All the fit stage leaders who had failed to bid for the treasure armor before sat up straight and stared at the jade bottle on the auction table.

Countless spiritual senses swept over the jade bottle. However, because the jade bottle had long been specially treated by Lu'an with the array, these fit friars can only look at it, but they can't probe into it.

"Yang Dahai, will you stop playing tricks? Quickly say what pill this is! "

A monk licked his lips and his eyes looked like wolves.

When bidding for the treasure armor before, he offered a price of nearly 200 million inferior spirit stones.

Naturally, he is a very rich man.

Therefore, the friar already had the attitude that he was bound to get this pill, which he didn't know what kind of pill it was.

"Yes, don't waste everyone's time, busy bidding!"

The voices of discussion made Yang Dahai's smile more and more rich. He stretched out his hand to press in the air, and the originally noisy scene immediately quieted down.

So many fitting friars listened to him, which made Yang Dahai very useful.

However, in order to avoid being besieged outside, Yang Dahai still made a very wise choice not to sell off.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in fact, this bottle of pill is also Qingyun pill."

With a light cough, Yang Dahai said with a smile.


A group of big men in the fit period who were originally full of expectation frowned when they heard the speech, and a little disappointment suddenly appeared in their hearts.

Admittedly, although Qingyun pill is good, and the unit price of more than 100 million has been auctioned before, if it is only Qingyun pill, it seems that it can not become the final item of the auction?

Is it difficult that there are more Qingyun pills this time?

Thinking of this, all the fit leaders jumped in their hearts and revived their spirit.

Someone couldn't help asking, "what's the difference between this auction of Qingyun pill and the last one? How many in all? "

Yang Dahai smiled faintly and stretched out a finger: "the auction of Qingyun pill will not be more than last time. There are only ten in total."

Hearing the speech, there was a riot under the stage, and those friars who couldn't eat the sour grapes also booed one after another.


Yang Dahai's mouth flashed a radian: "all the ten Qingyun pills auctioned this time are... Top quality!"

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly solidified at this moment.

Time seemed to stop for a moment, and then suddenly a monk roared. He saw a box door suddenly open, and a fit monk rushed out and said word by word: "I want these ten Qingyun pills!"

"Bah, I'm going out this time. No matter how much money I spend, I'll get these pills!"

Countless fit stage bosses rolled up their sleeves and looked like they were going to fight hand to hand.

"Isn't it the best Qingyun pill? As for this, it's really worthless. "

Lin Feng has been observing the situation outside with his spiritual consciousness. Seeing that the corners of his mouth are turned away, he is speechless.

Perhaps because there were too many top-grade pills used in the past, Lin Feng has no concept of top-grade pills now.

But for the other monks present, the best pill means two words.

Against the sky.

The real bad weather.

Even if it is the lowest level pill, it is difficult to have the best level.

The best pill is equivalent to the gap between the top-grade magic weapon and the best magic weapon. Although it seems only a little, the actual gap is 18000 miles.

The value of the best pill is not only that its efficacy is better than that of the top pill, but also the faint vitality of heaven and earth condensed from each pill.

The purity of this vitality can completely love each other with the vitality of heaven and earth condensed in mid air after the thunder disaster.

Although the quantity is far less than that, only this little bit can improve at least one level of cultivation, improve their vitality and make their vitality more pure.

This is not just to improve strength. To put it bluntly, there is more or less improvement in talent.

How much to improve depends on the monk's previous talents.

But there is no doubt that the best Qingyun pill will definitely cause a sensation at this auction.

"The best, and still ten? Are you kidding? "

There are also monks who have no financial resources to bid.

After all, thousands of years have passed, and they have never heard of any city with more than three products of the best pill.

Now this appearance is four pills, and it is still ten top-grade pills. Who believes it?

The noise of these monks gradually calmed down many excited fit leaders.

When they think about it, it seems to make sense.

Seeing the atmosphere below change from the first enthusiasm to the present doubt, Yang Dahai raised his eyebrows and secretly wrote down several of the most popular friars. He immediately smiled leisurely and didn't explain anything, but gently knocked open the mouth of the jade bottle with his fingers.

Hoo Hoo.

A force of heaven and earth visible to the naked eye quickly gathered at the mouth of the bottle.

The monk who was close to him could even lightly smell the thick fragrance of the pill.

"Yes, it must be ten top-grade pills. No difference. The richness of this vitality is really very comfortable."

After a quiet feeling, a fit boss exhaled happily.

For a moment, the questioning voice at the scene suddenly stopped. The monks who were beaten in the face buried their heads under the chairs and dared not speak any more.

"The best pill, ten Qingyun pills, all auctioned at one time, reserve price... 100 million, now!"


The terrible price did not affect the enthusiastic atmosphere of the monks at the scene.

In just a few breaths, the price has risen to 150 million inferior spirit stones.

"Two million Chinese spirit stones!"

A fit man clenched his teeth and directly reported a terrible number.

The auction price soared like a rocket.

Lin Feng in the box was stunned for a short time, but he couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

I thought I would pay some money to participate in the auction.

But now it's better. It seems that you don't need your family at all. Just rely on these two bottles of pills made by yourself, you've got your money back, and you've made a lot of money.

However, there is the final magic weapon Qianlong to bid, and the result is still unknown.

However, Lin Feng has enough confidence.

With his family background, even if two or three gangs unite all their family background to compete with him for Qianlong Suo, he can deal with it easily.

You know, in Lin Feng's sacred water space, nearly one-third of the spirit stones are based on the "best" as the unit.

The best spirit stone is very few in the whole East yellow Kingdom, but a considerable part of it was gathered by Lin Feng.

Four hundred top-grade flying swords were auctioned at one time. That time alone accumulated a huge wealth for Lin Feng.

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