On the surface, the four people are human, but they are unusually tall in stature. From many physical features, all four people are monsters rather than humans.

Among them, the fat old man in a white moon robe sat in the first place. From the folds on his face, we can see that his age is afraid to be high. As for his fat, it is because he is piled there, just like a Maitreya Buddha.

The other three are also in different shapes and extremely strange.

"Shh, cluck, Lao Jiao, this little guy in your family is good."

The fat old man said with a strange laugh as he stuffed unknown food into the innermost part.

On the left is a tall and thin man, who seems to be the only one of the four who is closest to human appearance.

After hearing the fat old man's remarks, the man nodded slightly and said impolitely, "that's natural. Maureen is the most outstanding young generation of the tianmingjiao family. If the test results are satisfactory, my uncle will have a bright face."

"You are not modest at all."

On the right is a fish man, which can be clearly identified from a shoe holder face.

The last person left is another famous royal family in the sea, Tongtian sea lion. A pinch of very round brown hair on the chin has become the characteristic point of its face. Monsters in the sea usually have little hair, but Tongtian sea lion is an exception.

The man looked quite easygoing, smiled at his words and said faintly: "among human friars, the higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to have children, and our monster is even more so. Now that little guy Maureen is less than 200 years old, he has such achievements. Among the monster, he has been regarded as the talent of heaven. Lao Jiao has found a treasure and it's normal to show off."

"Yes, but I really want to see how talented this little guy can be. Maybe the youYou tianmingjiao family will become much stronger because of this little guy."

"That's a thousand years later, so you guys, make more efforts in this millennium to find more excellent genes and strive to produce several excellent offspring, ha ha."

The four people seemed to talk and laugh, but there was a hidden edge in their words.

When the blue light column flashed slightly, the four stopped talking almost at the same time and glanced in the direction of Jietian square.

At this time, all the monsters in Jietian square raised their heads, but Lin Feng looked flat, and even... Seemed a little distracted?

However, no one knows that Lin Feng is bored communicating with Qianlong at this time.

"I said, Qianlong, what kind of blood hidden stone of your demon clan, do you need such ink every time you test it? It's only cyan now. It's been two hours. Look, it's getting dark. I've taken these monsters and kept looking up at their necks. Won't their necks hurt? "

Lin Feng's egg hurts.

When they were on Qianlong shuttle before, they accidentally glanced at it and found that it didn't take too long to test a person.

However, Lin Feng now understands.

It's not the time it took to pick up the Tianshi monument, but because the talent of the person tested before is really rubbish.

It's only orange. It's only about a hundred feet. How long does it take?

But now it's better to test a talented one. It's like an old lady's foot binding. It's smelly and long.

Lin Feng suddenly regretted that he didn't bring some Wantong muscles and bones stickers when he came to the cultivation world? He remembered that the advertisement on TV was very popular. These monsters looked up at their necks every day. It was inevitable that they would get some scapulohumeral periarthritis and cervical spondylosis?

Qianlong coughed slightly and said awkwardly, "no way, the blood hidden stone is like this. In your human words, isn't there a saying called what? "How much ink?"

"That's a good thing."

Lin Feng took a smoke from the corner of his mouth, and then said impatiently, "with the blood level of this goods, it will take at least more than half an hour to complete the test. It's dark before Qianqian finishes the test."

Qianlong said impolitely, "there is no time for cultivation. You are very young, but look at these monsters present. For each of them, time is like boiled water, and the clattering flow won't be distressed. It's only a few hours. What's wrong with waiting? Young man, you're too impatient."

"All right."

Lin Feng yawned and didn't intend to pay attention to the goods.

As a good young man in the 21st century, the concept of time is very important to Lin Feng.

However, it is obviously self defeating to set these routines with an idiot who has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

Lin Feng is also aware of this, so he plans to ignore the goods directly.

"By the way, if you want to speed up, there is not no way."

Qianlong suddenly said.

Lin Feng's ears pricked up: "what way?"

"The method is very simple, and I think Qianqian can still do it. This method is called blood coverage."

"It's a strange noun again."

Lin Feng felt that his brain was short circuited.

As expected, there is no end to learning. Lin Feng feels that he has learned enough things through memory, but compared with Qianlong, what he learned is a drop in the ocean.

Qianlong seemed to have expected that Lin Feng didn't understand this, so after a slight pause, he opened his mouth and explained: "speaking of it, blood coverage is actually a method used to provoke his opponent during the test. You have seen that at this time, the blood potential stone has risen to a very high level, and the color... Austria has changed to blue."

Lin Feng looked up and found that the blue light on the stone pillar had gradually faded, replaced by a touch of deep blue.

At the moment when the stone pillar appeared blue, the demon repair nearby completely fried the pot.

"God, it's really blue. Master Maureen did it!"

"Isn't master Maureen too powerful? Young people have tested that their talent is blue. Doesn't that mean... Master Maureen is sure to break through the Mahayana in the future? All blame my race. If only I could break through the restrictions of race and break through the Mahayana period. "

"Hey, you trash who is not even a general's blood and wants to break through the Mahayana period? First break through the divine period and then talk. "

"It's like you're a general's blood. Look at you, rubbing is a little higher than me. Do you have the ability to fight?"

"Just fight. Who's afraid of who?"

The crowd around has become a pot of porridge.

Maureen, who was in the middle of the square, raised his arrogant head. If it wasn't for keeping a low profile, he even wanted to announce loudly that he was the protagonist at this moment!

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