Friar Huashen, who was pushed behind by Lin Feng, wanted to get angry. Seeing that Lin Feng was so generous, he immediately shrunk his neck and quietly hid the one million inferior spirit stones he was just about to take out.

What a shame.

They are all nuns of God, and they will give 20 million, which is 20 times his.

If it weren't for the children of some great power, the friar wouldn't believe it at all.

"I bet Lin Dasheng will come back to save the old ghost of white beard and 20 million inferior spirit stones."

Lin Feng patted the storage bag on the table and said faintly.


The friar who opened the gambling disc was stunned when he heard the speech, but he was very excited to help Lin Feng handle some related matters.

The fit friar thought it over before opening the gambling disc. He drove people to come with the odds of terrorist differences. Someone would bet that Lin Da Sheng would come to save people.

As a result, it was not until this morning that the fit friar found that there were few people on the side who chose to save people, but the other side reached a terrible number.

Such figures, if let him pay, I'm afraid he will pay a considerable amount of money. At that time, he has no place to cry.

At present, some wronged leaders are really attracted by the odds. Looking at Lin Feng's posture, it is estimated that there are only 20 million possessions accumulated in the whole life.

Lin Feng left with a jade slip branded by the friar. The jade slip is proof of the bet. As long as it is revealed at 3:15 p.m., he can take the jade slip to get the bet.

However, the jade slips are or are not the same for Lin Feng. Once things develop to the point of irreversibility, Lin Feng is bound to search them first.

Twenty times the odds, four hundred million pieces of spirit stone. You can guess with your ass that the fit friar will eventually default.

At that time, even if Lin Feng started to rob, he would be justified.

The so-called bet is just an oil head to rob the spirit stone.

Moreover, Lin Feng did not intend to leave immediately. First, he took away the forces that had offended him in Xihua city.

Originally, Lin Feng had planned to let go of the Weihai gang. After all, the two sides are now partners. It's OK to let them go on the premise of having interests. However, it's no wonder that the other party coerced himself with such despicable means.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng hummed a small song and led Qianqian's weak and boneless jade hand to the center of Xihua city.

At this time, the central square of Xihua city was already crowded with monks.

Many people even went to the roof of nearby buildings, found a good position, got a seat and sat down leisurely.

Lin Feng swept around and found that good positions were occupied by other monks. He would drive away one at ordinary times, but now, it's better to keep a low profile before noon.

To Lin Feng's displeasure, Qianqian attracted a lot of people's attention. Although his cheeks were covered by black gauze, his beautiful body was exposed. Many monks would deliberately squeeze here. After all, food may not be very important for monks, but lust is the best medicine to eliminate boring practice for a long time.

Therefore, the vast majority of monks are relatively colored.

But these friars underestimated Qianqian.

Qianqian didn't show his strength at all. He just arranged a light shield around him with his strength. All the friars who touched the light shield seemed to encounter the most slippery thing in the world. They were unprepared and even stumbled and fell directly on other friars.

Lin Feng saw it clearly. Two of the friars slipped at the same time and jumped on each other one after another. Their mouths were coincidentally butted together. The scene was once very hot.

Gradually, the friars around also found that Qian Qian was not ordinary, so they didn't approach any more.

"Brother Lin, these humans are really annoying."

Qian Qian wrinkled his nose and said stiffly.

Lin Feng touched his nose. Although he knew that Qianqian didn't say what he meant, it sounded strange.

With a dry smile, Lin Feng said, "that's also because Qianqian, you're so beautiful. If you take off your veil, I don't know how many people you can charm, but not all human friars are like them. Don't you look at me?"

Qianqian Mei glanced at Lin Feng, but didn't speak, but an idea suddenly appeared in her heart: "I hope brother Lin can be attracted to me like them."

As soon as the idea emerged, Qianqian's face hidden under the black veil turned red and spat: "Qianqian, Qianqian, what are you thinking about!"

Lin Feng didn't notice the strange appearance of Qian Qian. At this time, Lin Feng's attention was attracted by the figure tied to the stone pillar in the center of the square.

Lin Feng saw at a glance that the man was an old ghost with white beard. He could only understand the tragedy of the old ghost with white beard at this time, but Lin Feng was shocked and angry.

Lin Feng knew that there was a cruel criminal law called three knives and six holes in ancient times.

However, compared with the current tragedy of the white beard old ghost, three knives and six holes are just children's tricks.

Lin Feng, with his powerful spiritual knowledge, easily judged the situation of the white beard old ghost at this time.

The tendons of hands and feet are all broken, the meridians are burned, and scars and blackening can be seen everywhere on the skin.

All the ribs in front of the chest were broken, and the old ghost with white beard was dying at this time.

In fact, these skin injuries are nothing for friars, but the problem is that the Dantian of the old white beard ghost is sealed by the forbidden yuan mantra, which means that the yuan force in the old white beard ghost can't work at all.

Yuan Li can't work, so naturally it can't help him recover from his injury.

So that these means of dealing with ordinary people made the white beard old ghost, a friar in the later stage of God transformation, moor to the edge of death.

"These damn guys."

Lin Feng took a deep breath and instantly radiated his huge spiritual consciousness around. In a short breath, he included all the monks within a radius of ten miles.

Then Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly: "this number is really a lot."

"Brother Lin, how many monks are there?"

Qian Qian asked softly.

She only had the cultivation in the middle of the fit, because she was afraid of being noticed by the intentional people. Qianqian didn't use her spiritual consciousness.

"Well, let me see. There are thirty-six in the fit period... Tut Tut, big, big."

Lin Feng sneered again and again, but he looked a little excited.

As Lin Feng said before, if he left, he would go to Weihai gang for no reason. This time, the style of Weihai Gang completely angered Lin Feng, but Lin Feng is also a principled person and has not touched his people or forces. Lin Feng does not intend to embarrass them.

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