When the auction was about halfway through, Lin Feng had spent tens of millions of inferior Lingshi, participated in the auction and obtained 17 magic weapons.

In addition to some elixirs interspersed in the middle and various materials for refining utensils, box 21 Where Lin Feng is located has become the focus of the whole audience.

"Shit, why is this guy so rich?"

When a friar heard another bid on the 21st, he sat down in a chair.

"Who knows, give up. The friars in No. 21 must have extraordinary origins. Otherwise, situ Bo would not compromise with him before."

Many monks whispered, and the topics discussed were all about box 21.

It is true that whenever box 21 chooses to bid, it has never failed.

In front of him, there was a combination period Danone who wanted to have a wave with Lin Fenggang. As a result, after Lin Feng directly raised the price of 2 million inferior spirit stones for three consecutive times, this combination period Danone had no choice but to give up.

It was just a top-grade magic weapon, not a flying sword. It even sold a terrible price of 7 million inferior spirit stones.

I thought the people in box 21 were crazy.

However, in the box at this time, Lin Feng kept refining happily without feeling tired.

One material after another was separated from the magic weapon by him, and then all were gathered in Shenshui space. Although it cost more to buy these materials, Lin Feng didn't care.

He is not short of money. What he lacks is the best materials produced in the deep sea.

However, the monks who obtained these materials did not know the goods and did not know where to find two and a half diaozi weapon refiners to help them build these weapons.

Although these weapons have the level of top-grade magic weapons, and even have stronger power than ordinary top-grade magic weapons, Lin Feng knows the root and bottom. None of these magic weapons can give full play to their full strength.

After all, the refining method is too poor.

Qianqian is completely numb now.

She just sat there and kept listening to Lin Feng explain to her the best materials contained in these magic weapons.

And with her ability, she can sense only a few.

"The more stupid these friars are, the more I gain. I'll find an opportunity to discuss with situ Bo later and go to their treasure house. I believe they should get a lot of good things from other forces this time."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely hot. It can be seen from the expression of most monks that the level of the auction absolutely met their expectations, and even far exceeded some.

"Brother situ, the elder shot again."

Zhang Xiong smacked his tongue secretly.

He silently calculated that the turnover of Lin Feng from the beginning to now has reached nearly 100 million lower grade Lingshi.

Such a huge fortune, even if he wanted to take it out directly, he would be very distressed.

But it's as simple as eating and drinking water.

Situ Bo glanced at Zhang Xiong: "I'm not surprised at all. An alchemist like the elder, I'm afraid money is nothing to him, and the best pills before the elder are far more than this price."

"That's what I said."

Zhang Xiong nodded. It's really people to people. There's no way to compare.


On the auction stage, Yang Dahai suddenly coughed and said in a deep voice, "ladies and gentlemen, I want to announce something with you. I hope you don't get excited."

After hearing this, many friars present were stunned. Then a friar who was familiar with Yang Dahai smiled and scolded: "if you have something to say, fart quickly. What's the point?"

"Yes, Yang Dahai, do you want to announce to everyone that your weekend Taoist partner has run away with others?"

Hearing this, the monks burst into laughter.

Yang Dahai, however, could not see any anger on his face. Instead, he continued with a serious face: "well, just now, this auction accepted an item prepared for auction by an elder. My situ gang leader considered it over and over again and decided to accept this consignment. The next auction is the item entrusted by the elder. I hope you don't get excited."

"What? Didn't you say that other people are not allowed to sell at this auction? "

"Yes, you Weihai Gang have broken the rules!"

The scene became a little noisy for a while.

Those who opened their mouth to express their position were originally planning to auction one or two magic weapons they got by virtue of this grand auction.

As a result, they were all rejected by Weihai gang.

Hearing Yang Dahai's words, these people are certainly not happy.

"Yang Dahai, you Weihai Gang must give us an explanation."

In a box, a low voice came out: "do you think Weihai Gang thinks I Nanhua city Huxiao Gang is easy to bully?"

It's the leader of Huxiao sect. His cultivation has reached the late stage of fit. He is a strong man with seven levels of fit. He is one of the few monks present.

At this auction, he is going to clean up some unused spirit grass in his gang and add a few magic weapons.

The result was rejected by the righteous words of Weihai gang.

Originally, he held his breath, but when he thought that the Weihai gang was now powerful, since this was the rule, it wouldn't hurt him to abide by it.

It turned out that the Weihai Gang accepted the consignment of other monks when they rejected all the monks.

At this time, they have completely ignored the word "senior" mentioned in Yang Dahai's mouth.

"What's the noise?"

Just as the atmosphere on the scene intensified, an indifferent voice sounded.

The crowd looked up, but it was striking that situ Bo was already suspended in the void, and the momentum of fit and peak swept the whole audience. All the monks who were still grinding haw dared not speak.

Or they are suppressed by momentum and can't speak at all.

"Master situ, what do you mean? It's clearly the rule set by your Weihai gang. How can you change it? "

Said the leader of Huxiao sect, holding back his anger.

However, situ Bo's response to him was very simple and rough: "you also said that this is the rule of our Weihai Gang, and as the leader of the Weihai Gang, why can't I change it?"


The leader of Huxiao sect was speechless when he heard the speech.

"All right, I'm just saying here. The next auction item is as precious as the last three items, and it should be a good choice for Taoist friends who are controlled by various forces. Since the leader of Huxiao Gang is unhappy, he can not participate in the auction."

With that, situ Bo flashed and returned to his previous position.

The leader of Huxiao Gang, after a burst of uncertainty, snorted coldly: "if you don't bid, you won't bid. I don't believe it. What good things will there be!"

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