"Hundreds of thousands of years."

Hearing this number, Lin Feng was not much surprised.

Whether from the meager records in the memory of Dinghai Shenzhu or Qianlong's attitude when referring to the demon smelting pot, we can judge that the demon smelting pot is unusual.

It's just the seal of the spirit. Lin Feng heard it for the first time.

Qianlong seemed to be more patient and slowly opened his mouth to explain: "the higher the level of magic weapons, the more difficult it is to form the seal of the spirit. Of course, those low-level garbage can not be pumped to form the seal of the spirit. The most fundamental premise to form the seal of the spirit is that the spirit has a sense of autonomy and a high IQ, just like me."

"Ha... Ha ha."

Lin Feng twitched at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't directly point it out. After all, he still needs Qianlong to solve his doubts.

"That is to say, there is already a spirit mark in the demon refining pot, right? Does this mean that the demon smelting pot is not a magic weapon without spirit? "

Lin Feng thought and asked.

"I can't say that. After all, there is no spirit in the demon smelting pot. Let me estimate... Well, when you almost fade into immortality, you can feel the spirit mark in the demon smelting pot. Through this spirit mark, you can slightly feel the position of the spirit in the demon smelting pot."

"The clarity of perception also depends on your own cultivation."

Lin Feng was surprised when he heard the speech. He didn't expect that the conditions should be so harsh.

However, on second thought, at least now there is a thought. Lin Feng has always had a headache before. He does have a lot of babies, but the problem is that all these babies have no weapons and spirits, and this strength is naturally greatly reduced.

He can't just grab the souls of monsters and put them in them as tools and spirits, can he? In that case, it is estimated that Qianlong will strangle himself.

"All right, I have a general understanding."

After stretching and sending Qianlong away, Lin Feng began to adjust his state.

Since the demon smelting pot really retains part of the vitality of heaven and earth for itself, it doesn't need to be in vain.

"Yes, master."

Qianlong, who had just disappeared, suddenly jumped out: "I observed before that most of the damage of the demon smelting pot has been repaired, but the next part can't be repaired by robbing thunder."

Lin Feng was stunned and frowned: "how can we complete the repair?"

At present, 80% of the demon smelting pot has been repaired, and the remaining 20% originally, Lin Feng planned to repair it in the same way.

But Qianlong directly denied this method.

"The next repair must depend on the master himself. Without pure dragon Qi, it is impossible to repair the demon smelting pot to a complete degree."

Qianlong said leisurely, "as for Dragon Qi, master, if you can unlock the first seal, the blood in your body will naturally activate a layer. At that time, dragon Qi will appear all over your body. You just need to keep the demon refining pot with you and let it always receive the nourishment of dragon Qi."

"Untie the first seal..."

Lin Feng touched his chin and fell into meditation.

"It depends on how many dragon family treasures the master finds. I can tell you very responsibly that there is a Dragon Crystal hidden in each of the twelve treasures, and this dragon crystal is the key for the master to untie your own blood seal."

After Qianlong finished, there was no sound.


Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked into the distance.

He knew it was time for him to leave Xihua city.

Of course, you have to make another profit before you leave.

The corners of his mouth outlined a radian. Lin Feng sat cross legged and adjusted his situation to the best.

Then Lin Feng stretched out his hand and the vitality of heaven and earth suspended in mid air disappeared into his body.

Hoo Hoo!

The familiar sense of vitality filled Lin Feng's heart.

Recently, Lin Feng has not ignored his cultivation.

However, with the improvement of the realm, even he can't make a breakthrough in a short time. Therefore, Lin Feng's cultivation is still the fourth level of God.

Now, with the vitality of heaven and earth transformed by these two regiments, Lin Feng's slowly growing vitality began to climb like a rocket again.

Vitality ran rapidly along Lin Feng's meridians. It easily broke through the fifth layer of Huashen, and then it was castrated, and successfully broke through the sixth layer of Huashen.

However, when he reached this point, Lin Feng deliberately controlled himself and did not choose to continue his breakthrough.

In fact, in Lin Feng's perception, the remaining vitality of heaven and earth in his body should be enough to break through to the seventh layer of Huashen.

The reason why he was not in a hurry to make a breakthrough was that Lin Feng wanted to make his foundation more stable.

The vitality of heaven and earth formed by robbing thunder is extremely pure. He doesn't need to worry that absorption and breakthrough will produce negative things like erysipelas.

However, it is true that successive breakthroughs will lead to instability.

The remaining part of the vitality of heaven and earth was carefully controlled by Lin Feng, then stored in the Dantian and wandered in it as a glittering ball.

The vitality of heaven and earth transformed by robbing thunder can be desired but not desired. At present, even if Lin Feng's cultivation is further improved, his strength will not have a significant leap.

Therefore, Lin Feng planned to keep the rest of the vitality of heaven and earth for a while, which may be used in the future.

Breaking through to the sixth floor of Huashen, Lin Feng stood up and moved his muscles and bones.

A crackling sound came from all over the body. Lin Feng, who was very comfortable, hummed a small song, made a stove and made himself a rich breakfast.

Before moving chopsticks, Lin Feng suddenly thought that the old ghost of white beard was still in Shenshui space.

The old ghost with white beard was released when he moved his mind. From the expression, the old ghost with white beard didn't seem to understand the situation.

But soon, the old ghost of white beard came back to his senses and got up and saluted: "Lin Daoyou, white beard has no reward for saving his life. If it is useful in the future..."

"Come on, you're welcome what? Come on, let's have fun with wine today, and let you taste the wine of our hometown. "

Lin Feng directly interrupted the white beard old ghost and said with a smile.

Lin Feng's free and easy spirit moved the white beard old ghost for a while. Without affectation, he sat directly at the table and looked at the various delicacies on the stone table. The white beard old ghost had an impulse in his heart.

"What's going on?"

The white bearded old ghost is a little hoodwinked. As a monk, he is not too keen on diet as other monks.

He's an alcoholic, but he's not very cold about some dishes.

You can see the table in front of you, especially the basin of milky white soup in the unknown vessel in the middle. The snow-white fish in the rolling soup exudes a strong aroma.

It was this aroma that almost intoxicated the white beard old ghost.

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