing and disaster depend on each other. This sentence is right at all."

Situ Bo silently rejoiced.

Fortunately, I had a problem with the robbery. Otherwise, when I thought that I had become a nine turn friar, I needed to watch out for the arrival of the thunder robbery all day. When the thunder robbery really came, I was afraid that the probability of surviving was less than 10%.

"Look, brother Zhang's unknown ship magic weapon was obtained from a huge relic. It is definitely beyond the magic weapon level. Maybe it can really help brother Zhang carry down the second turn thunder robbery."

Lu an took a deep breath and said with a worried face.

"Brother Zhang must have no problem. He has his own heaven. We all thought he was dead in the ruins last time. In the end, he didn't run out alive?"

Although Zhugan was relieved on the surface, the worried expression on his face directly betrayed him.

"Look, the robbery cloud hasn't dispersed, which shows that brother Zhang resisted the first thunder! Just resist again and he can become a second turn friar. "

The sharp eyed Ren demon seemed to find something and screamed in surprise.

But now no one paid any attention to his disgusting and shrill voice. When they looked back, they found that the robbery clouds in the sky were still rolling and had no tendency to dissipate.

"Fortunately, we are here to silently protect brother Zhang's Dharma, so as to prevent irregularities from coming to destroy it."

The cold color in situ Bo's eyes flashed away.

Before, after his thunder robbery disappeared, situ Bo noticed the shadow of the gradual retreat of several major forces, including their sworn enemy of Weihai Gang, Dinghai Gang!

What the other party is doing, situ Bo can guess with his ass.

Ding Qianshan is not a fool. If he knows that he is indifferent to the robbery, he doesn't deserve to be called the leader of the gang.

Situ Bo didn't investigate the parade some time ago. It's not that he is broad-minded, but that he has been waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for the arrival of Zhang Xiong and others.

Now people have arrived. Even if Zhang Xiong is not needed, they just kill Dinghai Gang, and Dinghai gang has no power to fight back.

Thinking of this, a faint murderous opportunity appeared on situ Bo.

"Someone is coming."

Lu'an's heart moved and suddenly said.

As a matrix mage, Lu an is quite accomplished in spiritual knowledge. He is second only to Zhang Xiong among several people. Even situ Bo is ashamed of this.


Ren demon frowned and asked.

"I don't know. They are holding a flag, which seems to say... Well, Dinghai Gang is right."

Lu'an glanced up in the air, narrowed his eyes for a moment and said.

"What? These bastards dare to come! "

Situ Bo was stunned when he heard the speech, then showed a bloodthirsty smile, sneered and said, "well, well, I haven't found you yet, but you took the initiative to send it to the door. It's true that there is a way in heaven, you don't go, there is no door in hell, you break in by yourself!"

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