"Eleven Caiyun stones and 36 million inferior spirit stones are pretty good."

After walking through the tree cave, Lin Feng was quite satisfied.

Caiyun stone is a kind of refining material with excellent quality. It is more suitable to refine Fengtong sword in the later stage. As for the inferior spirit stone... It is better than nothing.

Lin Feng didn't expect to find the middle or top grade spirit stone in this array.

Because when arranging an array above level 7, the inferior spirit stone has no top effect at all, even if it is refined with a large amount or another spirit gathering array.

Therefore, the arrangement of the twelve yin-yang rotation array can only be supplemented by middle-grade or top-grade spirit stones, as well as Yuanying and Zhenyuan in the monks themselves.

These inferior spirit stones that cannot be taken away are naturally placed here as bait to attract monks.

According to Lin Feng, the Changfeng demon king is a very top existence even among the monks in the Mahayana period. At least it has broken through the later stage of the Mahayana period and is very close to the ascension period.

Therefore, when it comes to wealth, I think the wealth owned by the Changfeng demon king is very terrible. Otherwise, there will still be so many families and friars after opening it dozens of times.

However, Lin Feng always had a doubt in his heart.

If you just want to sublimate your soul before flying, can you use so much energy to lay such an array and give up others to practice again?

Lin Feng felt that if he were himself, he would not do so.

Becoming an immortal or a great demon means rebirth and starting from scratch.

Unless their own qualifications are very rebellious, they are not different from their previous foundation. However, the foundation of monks who can ascend the demon world or fairy world will not be too poor.

When you reach the level of the fairy world, what you touch, what you learn, or pills, or magic weapons for attack, will be different from the world of cultivation.

In the cultivation world, even the best magic weapon is just rubbish in the fairy world.

Lack of a source gas from the fairy world or demon world when cutting the blade. No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it is only a common product after all.

Why on earth would the Changfeng demon king do such a "super low cost performance" thing.


Suddenly, Lin Feng's heart seemed to miss a beat.

He suddenly thought that the Changfeng demon king could cultivate to such a situation. He must not be a retarded.

Since you are not mentally retarded, but you have to do so, is it possible because

"What is he hiding?"

Lin Feng raised his head, looked to the northwest, pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Qianlong, have you felt the information about the location of the Dragon tomb recently?"

Lin Feng suddenly thought of the problems he had tangled with Qianqian before.

Obviously, the marks on the map are close to the Dragon tomb, but unfortunately, it is still inland, and there is no ocean at all.

At that time, he wanted to ask Qianlong this question, but later delayed and forgot.

Now suddenly remembered, naturally asked.

"This is not true. Although I have a certain connection with the Dragon tomb, after all, I have the smell of the beginning dragon, but in my current state, every induction needs to consume a certain soul power. If I induce frequently, I can't bear it."

"I just came to Hanhai city recently. I'm going to explore again when I leave. What's the matter? Master. "

Qianlong asked suspiciously.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and felt his eyelids jump wildly: "you can detect it now."

Seeing Lin Feng's heavy words, Qianlong didn't say anything more, and suddenly calmed down.

Before long, or just after a breath, Lin Feng heard Qianlong's light EH.

"This... No? How did this happen? "

Qianlong's tone was full of amazement.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Feng hurriedly asked.

"Well, the master... We are very close to the Dragon tomb now. If I don't feel wrong, the Dragon tomb is within the twelve yin-yang rotation array!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng only felt a roar in his brain, and the previous troubles were solved in an instant.

"Sure enough, it is. In this way, everything will be explained."

Lin Feng murmured.

The twelve Yin Yang rotation array is just a cover.

The real purpose of the Changfeng demon king is not to maintain the operation of this array, protect and expand his remnant soul, and then go to take away the cultivation and come back for integration.

In other words, this is just one of the purposes of the Changfeng demon king.

Compared with the Dragon tomb, nothing can be regarded as a fart, such as taking away cultivation and stabilizing the foundation.

Dragon blood is supreme.

Lin Feng didn't know what race the Changfeng demon king was.

But even a pig can become a flying pig if it absorbs some blood of the dragon family or gets the inheritance of the dragon family.

This is the charm of dragon blood.

And the long wind demon king must be preparing for the opening of the Dragon tomb.

As for whether what he prepared is useful

"Qianlong, do you think that Changfeng demon king can open the Dragon tomb?"

After pondering for a while, Lin Feng asked.

"It's hard to say."

Qianlong's answer made Lin Feng frown: "no, although I don't know which of the twelve first dragons left this dragon tomb, it's also the first dragon anyway. There should be a big gap between it and the level of monks in Mahayana? You had a mole ant before. Obviously, you didn't pay attention to the Mahayana friar. Why can a Mahayana friar of the demon family open the Dragon tomb so easily? If so, I don't have to go to the demon world. There are many big hands. I'm afraid all other dragon tombs have been opened. "

Lin Feng said unhappily.

"You can't say that."

Qianlong was obviously choked by Lin Feng's words, and his tone was a little embarrassed: "there are many mechanism arrays in the Dragon tomb. Only people with dragon blood can enter. Even so, they will be attacked by the array inside, but there are exceptions. If they have more than the first-class blood, all the mechanism arrays inside will lose their function, And there is a guardian spirit at the door of the Dragon tomb. This guardian spirit is the unconscious residual soul left by the dragon. "

"Will the ghost of Shi long be broken by others? And even if the breakthrough goes in, it's hard to touch the inheritance? "

Lin Feng's eyes widened.

"Of course, if you want to inherit, there is no third shortcut except to break through all array obstacles and have dragon blood and high blood purity!"

Qianlong said categorically, but at the end, he turned the conversation and said weakly: "but there is still a way to break through the remnant soul of the gatekeeper."

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