Late at night, under the probe of Lin Feng's spiritual knowledge, a wisp of heaven and earth vitality like silk thread is moving up and down according to the same rule.

Below the Qianlong shuttle suspended in mid air, a vortex completely condensed by the vitality of heaven and earth is slowly rotating. While outputting vitality, it is also receiving irrigation from vitality from all directions. It seems that a break point has been reached between the two.

"Well, almost. The prototype of Tianyuan blockade array has finally been completed."

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a level 6 array that Lin Feng has never touched before.

This is the first layout, so there will inevitably be some mistakes in some details.

However, from the current situation, it seems that the effect of this first arrangement is not bad.

Now that the cycle between the two has been completed, the next arrangement will be much simpler. It is absolutely possible to complete the arrangement of the array before the overall collapse of the ice sheet mining island.

After taking a look at the vitality Galaxy suspended in the air, at this time, most of the spirit stone vitality in the galaxy has been absorbed. Lin Feng, who had expected this for a long time, dumped all the billions of spirit stones prepared in advance, and then began the second step of array arrangement.

After looking at the twinkling stars in the sky, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and outlined a radian in the corner of his mouth.

In the seemingly distant night sky, seven stars with dazzling light are arranged according to a specific track.

Although this is not the earth, there are also star arrays.

The Big Dipper in front of us is one of them.

What Lin Feng wants to do tonight is to completely arrange the Tianyuan blockade array while the Big Dipper stars shine.

In a word, Tianyuan blockade array requires 24 array eyes, but there is no rigid requirement for its formation.

Lin Feng specially asked Qianlong. With Qianlong's patience, he can see some stars. Although he can't judge which day it is, he can roughly calculate it.

Now it seems that Qianlong's analysis is not wrong. Sure enough, the Big Dipper really came, and it came on the night of the first day.

With the Big Dipper, Lin Feng can add a little seasoning when arranging the Tianyuan blockade array.

In this environment, array arrangement is the key to whether it can add a sum on the basis of Tianyuan array.

Time passed minute by minute.

Lin Feng has been sitting on the void, his eyes slightly closed, his spiritual knowledge scattered, and quietly felt the rhythm of the Big Dipper seven stars in the sky.

At one moment, when the position of the big dipper and the mining island with similar shape on the ground reflect each other, Lin Feng suddenly waved his hand and poured hundreds of kinds of materials from Shenshui space.

All these materials are used to decorate the Tianyuan blockade array. Lin Feng has been waiting for a whole day, but now they are finally in use.

For a moment, the flying materials twinkled in the light of the Big Dipper, and then disappeared into the torrent of vitality.

In the middle of the night, not only the source of the array Qianlong shuttle, but also the 24 real eyes arranged by Lin Feng for the old white beard ghost in advance, lit up in an instant.

The bright light should have been very conspicuous in the night, but the positions selected by those array eyes were all considered by Lin Feng in advance, and the selected locations were all extremely remote places near the mining island.

Moreover, the appearance of these array eyes has also been specially camouflaged. Even if some monsters wandering nearby find abnormalities, they will never see anything strange when they are close.

This is also Lin Feng's belief that monsters are comparable to Xiaobai's array knowledge.

Facts have proved that monsters did find it, but none of them knew what had happened, so they left one after another after the exploration failed.

One night passed quietly.

At the moment when the fish belly was white on the same day, Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes, danced his hands, and instantly formed a complex seal.

When the Yin Jue was formed, an invisible wave spread downward from Qianlong shuttle.

The array is complete.

At this moment, almost all the monsters nearby felt it and looked up together.

However, at the same time, Lin Feng finished printing again and stopped the operation of the array.

After completing all this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and a trace of fatigue flashed across his face.

Next, he just needs to restart the array when the mining Island breaks out.

"Lao Bai, it's hard for you to guard here."

Lin Feng stood up shakily and felt his brain dizzy.

This is a manifestation of spiritual overdraft.

The special rules of the Big Dipper are integrated into the Tianyuan blockade array. It's easy to say, but it really makes Lin Feng have a lot of trouble.

But fortunately, Kung Fu pays off. So far, it has finally been completed.

"What's hard? Don't worry, Taoist Lin. go and have a rest. Leave it to me."

The white beard old ghost nodded and said seriously.

"By the way, while staying near the array, you can also absorb the vitality in the galaxy for cultivation. It has been purified by special techniques. Even if it is melted by inferior spirit stones, there will be no impurities. Your absorption in one or two days is only a drop in the bucket compared with the operation of the whole array."

Lin Feng, who was about to turn around, seemed to think of something and began to tell him.

"Ah... OK."

The white beard old ghost nodded.

After explaining everything, Lin Feng returned to Qianlong shuttle. After explaining to Qianqian, he ran to an independent room and fell down.

Although it is said that it will be more convenient to restore spiritual consciousness with cultivation, now Lin Feng just wants to have a good sleep.

It may be that Lin Feng has an unprecedented desire for sleep because he has been in contact with ordinary humans.

After lying on the bed for a while, there was a uniform sound of breathing in the room.

Lin Feng had a dream.

I dreamed that I found Qin Yanran, and all my family and friends came to the cultivation world. Everything is developing in a good direction.

Lin Feng in his sleep showed a smile from his heart.

And he slept for two days and one night.

When Lin Feng opened his eyes, he felt that the whole person was full of energy, as if he had eaten ginseng after losing too much blood, and his whole body was full of fresh breath.

"Brother Lin, you finally wake up."

After seeing Lin Feng, Qianqian looked a little surprised and said with a smile.

"Well, what happened to the mining island?"

Lin Feng looked out through the crystal inlaid on the inner wall of Qianlong shuttle. The old ghost with white beard sat motionless and practiced in situ. At this time, the sky had come to night.

"About two hours ago, there was a vibration on the mining island. I explored it. It seems that more than 300 people died in the mine."

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