Bo xunsuo shuttled quickly on the sea. Lin Feng was at ease in the shuttle to stabilize his realm. He entered the middle stage of the combination in one fell swoop in the late stage of Conghua God. Because it was long Jing, Lin Feng's body is actually very unstable.

Lei Jie helped him stabilize the realm. What Lin Feng is doing now is to stabilize the realm under Lei Jie.

Lin Feng sat cross legged in his room. In his mind, a purple black thunder with thick thumb was quietly waiting in his mind. Probably because of this thunder, was there lightning and thunder in his spiritual consciousness? With the release of Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness, a palpitating force was constantly circling around.

Lin Feng controlled this robbery thunder to shuttle through his mind and felt the power contained in it. The corners of Lin Feng's mouth flashed a smile.

Lin Feng didn't dare to look at a thumb thick thunder at all, but he absorbed the jiuxiao God thunder contained in his thunder robbery. Although it was only wood thick and thin, Lin Feng knew that it was definitely his own big killing move.

Not everyone has the courage to rob others.

Not everyone has the courage to introduce thunder light into their own body!

No one was afraid of the thunder before the tiger cub's own thunder robbery came. He rushed up to the sky and fought against the thunder while introducing the domineering and ferocious thunder into his mind.

This action looks very simple, but only those who really do it will know. This is not just a talk!

For a long time, Lin Feng just breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes and looked outside. The weather outside was just right. Lin Feng slowly walked to the open area outside. Bo xunzuo probably understood the master's mood. At this time, he slowed down and shuttled slowly on the sea.

"Master, Congratulations, hee hee!" Ji ruoli trotted out and stood beside Lin Feng. He leaned against Lin Feng with a slightly green body and said with a smile.

Seeing the smile on the little girl's face, Lin Feng smiled and said, "well, you should also make good efforts. After the muscles and veins are completely dredged, you should also start practicing." Lin Feng, with a smile on his face, looked at Ji ruoli and said.

Ji ruoli's body has half the blood of ordinary human beings, half the blood of monsters and animals, the body of soft water, and 100% of the blood of big monsters that can rise. As long as the foundation is well laid, the future of the little girl in front of her will be unlimited. This is also the reason why Lin Feng wholeheartedly teaches Ji ruoli.

Lin Feng knows that as long as Ji ruoli is done well, his future will be unlimited and will certainly become a rare help around him.

"I know, master, don't worry. When I can practice, I can help you!" Ji ruoli's eyebrows and eyes bent, looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

Seeing the little girl, Lin Feng's mind moved.

Although the little girl is still green and astringent, she is also green and astringent. In particular, she knows whether to understand or not. With curious eyes, she hasn't grown up yet, but she can basically be sure that the future is a big beauty's facial features.

Such a season is still very easy to move.

At the moment when Lin Feng was in a trance, a strong smell seemed to sweep half of the sky. On the island not far away, purple lights wrapped around the island. After the emergence of purple, the aura of the whole area became thick.

Lin Feng suddenly stared round and looked at the front. There were stars in his eyes, and the whole person's spirit was raised.

"Go over there and have a look!" Lin Feng greeted Boqi and said.

"What is that?" Compared with hearing Lin Feng's words, he quickly headed for the island over there.

This side has been infinitely close to the yanxuan continent. Although these islands are not large, they all look like a prosperous population. Lin Feng stood on Boxun Suo and saw human traces when passing through several islands.

Many ordinary people live on these islands. Because they love Xuanyan continent, the monsters in the sea are also very close to these sea areas. These ordinary people live a very comfortable life.

"What a familiar breath..." compared with the past, I suddenly put on a touch of nostalgia in my eyes and said.

"Do you know what that is? I just feel that the energy of heaven and earth over there seems to have changed greatly, so go and have a look. " Lin Feng frowned and said to Boqi.

"Yes, master, this should be the auspicious light of the birth of Tiancai and Dibao, but when great Tiancai and Dibao appear, it is often accompanied by the change of heaven and earth energy, which changes a lot. Maybe this time, it is a great Tiancai and Dibao."

Boqi's face seemed to be a little excited. Looking at Lin Feng, he said with a smile, "I didn't expect these; There are such treasures on the barren island. "

Hearing Boqi's words, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

Tiancai and Dibao are not so easy to generate. They often take thousands of years. Now Lin Feng has just entered the area of Xuanyan mainland, and he has encountered such a good thing.

"It seems that this trip to yanxuan continent is destined to be full of harvest."

"Master, that Tiancai earth treasure has been guarded. Shall we go there?" Hearing Lin Feng's confident words, Boqi whispered to Lin Feng with some uncertainty.

"Yes, of course. It's a natural treasure. Not everyone can see it. Isn't it a pity not to go?" The corners of Lin Feng's mouth lifted up a smile and said, "what belongs to others? Since it is not mature, it belongs to everyone. Since it belongs to everyone, grab it if you can."

White beard old ghost and Qianqian obviously came out because they felt the change of energy outside. When they heard Lin Feng say so, they both turned their eyes.

Your old man's hobby is not Tiancai and Dibao. I'm afraid it's the taste of robbery.

Along the way, whether in the east Yellow kingdom or in the sea, for Lin Feng, whether it is because of the human race or the demon race, as long as there is excitement, Lin Feng seems to have to take part in it, and often runs away when the water is muddy.

For Lin Feng, their impression is basically set in these places. The person in front of them is clearly a troublemaker.

At this time, boxunsuo had reached the sky over the island. Boqi said, "master, it's Yun lingguo. There are four more. This is a good baby!"

Hearing Boqi's voice, Lin Feng was stunned. Yun lingguo? However, seeing Boqi's happy face, Lin Feng knew that this Yun lingguo must be a great good thing.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng also put a smile on his face, rubbed his hands and was eager to try. He said, "it seems that we really met a good baby this time. Here is yunlingguo!"

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