The elder of the sun family's lips trembled, and even a trace of panic appeared in his eyes.

Who the hell is Lin Dasheng? Can such an array be broken in such a short time? That's an array that almost killed its owner. It's too

Sun Danian's body trembled even more. Just now he watched Lin Feng's back. According to his judgment, according to Lin Feng's speed at that time, he should have just reached the position of the family treasure house before breathing.

This means that it takes only one breath for the other party to break the array.

Can the opponent see through the core of this array at a glance and destroy it?

Sun Danian was so desperate that he even began to doubt the people in his family at this moment.

Only two people in the family know how to open the array of the treasure house. One is him and the other is the elder around him.

In any case, sun Danian would not believe that a monk in the middle of transforming God could be so strong that he could not only kill the early stage of the combination with one move, but also break the array at one stroke. This is too much.

The elder did not know that he had been suspected. At this time, he was anxiously staring at the intersection to the treasure house. He prayed silently in his heart that Lin Dasheng would not carry out the treasure house.

I don't know if he heard what he said. After entering the treasure house, Lin Feng saw a large area of spiritual stones and a variety of magic weapons, as well as a lot of spiritual herbs and elixirs. The huge number made Lin Feng's breathing a little urgent.

After two breaths, Lin Feng calmed down, touched his chin and meditated: "since you don't want to talk, move away."

Just do it.

Every time Lin Feng waved his big sleeve, a lot of spiritual stones and magic weapons in the treasure house were missing.

After almost half a column of incense, Lin Feng scanned the Shenshui space with satisfaction.

The treasure house in front of him was empty... Oh, to be exact, there were some idle and inferior spirit stones scattered on the ground. It was estimated that there were tens of thousands of pieces. Lin Feng was too lazy to clean up.

Moreover, in the process, there have been two families of strong people in the syncretism stage within the scope of his spiritual detection.

"These two families... Well, one is the Zhu family and the other is the Wang family. It's good. Since the support is so fast, I'm not polite."

Lin Feng smashed his mouth and began to risk money and stars in his eyes.

After really robbing a family, Lin Feng knew that he really underestimated the power in Xihua city.

When it comes to Lingshi, although these families can't compare with the Xiuzhen sects in the eastern yellow Kingdom, it's also because there aren't many Lingshi veins near Xihua city. Even if there are, it's impossible to be occupied by one of them. If each family shares it, there's really not much left.

On the contrary, in the territory of the eastern yellow Kingdom, there are vast territory and abundant resources. A powerful Xiuzhen sect like Baiyu sect controls at least several Lingshi veins, which will continuously provide Lingshi to the sect.

Therefore, even if the membership mechanism customized by Lin Feng had a huge demand for Lingshi, the elders in the divine period still flocked to it.

Because they really don't lack spirit stones.

Although there are few family spirit stones in Xihua city and most of them are of inferior quality, there are many other things!

Such as precious refining materials and precious elixirs.

Lin Feng found that most of these miraculous drugs do not exist in the Donghuang inland land. Their growth needs and environment are relatively harsh. They should grow on islands in the sea or in some shady and humid valleys nearby.

Therefore, these things are more to Lin Feng's appetite.

The magic weapon surprised Lin Feng even more.

There are many magic weapons here, because the monks who refine them are too retarded to melt the precious materials at all, just like the ones Lin Feng participated in the auction at the auction.

These magic materials can be refined by Lin Feng. Then he can make more powerful magic weapons with his own inner earth inflammation and divine water.

After all were closed, Lin Feng used his spiritual knowledge to send a message to Qianqian and other snake clan demons.

The next second, the momentum of the integration period shrouding the whole Sun family suddenly converged, and a group of snake clan demons flew away in the direction of Lin Feng.

This scene stunned sun Danian and the elder of the sun family. In a moment, they reacted. They quickly flew away in the direction of the family treasure house.

However, when they came to the treasure house, they only saw a damaged array material and four open treasure house doors.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Master Sun."

The melodious voice sounded from the sky. Sun Danian looked up and found that Lin Feng had disappeared.

"Home... Home master, treasure house..."

Before sun Danian got angry, he saw the elder shivering at the door of the treasure house.

"Get out of the way!"

Sun Danian pushed the elder roughly and stumbled, jumping into the treasure house.

However, what he saw in front of him made sun Danian want to crack his eyes.

"Ah!! My wealth! It's all gone! It's all gone! "

The next second, a crazy roar resounded around the sun family residence.

One after another, strong people from various families came to the sun family and came one after another along the direction of the voice. However, when the fit friars of these families saw the four open treasure house doors and the empty interior, they looked at Sun Danian with a trace of sympathy.

The sun family is a famous business family.

As the founder of the business family, sun Danian is very greedy for Lingshi and wealth. Generally speaking, sun Danian is a miser of incomparable standards.

However, he has worked hard to save most of his life's money and disappeared in just a few hours. Anyone can guess that now sun Danian is probably on the verge of collapse.

The friars looked around and saw that there was Lin Dasheng.

"The forest saint is really hateful!"

A fit friar said with hatred.

"Who says no, don't let me catch him, otherwise I will break him to pieces!"

The owner of the Wang family is also gnashing his teeth.

Before he was close, he naturally heard Lin Feng's provocative voice in the air.

However, the Wang family leader still has a trace of happiness in his heart. Fortunately, the other Party chose the sun family. He should think that the sun family has the most money and doesn't look up to other families.

Anyway, it's none of your business. The friars came forward and comforted, but there was no effect. Finally, sun Danian took a poison oath to catch Lin Dasheng.

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