Thinking of this, situ Shaofeng couldn't bear it anymore. He simply didn't go back to the headquarters of Weihai gang. He turned directly and killed the auction house.

At the same time, several monks at the peak of Huashen hidden in the dark also quickly followed the footsteps of situ Shaofeng.

Anyway, now Weihai Gang is rich and powerful, and there is no shortage of people. In order to protect situ Shaofeng's safety, situ Bo sent a total of five friars, four of them are Huashen peak, and one is an early-stage elder of Zhenhai gang.

In addition, these people all hold the jade slips of situ Bo, Zhang Xiong and others.

Once there is a problem that several people can't solve, situ Bo will receive a summons at the first time. With their strength, even if they pass the whole Xihua city in a short time, there is no big problem.

Seeing situ Shaofeng in a hurry, it was obvious that he had something to do. Few people dared to neglect him.

In a moment, situ Shaofeng stormed into the auction and went straight to the appraisal room.

After entering the appraisal room, situ Bo swept around, but he didn't find the old ghost with white beard. Only the appraiser friar in the fitting stage was playing with the top-grade treasure armor and squinting.

"Eh, master situ, why are you back?"

After hearing the news, the appraiser raised his head and saw situ Shaofeng looking around. He couldn't help asking.

"Just now, did the white beard old ghost come? Do you know which direction he is going? "

Situ Shaofeng asked.

"White beard old ghost?"

The appraiser and the old man were slightly stunned, then smiled and said: "he is just a god friar, but he didn't expect to make the young master so worried. Although I don't know where he has gone, it's easier to find the white bearded old ghost in the city."

Then the appraiser pointed to the direction in which the white beard old ghost left: "young master, you can follow this direction. When you meet the friar in the period of transforming God, you can ask. There are many friars who know the white beard old ghost. This person likes to make friends most on weekdays, so there should be a lot of useful information."

"I see."

Situ Shaofeng's eyes lit up.

At first, he even thought there was no hope. Even though the Weihai gang has great power, it is still very difficult to find a monk in the whole city. After all, so far, there is no news about Lin Dasheng.

But when the appraiser said, situ Shaofeng was completely relieved.

Since there are people you know, it's easy to do.

Thinking of this, situ Shaofeng left a sentence: "it's hard for you."

Then he rushed out again.

"If you don't know where, young master."

The appraiser bowed in the back.

As a fit power, he naturally knows much more news than ordinary people.

In the past, although situ Shaofeng was situ Bo's only son, situ Bo didn't mean much discipline to his son, but recently, the old man found one thing. Situ Bo's problems in cultivation began to pay attention to situ Shaofeng.

And unexpectedly, situ Shaofeng was really that material, and his strength improved very rapidly.

In terms of the current power of Weihai gang in Xihua City, there is basically no power to shake in a thousand years.

Therefore, a good relationship with situ Shaofeng now will definitely be of great help to his own development in the future.

After leaving the auction, situ Shaofeng immediately found out all his subordinates and asked them to ask separately.

As a result, the white beard old ghost was completely on fire in this street.

Among the five friars, there is also a fitting period. Every time they encounter the incarnation period, the friars will ask the whereabouts of the old white beard ghost.

To situ Shaofeng's surprise, many of these people know the old ghost of white beard, which shows that the appraiser's information before is correct. Although so far, he has not asked the whereabouts of the old ghost of white beard from a monk, situ Shaofeng is surprisingly patient.

In other words, I haven't found Lin Dasheng for almost a month, which has greatly honed situ Shaofeng's patience. In comparison, I haven't found it for an hour. It's nothing to situ Shaofeng.

Heaven pays off his pains.

Under the poor acting skills of the five people, an informed friar happily told several people about the inn that the white beard old ghost often goes to.

The informed friar obviously knew the white beard old ghost very well. The relationship between the two people should also be better than ordinary friends. Therefore, he knew the root of the white beard old ghost.

But it was for this reason that he thought that these friars were also friends of the white beard old ghost. He secretly envied when the white beard old ghost found a fit friend.

"Report to the young master, there is news."

The five people came to situ Shaofeng and said respectfully.

"In that case."

Situ Shaofeng sneered and waved his hand: "catch people. I want to live. Don't make too much noise."

"No problem."

The five looked at each other and said together.

I'm kidding. They have four incarnation periods of nine floors and one contract period of two floors. If they can't even deal with a monk on the eighth floor of incarnation period, they can directly swallow dung and commit suicide.

In a moment, there was a riot in the inn.

However, the riot did not last long before it subsided.

Rao was so. Many monks were attracted and stood by the roadside.

The five friars soon came out of the inn with the old ghost with white beard and stood in front of situ Shaofeng.

At this time, the white bearded old ghost's face was like gold paper, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his breath was also very unstable. It was obviously badly hurt.

"Isn't that the white bearded old ghost? My God, how could he be caught by the young leader of Weihai Gang? Did he offend situ Shaofeng? "

Friars began to whisper along the road.

After all, the old man with white beard is also a celebrity who often enters Xihua city for the first time.

"Look at this posture, it should be. Alas, the old man with white beard doesn't look old. In fact, he still has at least half of his life before the deadline. It's a good talent. Now it's in the hands of situ Shaofeng, and he's so cruel. It's estimated that the old man with white beard can't live this time."

"Yes, but I heard that there are many friends of the white beard old ghost. If these friends rush up at this time, they should be able to save the white beard old ghost? Hey, who, the Taoist friend, I noticed that you had a good talk with the white beard old ghost before. You should be his good friend? "

The monk who was named trembled when he heard the speech, carefully looked at the direction of situ Shaofeng, confirmed that situ Shaofeng didn't turn his eyes to himself, and then lowered his voice and shouted, "don't talk nonsense, I just met the old ghost with white beard by chance."

Another friar who knew the white beard old ghost didn't deny his relationship with the white beard old ghost like this friar, but admitted generously, but then sighed: "now the Weihai Gang is powerful, we don't have the strength to save the white beard old ghost, the old ghost... I'm afraid it's a disaster this time!"

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