
The supreme elder of the Bijing Bayu family turned his head, looked at the eager eyes in the eyes of the people, and saw the lively expression of other nearby forces. His face was a little uneasy.

If they choose to give in directly, will they not be soft in disguise?

He is the supreme elder of the Bijing Bayu family. He is submissive to a human being and is still the descendant of the Terran. If it comes out, he will be ridiculed by the whole Haizu group.

He can't afford to lose this man!

Thinking in his heart, the supreme elder took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I'm curious about your identity. Can you tell me?"

"Of course, I can. I'm the son of red sky, the puppet patriarch of yanxuan mainland. The two accompanying me are the two deacons of the sect. Are you satisfied?"

Facing the Mahayana friar, the red fox said neither humble nor arrogant.

Anyone can hear that although he used honorific words and claimed to be a junior, he didn't mean much respect in his tone.

At the beginning, the people of the Bijing Bayu family were still angry, but after hearing that the red fox reported to the family, these anger quickly turned into silence.

Of course, the name of the puppet sect is not big enough for the Hai people to know.

To be exact, the royal families in the four seas here have never heard of the name of the puppet sect.

But they understood the two key points in the sentence of red fox.

First, the son of the patriarch.

These four words have shown the importance of red fox to the sect behind him, and also warned the Bijing Bayu family that if they want to attack him, they will bear the Revenge of the whole sect behind him.

Second, the deacon of Zongzhong.

Just imagine that deacons are not particularly high positions in any sect, but can only be regarded as upper and middle reaches.

But the position above the middle reaches is already held by friars during the period of robbery. What about the strength of the hall leader, elders and even patriarchs?

The supreme elder of the blue eye Spanish mackerel family sank.

As sea people, they certainly don't know anything about yanxuan continent.

At least, they all know the four strongest forces in yanxuan continent.

Nebula holy land, wanfaxianzong, glazed Valley, moon gate.

These four sects are thunderous in the whole yanxuan continent and even the nearby sea areas.

The four sea families naturally know that if many sea families unite, there is no problem dealing with one of them alone.

But they also know themselves.

There are many human friars. The most important thing is that the probability of genius is higher than that of monsters.

For example, the total number of human beings is one million, but among their 50000 people, there can be a genius with good qualifications.

The total number of monsters is 5 million, but the difference is that the upper limit of most monsters is very low except those with high blood purity.

Even among the seven or eight hundred thousand monsters, there can be a friar who gets the opportunity to step into the ranks of genius.

This phenomenon is also different from the essence of human beings and monsters.

Because of the differences in qualification and blood, even in casual practice, human beings also have many top talents, and powerful monks who choose to join the sect may not leave the wealth accumulated in their life or cultivation feelings to the descendants of the sect after death because they have no blood relationship.

Therefore, whether in the yanxuan continent or other places in the cultivation world, there are countless secret places left by the strong elders.

Although it is very dangerous, someone will eventually get it, and the monks who have been inherited will naturally change rapidly. As long as their qualifications are not particularly poor, they have become a new generation of heroes.

But monsters are not.

Powerful monsters must be called blood.

Compared with humans, the family nature of monsters is too strong.

Ordinary monsters have a poor chance of breeding monsters with strong blood.

Powerful monsters born in the family will leave their wealth to future generations after death, rather than make public bets, so that all predestined monster friars come to compete.

That's the difference.

Therefore, the human sect will fall apart if it is not well governed.

But the monster family, even if there are internal contradictions, can also be solved in time to stabilize the unity of the family.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In short, a single human sect is absolutely stronger than the monster family.

What bothered the supreme elder of the Bijing Bayu family was that he had never heard of the puppet sect. He only knew that there was no puppet sect in the top sect.

So he's not sure.

Just then, a monk of Bijing Bayu family came forward and whispered to the side of the supreme elder.

The supreme elder of the Bijing Bayu family looked at the speech, and then nodded slightly.

After getting the approval, the friar immediately flashed a happy look at the bottom of his eyes, then stepped forward and walked out of the camp, stared at the young man and said, "the twelve yin-yang rotation array is the treasure left by the elder Feng demon king of our demon family. Of course, our demon family is open-minded. If humans want to enter, it's not impossible, but it depends on whether you have that qualification."

"Oh? What do you mean? "

Red fox looked at the friar at the beginning of the robbery and looked a little disdain.

"It's very simple. I don't bully you. Let any of your two followers come out and compete with me. If you win, my Bijing Bayu family should give way, but if you lose, you have to hand over the key to enter the array!"

The red fox is not surprised by the conditions of the Bijing Bayu people.

He stretched his waist and said leisurely, "this condition is a little unreasonable. The key was originally obtained by the young master. Of course, what I got is mine. If I lose, I have to pay chips. You lose, but you don't need to pay anything. Is this really appropriate?"

The people of the Bijing Bayu family were stunned when they heard the speech.

The intelligence quotient of monsters can't catch up with and surpass human beings after all.

So his brain was a little confused for some time. Instead, he felt that what red fox said was reasonable?

However, the next second, the red fox turned and looked at the supreme elder of the Bijing Bayu family: "but it doesn't hurt if I have an elder. If I start with you, I'll come in person. I'll have a fit period and beat you through the robbery period, so you should be convinced?"

"This guy is a little difficult."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and refreshed his previous senses of the young man on the dock.

On the dock, the young man was overwhelmed by his spiritual power and looked ashen. At that time, Lin Feng just treated him as a clown.

But now it seems that the young man's IQ is higher than he thought, and much higher.

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