"No outsiders..."

Situ Bo raised his eyebrows.

He did not doubt what Luan said.

Situ Bo had personal experience of how powerful this combined array was. When Lu'an controlled the array with only half the power, he could only break through one-third of the array and be trapped. If Lu'an didn't stop the operation of the array in time, I'm afraid he would be directly killed by the attack array in the combined array.

You know, this is half the power.

After trying, Zhang Xiong also sincerely lamented that this array could not be broken through by the friars under the period of robbery.

Moreover, Zhang Xiong sneaked in quietly at that time, but he was still found by Lu'an without breaking through half of the position, and manipulated other Dharma arrays to besiege him.

Like situ Bo, the array group Zhang Xiong sneaked into was only half powerful.

Now the power of the array group is fully open. How can we enter without the robbery period?

"But why on earth is it that brother Zhang himself is poisonous?"

An idea came out of situ Bo's mind.

"Brother Zhang, I think the pure and incomparable vitality of heaven and earth may have been absorbed by the robbery cloud for a short time. Maybe the power of the second thunder will be greater, but if you can bear it, you will get more benefits. There are absolutely no outsiders around here. Brother Zhang can rest assured."

Lu'an patted her chest and said.

His analysis also calmed Zhang Xiong, who was almost crazy. Looking at the rolling robbery clouds brewing in the air, Zhang Xiong took a deep breath: "OK, I must carry this second robbery!"

Just after Zhang Xiong sat down cross legged and adjusted for a moment, the second robbery thunder surging in the air finally fell.

Boom! click!

The dark red thunder and lightning came down from the sky with the momentum of destruction.

The power of the second thunder is much stronger than the first one.

"Come on!"

Zhang Xiong's eyes lit up. At this moment, he really believed what Lu an said.

But Zhang Xiong ignored one point.

He was not sure whether the second lightning was really much stronger than the first lightning the last time he crossed the robbery.

After all, at that time, Qianlong easily resisted two robberies with his own strength.

At that time, Zhang Xiong had no vision to see the power of robbing thunder, and did not dare to use spiritual knowledge. Therefore, he was very vague about the power gap between the two robbing thunder.

The sword array roared into the air.

All the remaining 50 magic weapons are magic weapons and flying swords. Therefore, Zhang Xiong is absolutely confident that he can carry the thunder.

As before, when facing the first thunder, the magic weapon led by the sword array just came into contact with the thunder, it suddenly collapsed. The spirit of the magic weapon failed to make a scream and fell under the thunder.

Lin Feng stared at the two sides intertwined in the air, but a trace of hesitation flashed between his looks.

There is a way to forget the pain when the scar is good.

After being tempered by the first thunder, Lin Feng obviously felt that the power of his spiritual knowledge had been greatly improved.

It was this promotion that made Lin Feng forget the pain he had suffered before, but his fighting spirit was high.

"If you follow the previous method, it doesn't seem enough."

Lin Feng kept beating drums in his heart.

The first thunder had made him miserable at the end of the crossbow.

However, relying on his intuition, Lin Feng felt that if he was the same as the first one in the face of the second one, he just resisted the attack at the end of the crossbow. Although he would also improve, it was not enough to make his spiritual consciousness complete the breakthrough.

There is a way that the human heart is insufficient, and the snake swallows the elephant.

Therefore, Lin Feng is deciding whether to take advantage of the full power of robbing thunder to fight.

If you win, the benefits will undoubtedly be huge.

Lost the fight... I'm afraid I'll leave my life here.

For a time, countless figures flashed through Lin Feng's mind like a movie.

A feeling of reluctance grew from the bottom of his heart, and it was this reluctance that made Lin Feng particularly hesitant.


The thunder smashed a flying sword again, and the broken pieces flew over. It was a coincidence that they rowed towards Lin Feng.

At the critical moment, Lin Feng finally regained his mind. His head deviated, and the fragments of the flying sword crossed his face.

Lin Feng felt stabbing pain on his face, but he touched it with blood.

Looking at the blood in his hand, Lin Feng suddenly had some enlightenment at the bottom of his heart.

Whether it was the original cangyun sect, Taoist Huanglong, or the corpse Yin sect.

All these have caused some trouble to Lin Feng.

If he didn't have enough strength, he would have died in the hands of these people.

And their own women, relatives and friends will come to the cultivation world.

Lin Feng has fully understood the difficulties and dangers in the cultivation world. Although he often has a comfortable attitude, in fact, when facing everything, Lin Feng will go through some detailed consideration.

This is definitely a cannibal world.

And if he doesn't have enough strength, how can he protect his women, his relatives and his friends?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng heard a bang in his mind, as if the thick clouds were stirred away by a huge hand.

"Anyway, spell it!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, Lin Feng rushed to control his spiritual consciousness.

"The boy is crazy!"

Qianlong noticed this scene and immediately screamed.

And Qianqian's heart was immediately mentioned to his throat. He stared nervously in the air. At the same time, his heart was praying silently for Lin Feng.


Finally, the psychic consciousness contacts with the thunder in the air.

At the moment of touching, Lin Feng's whole body was shocked, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Then Lin Feng quickly made a seal with his hands, a gesture of trying to bear the pain.

Most of the power of robbing thunder was borne by the spiritual consciousness, but a small part was transmitted to Lin Feng's body.

At that moment, Lin Feng felt that his internal organs seemed to be scorched.

After all, he has only the incarnation of God.

Even in the fit stage, friars at the peak of fit dare not use their physical body to resist the thunder. Friars' physical body is not very strong except for special physical cultivation. Those friars who have survived the robbery can barely resist the erosion of the thunder with their magic weapons and their own yuan strength.

However, with Lin Feng's current state and strength, at the moment when the thunder hit the body, the vitality in his body could not be mobilized at all, so he was suppressed in the Dantian by the thunder.

"Weak, too weak!"

This is the most intuitive idea in Lin Feng's consciousness at this time.

The flesh began to collapse in an instant. Fortunately, Lin Feng was prepared in advance and poured a big mouth of divine water. The powerful effect of divine water soon came into play. It slowly repaired the injury in Lin Feng's body downstream of Lin Feng's control.

But Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness has been in a state of paralysis. Even Lin Feng doesn't know how long he can last.

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