Thinking in his heart, Shen Wanshan became more and more worried. He quickly walked two steps to the door of the box. After hesitation, he still reached out and knocked on the door.

Without knowing the details of the other party, Shen Wanshan decided to be polite before fighting.

Dong Dong Dong.

A low voice sounded on the third floor.

The monks who were eating on the third floor stopped their movements one after another, and some even stood up and looked this way.

From Shen Wanshan's posture, we can see that he is a bad comer, so the friars are ready to see how the people in the box should deal with it.

After knocking on the door, Shen Wanshan waited quietly.

However, I waited for a long time, but I didn't get any response.

At the same time, Shen Wanshan said in a deep voice, "can you open the door and have a little chat? I am Shen Wanshan, the vice leader of Zhengyi League. "

This time, the response to Shen Wanshan was still a long silence.


Shen Wanshan finally couldn't help but stretch out his hand and push!

Who knows that the door is opened like this. Shen Wanshan knows this kind of door. It is difficult for ordinary friars to destroy it without using yuan force.

After locking inside, people outside don't want to go in rashly.

But now with this push, he really pushed the door open!

Shen Wanshan even stumbled and didn't fall down. As a monk in the period of robbery, there is nothing more humiliating than this.

However, Shen Wanshan had no time to get angry, because he suddenly found that the box was empty!

Only the mess on the table and an ordinary storage bag look particularly dazzling.

"Well... What's going on? Where are the people? "

Shen Wanshan's anger could no longer be restrained and roared.

"Man, vice leader, man may have jumped out of the window and escaped!"

One of his men pointed to the half open exquisite window not far away with his sharp eyes.

"Jumping out of the window and running away, are you teasing me? Not to mention that there is a Dharma array on the window that restricts people from jumping out, and what is outside the window? That's the forbidden lake, okay? Don't you know the forbidden lake behind the Haiyun building? If the friar really jumps out, it's no different from looking for death! "

Shen Wanshan roared.

"What are you arguing about?"

The cold voice sounded again.

Qinghe, who was dressed in black, did not know when he had appeared at the door. He stared coldly at the people of Zhengyi League, and Qinghe unreservedly sent out his strong momentum as a strong man in the later stage of the robbery.

Under the oppression of these momentum, the monks of Zhengyi League blushed, but they didn't dare to use Zhenyuan to resist. They could only reluctantly resist this pressure with their own spiritual knowledge.

This is the rule of Haiyun building. It is forbidden to use Zhenyuan in the building. Even if there is only a trace, it will be instantly detected by the Dharma array enveloping the whole building.

Even Zhengyi League is not free from customs.

However, as a person of Haiyun building, there is naturally no problem in using Zhenyuan.

"Qinghe, where are the people in this box? Where have you been? "

Among the friars present, only Shen Wanshan was not affected by this momentum.

His eyes were fixed on Qinghe, filled with deep anger.

"Huh? People are gone? I just found out. "

Qinghe was stunned. He looked around the whole box. After finding the storage bag on the table, he went forward, picked up the storage bag and swept it with a spirit stone, but smiled: "yes, there is more than enough money for this meal."

After that, Qinghe raised his head again, looked at Shen Wanshan and said faintly, "they have paid the bill. As for how to leave, I don't know, nor is it within the scope of our Haiyun building."

"Are you kidding? My men have been guarding outside. I haven't seen any of them come out at all. And you see, there are traces of windows opening over there. In other words, these friars are likely to jump out of the window and leave! "

It's a matter of great importance. Even people with a good temper can't help it, let alone Shen Wanshan, who is already grumpy.

"You mean, these friars are poor. They already have money for a meal. Then they don't want to live. They come to our Haiyun building for a meal. After dinner, they pay the money and jump into the forbidden lake, right?"

Qinghe said in a flat tone. Finally, he gave a slight meal: "if he didn't have a bad brain, he would really choose to do so."

After hearing this, Shen Wanshan was also stunned. Inexplicably, he felt that what Qinghe said seemed to be reasonable.

If the other party really taboo that they are in the same league, it is also possible to choose to jump into the forbidden lake.

Seeing Shen Wanshan's thoughtful expression, Qinghe flashed a thick color of contempt at the bottom of his eyes.

She felt that Shen Wanshan's brain seemed to be broken.

How could a monk who survived the robbery choose to throw himself into the lake because he was afraid of Zhengyi League? This is absolutely impossible. You know, there is a strong magnetic field near the forbidden empty lake, which makes the lake here as heavy as a thousand. Moreover, her master has set up a very domineering gravity array around the forbidden empty lake, not only for interest, but also to prevent someone from jumping out of the window to escape.

After all, they are all monks. If they eat clean, wipe their mouths and fly away without anyone's attention, and then leave Hanhai City, although this possibility is very small, it can't be said to be none.

For convenience, that's why we have this forbidden lake.

If someone really enters it, let alone the friar in the fit period, even the friar in the Mahayana period will have to drink a pot.

Therefore, a trace of doubt flashed through the bottom of Qinghe's eyes. Where did those people go? Is it hard to jump out? Not really?

Thinking about it, Shen Wanshan looked up and said excitedly, "Qinghe, can you stop the Dharma array on the forbidden lake? My men and I go down to look for something. As soon as we find it, we'll come up right away. "

However, Shen Wanshan said, looking forward to Qinghe, but found that the latter was looking at himself with an idiot's eyes.

"This forbidden lake is the forbidden area of our Haiyun building. Vice alliance leader Shen doesn't know that? If you want to go in, you can go to my master and say, "if the master agrees, I have no opinion."

After leaving a word, Qinghetou disappeared without looking back.

Only Shen Wanshan, who looked ferocious, and a group of Zhengyi League members who were silent.

However, what Shen Wanshan doesn't know is that the person they are looking for is now a hundred miles away.

This is a land of mountains and forests.

Qianlong stayed in the sky of this mountain forest, and Lin Feng released all the people from Shenshui space at the moment he entered Qianlong shuttle.

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