The inn mentioned by Huang Yao is really small. In an alley, the shopkeeper is a middle-aged man named Hu Sanniang. Hu Sanniang's accomplishments in the middle of the divine period are probably small. The spirit gathering array inside is also the simplest, but the price is cheap. There are ten inferior spirit stones a day.

"Landlady, I want to ask, has the auction of duhai city started?" Huang Yao knew his identity well. After Lin Feng decided to stay, he bumped up in front of Hu Sanniang, took out a cheap spirit stone and put it in front of Hu Sanniang and asked.

"Not yet. There are still three days to start. A Chinese spirit stone. I can give you the list of this auction, especially the last auction. These guests must have come for the auction." Hu Sanniang's eyes swept around Lin Feng and others. Everyone here, including Huang Yao, was in front of her who couldn't find out her strength.

Hu Sanniang knows that the accomplishments of these people are certainly not bad, especially the young man walking in the middle. Hu Sanniang reads people and will never be wrong. That man is an expert and the leader of this pedestrian.

"The inn outside Haicheng is full. Everyone is waiting for the auction to begin! My guest, it's comfortable to be the first to come here. I don't have many guests in my shop. It's no better than some later ones. If I'm a little later, I guess I don't even have a place to live. "

Hu Sanniang looked at the crowd with a smile and poured tea for everyone while talking.

It's just ordinary tea, but it's rare for Hu Sanniang to have a heart. Both tea and tea sets are clean.

"What are there in this auction?" Although the news was more expensive than staying in the hotel, Lin Feng still took out a middle-grade spirit stone and put it on the table. Looking at Hu Sanniang, he asked with a smile.

He lacks everything. The most important thing is probably the spirit stone.

"At this auction, the front is full of small things. The last item is a psionic spell armour. It's said to be refined from a lot of expensive materials and a large number of top-grade spirit stones, which can resist the attack of thunder robbery to the greatest extent, so as to ensure the success rate of robbery!"

There was a flash of envy in Hu Sanniang's eyes. She was obviously very happy about the psionic spell armour, but it was not a treasure that could be found all over the street. This time duhai city released the news. Now the old monsters who wanted to survive the robbery in duhai city sent their disciples and grandchildren even if they didn't come by themselves.

Hearing that it was a psionic spell armor, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of disappointment, but he came for bingyuncao. It doesn't matter whether there is this psionic spell armor or not.

"By the way, boss, this is the information of the auction. To tell you the truth, I'm the only one. The whole city is Haicheng. In addition to the high-level of Haohai auction, only my hu Sanniang has this auction list. It's a Chinese spirit stone. It's not expensive."

Hu Sanniang smiled at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng nodded quietly, opened the list and determined that there was really ice cloud grass on it. Lin Feng's heart was relieved. As long as it was something that the spirit stone could buy, Lin Feng was not worried at all. He lacked everything. The materials for refining utensils, pills and so on, but the spirit stone.

Seeing the satisfaction on Lin Feng's face, Hu Sanniang knew that she had done the right business this time. With a smile on her face, Hu Sanniang said with a smile: "boss, the room is ready for everyone. You can go up and rest. If you need anything, just ask me Hu Sanniang. I have everything here, whether it's accommodation, dinner or business news."

Hu Sanniang smiled and watched a group of people go upstairs and sit in the hall. She carefully put away the middle grade spirit stone and sat in front of the counter. The smile on her face became more and more beautiful.

"Let's have a rest. In three days, we'll go directly to the auction." Lin Feng looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded. Huang Yao also had a room. He opened the door. Huang Yao sat on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Lin Feng would be satisfied with his performance this time.

Three days passed quickly.

In these three days, Huang Yao is basically running errands inside and outside. Huang Yao is a smart man and has a good mind. He knows what he needs and what he wants to do. Everything is arranged properly, so that people can't pick out any thorns at all.

Haohai auction.

Haohai auction is the largest auction in duhai city. As one of the symbols of duhai City, Haohai auction is controlled by Zhengyi League. Now, the gate of Haohai auction is guarded by the disciples of Zhengyi League.

Lin Feng, Qian Qian, Ji ruoli and others all stood together. The five people in the party all had smiles on their faces. When they entered the auction, someone came immediately. The entrance fee of the ordinary hall was a top-grade spirit stone, and the box was ten.

Lin Feng directly paid ten top-grade spirit stones, and five people went upstairs and entered the box.

The box is not big. It's a little crowded when five people go in. The materials on both sides are made of sound insulation materials. In front of it is a simple array. This array is to let the people in the box see clearly what's outside. It has no other function.

"Such a small and broken box still receives ten spirit stones. The Haohai auction is really black." The white beard old ghost stood behind and gave up the front position to Ji ruoli and Qianqian's second daughter.

Ji ruoli's face was curious and looked down with curiosity in his eyes.

"Hey, who makes Zhengyi League the owner of Haohai auction! Zhengyi League is the most powerful of the four human forces in Haicheng, that is, the demon clan. In the territory of Zhengyi League, we should also converge a little! "

Huang Yao stood on tiptoe and looked at the front. As he spoke, he looked down curiously. He also entered the auction for the first time, especially such a large auction. After all, not every cultivator is willing to spend a top-grade spirit stone to watch, especially the friars who have no money.

"Ruoli, come, come to the front." Seeing Ji Ruolin's curiosity, Lin Feng gave Ji Ruolin a place, looked at Ji Ruolin and said with a smile.

"Thank you, master." Ji ruoli nodded with a smile, walked to the front, stood at Lin Feng's place and looked down. Lin Feng's position just saw the whole auction house below.

Under Ji ruoli's gaze, a white haired old man slowly stepped onto the stage, looked around, looked satisfied, and knocked down with a small iron hammer on the auction table.


As soon as the voice came up, everyone was quiet and looked at the old man on the stage. Of course, they were not looking at the old man, but looking forward to the auction products on the stage.

[second change]

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