
After closing his eyes for half an hour or so, the consumed spiritual consciousness was finally repaired. Lin Feng opened his eyes and breathed a sigh.

He rubbed his shoulders. Although his accomplishments reached this level, he would not feel any discomfort even if he sat for a few months, but perhaps because of his habits, Lin Feng would still feel a little uncomfortable after sitting for a long time.

"It's time to go out for a walk... Well, it's an extraordinary time. I won't take Qianqian first."

Lin Feng thought for a moment, but finally Yi Rong looked like a man and pushed the door out.

In the corridor, Lin Feng observed Qianqian with his spiritual sense, but accidentally found that Qianqian seemed to be... Taking a bath?

The mist with aura in the hazy covers Qianqian's incomparable delicate body. The hazy feeling is the most impulsive.

"Can't see, can't see!"

Lin Feng suddenly withdrew his spiritual consciousness and bowed his head to recite.

However, the heat from the bottom of his heart forced Lin Feng to leave this place of right and wrong.

What Lin Feng didn't know was that although his spiritual awareness was very strong and it was almost impossible to find it with Qianqian's strength, Qianqian caught a trace when he retreated in a hurry.

Qianqian, who was bathing in the spring of aura, was stiff and recovered after a long time.

A pretty face under the fog has become shy.

"Brother Lin... There should be no other meaning, but did he see it?"

Qianqian's heart is in a mess.

Qianqian is a demon family. In terms of feelings, the feelings of the demon family are far less complex and delicate than those of human beings, but they are very wild. In other words, they are simple and rough.

Most Terran women worship powerful people, and the demon family is no exception, and the expression of the demon family is more direct.

Qianqian is more implicit in the demon family. If he were replaced by other general demon families, he would have expressed his love for Lin Feng long ago.

Although Lin Feng's cultivation is not high, Qianqian always feels that Lin Feng exudes a dangerous smell.

This comes from the keen perception of his demon saint.

Qianqian even felt that if he had a life and death battle with Lin Feng, he would eventually die.

In addition to not showing his strength, Lin Feng showed a master level in refining utensils, alchemy, arrays and cooking. Qianqian has never seen a variety of occupations of this level before.

In her opinion, Lin Feng is almost perfect in other aspects except that his realm is slightly insufficient.

Therefore, in Qianqian's heart, his favor for Lin Feng is also rising day by day.

So that after being aware of the exploration of Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge, Qianqian didn't even have any anger, but had an inexplicable and strange feeling.

Qianqian lowered her head and gently crossed her white skin with her fingertips. The soft curve made her lips rise gently.


After changing his face, Lin Feng walked in the street. For a quarter of an hour, Lin Feng felt that the flame at the bottom of his heart was gradually extinguished.

"She's really a goblin. It won't work like this. Why don't you put Qianqian into Shenshui space and keep company with her sisters?"

The idea came out of Lin Feng's heart.

But when the idea turned, Lin Feng shook his head: "it doesn't seem very good. Hey... What to do."

Lin Feng is feeling tangled because of this, but he suddenly hears that there are friars talking on the street, and the content of this discussion is about the white beard old ghost.

"White beard old ghost?"

Lin Feng's heart moved.

After driving to Xihua City, there were not many friars who had really contacted him. This white beard old ghost was just one of them and the best one in the senses.

Hearing that the old ghost of white beard had an accident, Lin Feng hesitated for a moment and was ready to ask.

"Several Taoist friends, what you talked about before is an old man with white beard and some obscene smile, an old ghost with white beard?"

The monks who were chatting turned their heads when they heard the speech. When they found that Lin Feng was a friar in the middle period of transforming God, their original impatience slightly restrained. In Xihua City, friars in the period of transforming God were still relatively strong.

"Yes, it's him, but he won't live long. At noon tomorrow, the white beard old ghost will be executed by Weihai gang. Unfortunately, this cultivation is good. In fact, the white beard old ghost treats his friends very well, but in a critical moment, no friar is willing to stand up for the white beard old man."

A god turning friar who looked like a middle-aged man sighed.

"Weihai Gang? Why did the Weihai Gang catch the white beard old ghost? "

Lin Feng frowned slightly and asked.

"Hey, isn't it because of Lin Dasheng? You don't know. It's said that Lin Dasheng offended situ Shaofeng, the young leader of Weihai gang. Situ Shaofeng couldn't catch Lin Dasheng. He was in a bad mood. At this time, the old ghost with white beard hit the mouth of the fire. "

Another monk stood up and said, "as a result, situ Shaofeng seems to recognize the old ghost of white beard. It seems that the old ghost of white beard has spoken for Lin Dasheng, so situ Shaofeng thinks he has something to do with Lin Dasheng."

"And then the old ghost with white beard will be caught and executed?"

Lin Feng's eyebrows had been wrinkled into a Sichuan word, and his voice gradually became cold.

The style of Weihai gang has exceeded Lin Feng's imagination.

Just because of one sentence, you conclude that you have a good relationship with yourself?

What bullshit logic is this.

Lin Feng wanted to curse his mother angrily.

"Hey, who doesn't know that the Weihai Gang is powerful now. Now there is no second force in Xihua city to balance them, so no matter what the Weihai gang does in the city, it won't be surprising."

The friar sighed.

"Three days later... How many days have passed now?"

Lin Feng seemed to think of something and hurriedly asked.

"Today is the last day, and you will be executed tomorrow. By the way, brother, do you also have friends with the white beard old ghost? It seems that you are very anxious?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at the speech.

He and the white beard old ghost didn't realize that they were friends for two hours, that is, eating, drinking and talking about beautiful women?

But anyway, the white beard old ghost was implicated for his own sake. Lin Feng's temper will never let it go!

"Tomorrow? Where is it? "

Lin Feng asked again.

"Right in the center of Xihua City, on the square in front of the auction, this Taoist friend, do you want to save the white beard old ghost? I advise you to give up this idea. Situ Shaofeng is trying to lead out Lin Dasheng with the old ghost of white beard. Don't be afraid to go. As a result, you go up and carry the pot. The Weihai Gang is bound to lay a net around there. "

Said a friar who had seen the matter very thoroughly.

"Yes, Taoist friends, it's enough to have this heart. Don't go up and die. Those friends who have friends with the white beard old ghost dare to come forward when they see the white beard old ghost's accident. However, it seems that they are right to do so. Fighting against the Weihai Gang is like a mantis."

Another monk also offered comfort.

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