The way of truth cultivation is to go against the sky. Whether Ji Ruolin likes it or not, such a scene will have to be experienced sooner or later, even more cruel than this one.

In this way, being able to contact this as soon as possible will guarantee her personal safety in the future.

For a while, Ji Ruolin leaned against the small tree next to him and was panting all the time.

"Let's go on." Seeing Ji Ruolin's appearance, Lin Feng said faintly. The people nodded. Ji Ruolin followed everyone. His face was still pale, but his expression was firm.

Once upon a time, she knew that the world was a cannibal world. Whether it was a mortal or a monk, she had experienced the cold and warm human feelings. Ji ruoli had already experienced it. Although the dead made Ji ruoli very uncomfortable this time, Ji ruoli soon adjusted her state of mind.

Seeing that Ji ruoli had adjusted his state of mind so quickly, Lin Feng nodded. The five people continued to move forward and walked out of the forest land. The words in front of him suddenly became clear.

"The puppet sect works. Don't disturb others! Those who dare to go further will be killed without amnesty! " Two men in puppet clothes stood there and saw Lin Feng and his party coming. The long sword in their hands blocked the way of Lin Feng and others, stared round and said.

"In this case..." Lin Feng looked at the two disciples of the puppet sect in front of him with gloom in his eyes and said, "you killed those mortals?"

Lin Feng's eyes were gloomy. Looking at the puppet sect's disciples, he asked with a sense of killing.

"So what? However, if a group of Dalits dare to disobey the order of our puppet sect and release the friars into the island without permission, they should be killed! " A puppet disciple heard Lin Feng's words, snorted coldly and said.

"I advise you to see clearly. This is the territory of puppet sect. You'd better leave as soon as possible!" The eyes of the two puppet disciples swept around Lin Feng and his party. From the standing of the five people, they can basically see that Lin Feng is the main force in this group.

However, when the two men saw the two women standing next to Lin Feng, their eyes immediately lit up.

Qianqian was originally a snake people. Most of the snake people's facial features are bright and colorful. As the saint of the snake people, Qianqian's facial features are even more outstanding. The bright and charming facial features, enchanting figure and Qianqian's clothes are very bold. The God 'V' in front outlines Qianqian's tall and straight double peaks.

The impending Shuangfeng moved slowly with Qianqian's breath, which made the two puppet disciples stare round and swallow saliva.

Although Ji Ruolin is a little worse, he is better than green and astringent. Especially now, his face is pale because of what he has seen and heard before, and I still feel pity for him.

Such a beautiful woman

The two disciples of the puppet sect swallowed their saliva again. Even in the puppet sect, there was no such a perfect woman.

The two people only remember the last time, they seemed to have seen a picture scroll. On the picture scroll, they said that it was the wife to be married by the Holy Son of the nebula holy land. It was pure and lovely. The figure was ready to come out. It had nothing to do with the famous saying that it was beautiful, especially the Yin Tao's small mouth. People couldn't help but want a good kiss.

I thought that such a beauty could only be seen from a distance and not be blasphemous. I let the two puppet disciples have no idea that they could see two at a time in this place

If these two beauties toss and turn under their own bodies and sing gently, they will be willing to enter the combination period even if they do not follow the God period for a thousand years.

The two puppet disciples who fell into beauty didn't notice that the people in front of them were out of Ji ruoli's realm. They didn't feel the realm of others at all.

"The man killed and the woman stayed. Hey, this time, our brothers made money!" A puppet disciple smiled, wiped the saliva on the corner of his mouth, and stared at Qianqian.

"Hum, die!" Qianqian's eyes flashed gloomy, his hands waved, and a spirit training directly threw it at the two people. Before the two puppet disciples reacted, they just felt that their necks seemed to be strangled by something and kept rolling on the ground. Their hands covered their necks. They couldn't make a sound if they wanted to ask for help, so they had to roll there.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, no one thought they were pathetic, only that they were very pathetic.

But perhaps this is the tragedy of those big sects. The disciples of big sects always feel superior and will be trampled under their feet.

Unfortunately, this time these two people met Lin Feng, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, and a group of people who were not familiar with ChiYan mainland, just a few disciples in the period of transforming God. They killed and were not afraid of trouble to find themselves.

Thinking of this, a group of people continued to go deep and killed two disciples guarding the inside. Everyone looked better. They continued to move forward and soon stood on the small hill. Looking down from the small hill, they saw two Turquoise plants entangled in the valley below. Around, the plants were green and the palm sized leaves extended out, The top of a plant is divided into five forks. At the top of the five forks, there is a dark purple fruit about the size of a baby's fist.

Around Yunling grass, almost all the aura has been absorbed by Yunling grass, especially at the top of the fruit. Almost all the aura has become the essence.

"There is about half an hour left for this Yun lingguo to mature." Boqi's voice rang out in Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng nodded and looked at several people next to Yun lingguo.

One of them, Lin Feng, is very familiar with the red fox that escaped from the twelve yin-yang wheel array.

It's really a narrow road for friends. I didn't expect that the first person I met in ChiYan mainland would be Chihu, a bully in Hanhai city. Both of his puppets were directly hanged by Lin Feng. Now, beside Chihu, there is a black puppet. This boy, it seems that his identity is really good. In a twinkling of an eye, There is a puppet who fits the peak.

"Who!" Suddenly, the red fox suddenly raised his head and looked at the direction where Lin Feng was sitting. Lin Feng didn't mean to hide. He slowly appeared in front of the red fox with a group of people. He smiled and said:

"Son of red fox, I didn't expect us to meet so soon!"

Lin Feng looked at the red fox with a smile on his face and said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Chihu's face immediately became gloomy. Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes were cold. As soon as he saw Lin Feng, Chihu thought of his painstakingly refined puppets. Unfortunately, now the two puppets there have all been hanged by Lin Feng.

The pain of losing the puppet broke out immediately after seeing Lin Feng. Looking at Lin Feng, the red fox was gnashing teeth in his clothes and couldn't drink to kill Lin Feng.

Seeing the appearance of red fox, Lin Feng was just a girl, sighed and said, "I'm the son of red fox, but I'm just two puppets. There's no need to put on such an expression, right?"

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