Yao Ziyi's eyes are cold. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, she gnashes her teeth and looks at Lin Feng here. Her eyes are cold. She tries hard to pull her hand out of Lin Feng's hand.

Lin Feng's strength is great. Yao Ziyi can't shake it at all. Yao Ziyi's eyes are cold. Looking up at Lin Feng, the cold in her eyes is getting colder and colder.

Seeing Yao Ziyi's appearance, Lin Feng's original careless momentum suddenly changed. As soon as he heard the name Qin Yanran, Lin Feng only felt that all his momentum was raised.

"Say..." Lin Feng just said a word. Yao Ziyi's attack has come in front of Lin Feng. The frost sword in her hand attacked Lin Feng again. Lin Feng's body quickly retreated towards the back. Yao Ziyi snorted coldly and said:

"Wait for me. I'll kill you sooner or later."

With that, Yao Ziyi's body quickly disappeared in the Guiyun building and didn't give Lin Feng a chance to speak at all.

"You!" Seeing Yao Ziyi's rapid arrival in the park, Lin Feng stared round at the front. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. This woman is really not an ordinary arrogant.

However, in this round of battle, the one in Guiyun building didn't take the shot.

Nangu stood in the room on the top floor. Her eyes were just at the door of the box where Lin Feng was. Seeing Yao Ziyi's hand, she left quickly. Nangu frowned and muttered to herself:

"Ziyi has always been very measured. What's the matter?"

Instead, nangu looked at Lin Feng sitting there. This boy is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but why did Ziyi match this boy? Listen to the boy, this boy is the first time to come to yanxuan continent.

Nangu stood there frowning, so that she didn't fight the last two people. When she reacted, Yao Ziyi had left Guiyun building and saw the damaged things below. Nangu snorted coldly and said:

"Sima Haoran, you are responsible for the loss."

"I said nangu, are you old and confused? It's clear that the woman broke it. Let's make compensation? I said, nangu, don't you think you are the most fair, popular and good to Guiyun building? Now a woman is allowed to behave wantonly in your Guiyun building? "

Hearing nangu's words, Sima Haoran raised his eyebrows, looked at it and said that he didn't have any opinion on Guiyun building. He just brought his Taoist friends who met for the first time to have dinner and contact feelings. The result was good. As soon as he came up, he met someone. If you left directly after fighting, he would also be responsible for compensation.

Doesn't this compensation explain his reason?

This black pot, he Sima Haoran, don't carry it!

"Sima Daoyou, it doesn't matter. It all started because of me. I will be responsible for the compensation this time." Lin Feng's mind came back from Yao Ziyi, who had escaped directly. He turned to look at Sima Haoran. The whole look was right now and said.

When Lin Feng came to Xuanyan mainland, of course, Qin Yanran was the most important thing. Lin Feng didn't expect to see people who knew Qin Yanran in this small Guiyun building. Now it seems that this woman has a good relationship with her own Yanran.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and twinkled stars in his eyes. He was afraid that he could not find the sweet news. With the sweet news, everything would be easy to do next.

Although Yao Ziyi has run away now, Lin Feng believes that since this woman cares about Yanran, she will certainly come to the door. It's not too late to clarify things.

At the thought of this, Lin Feng's original mind was not very lively, and he was in a better mood with starlight in his eyes.

"Lin Daoyou, this loss is due to me. This difficult aunt is really too much this time. It is clear that the woman's identity is not easy to provoke, so she just let the woman mess." Sima Haoran snorted coldly, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing Sima Haoran's words, Lin Feng flashed an accident in his eyes and said, "that's not true. This woman's identity is still very noble?"

Hearing Sima Haoran's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. If he could know Yao Ziyi's identity, it would be best. Yao Ziyi didn't come to the door. He could also find it. Yanran was too important for him. He couldn't miss any chance.

"I really can't think of anyone else except Yao Ziyi, the saint of the nebula holy land, who has such a strong smell of ice and looks so beautiful in purple."

Sima Haoran waved his hand and made a gesture of invitation. The two people went into the building and ordered some food. Sima Haoran whispered, "recently, there have been a large number of disciples of puppet sect and Xingyun Holy Land in Guiyun city. Guiyun city is a small city. It has been rare for so many puppet sect and Xingyun Holy Land in the past ten or eight years."

Hearing Sima Haoran's words, Lin Feng's mind changed, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. Is there such a thing?

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Sima Haoran smiled bitterly and said, "brother, you may not know that Guiyun city is a small seaside city. All these big sects are inland and very far away from Guiyun city. The seaside is good, but many inland disciples are not good at naval warfare. Naturally, few come to seaside cities, The deep sea did it with some monks. They never came in their life. "

Sima Haoran said to Lin Feng with a calm look.

Lin Feng is clear about this. Generally speaking, inland disciples are somewhat confused about the sea area, but in fact, or because they are close to the mountain and the sea, the practitioners on the beach seem to be a little more powerful than those on the inland, especially those in the port area, where trade is prosperous and there are many more treasures in the hands of monks.

"There must be some kind of baby." Hearing Sima Haoran's words, Lin Feng smiled faintly and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Sima Haoran waved his hand and said, "there are 300000 monks who belong to Cloud City. If you really want to have any treasure, it has been spread to Cloud City. Where can you get them to keep it secret?" Sima Haoran smiled and said, "but I heard that these came here because of a woman."

Sima Haoran, with one of the strong eight trigrams in his eyes, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng didn't have much gossip. He didn't pay much attention to the fact that this woman was not a woman. On the contrary, the eyes of Qianqian and Ji ruoli next to him immediately lit up, looked at Sima Haoran and waited for Sima Haoran to speak.

Feeling the warm eyes of the second daughter, Sima Haoran finally breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, someone was willing to listen to himself about this gossip.

Sima Haoran sat up straight and coughed gently.

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