On the other side, mother-in-law Wei and ruolong Ji'an, a ruolong in the mid-term of the ruolong nationality, were paired together.

Qianqian stood behind granny Wei, and their eyes were gloomy.

"I said you two hit me. Can you have a little backbone?" Ji'an said, gnashing his teeth at granny Wei and Qianqian.

"When a group of ruolong bullied me at the beginning, you had backbone?" Granny Wei snorted coldly, and her hands were tied directly towards Ji'an. Ji'an hurried to deal with granny Wei's attack. As soon as she looked up, she saw that buddy was at a complete disadvantage.

"Brother, I'll help you!" Ji'an flew towards buddy. Granny Wei's attack directly hit Ji'an's body. Qian Qian hit Ji'an's body with colorful exercises in his hands. Ji'an's body trembled and trembled, but she still clenched her teeth and flew towards buddy.

"It's really a pair of loving brothers." Lin Feng shook his head. His breath directly designated the two dragons above. Ji'an's body trembled. The tremor of the soul chef made Ji'an look at Lin Feng.

"Surrender, our brothers are willing to surrender!"

Ji'an said loudly to Lin Feng, turned to look at granny Wei and said, "our brother surrendered. We are willing to give up the Butterfly Valley, and we will never step into the Butterfly Valley again. We don't want the baby here. If you want, take it away, and we don't want anything!"

Mrs. Wei and Qianqian all chased over at this time. Hearing the words of the two dragons, Mrs. Wei sneered and said, "where's your backbone?"

"Backbone can't be used for life, Mrs. Wei. We're wrong. We surrender. We'll withdraw from the butterfly valley. We'll never enter the Butterfly Valley again. Now we return all the things we robbed to your mother-in-law. Please let us go..."

Ji'an lay there bitterly, his whole body curled up together, looked at grandma Wei and said with a painful face.

"Hum!" Granny Wei snorted coldly. When she heard granny Wei's cold hum, the two ruolong bodies trembled. Below, a group of ruolong people and the whole snake people piled together and fought hard.

"It's OK to let go of your two big earthworms, but look at your little earthworms below. You don't mean to leave." With a smile on his face, Lin Feng pointed to Ruo long, who was fighting with the snake people below, shook his head and said.

"No, no, no, we'll never do it. We'll stop, we'll stop fighting." The two dragons bit their eyes and mouths so hard that they couldn't see clearly. Ba Di made a sharp and uncomfortable sound on BA's head. The following dragons immediately stopped attacking and turned around the two brothers.

"Can't we surrender?" Ji'an lay there, looked at Lin Feng bitterly and said.

Lin Feng looked at granny Wei. It was mainly the skill of the snake people.

"Go down first." Mrs. Wei pursed her mouth and said, Lin Feng nodded and stepped on it. The two Ruo dragons directly hit the ground, and their bodies were thrown several meters high. The next moment, the two Ruo dragons directly turned into human beings, looked at Lin Feng bitterly and said:

"We are wrong, we are wrong, let us go."

Seeing these two soft and pitiful ruolong, Lin Feng didn't know what to say for a moment. These two guys

"You can let go. You swear to keep the door for us snake people for 300 years, and we'll let you go." Granny Wei snorted coldly, looked at the two ruolongs and said, there is no doubt that the two guys are powerful, and the ruolongs behind them are also the descendants of the two guys.

Dragon nature is sexual. These guys who call themselves ruolong learn this very well. Although it is more difficult for practitioners to get children, these ruolong do not use one or two to describe their offspring. Let alone those who have accomplishments, some who have no accomplishments. Behind them, there is at least one football team.

"Good goalkeeper."

Hearing mother-in-law Wei's words, Lin Feng nodded, but seeing thousands of ruolong below, Lin Feng frowned again. There seemed to be too many of these guys.

"Yes, yes, I swear by buddy, I'm willing to guard the door for the snake people for 300 years. In these 300 years, I'm willing to be driven by the snake people without any complaints."

"I'm Ji'an..."

Two days later, ruolong was called a dog leg. As soon as grandma Wei's words fell, the two ruolongs immediately swore. Seeing this, Lin Feng shook his head and stood there, watching grandma Wei deal with things here.

"Take out my serpent people's things." Granny Wei held out her hand, and the two ruolongs hesitated. The next moment, they spit out a lot of things directly. Granny Wei didn't mind putting all the things away.

"Some are used by us. These are the rest, Mrs. Wei. Please check."

Ruo long stood there, smiled and said.

Mrs. Wei sneered, put away her things, and then handed them all to Lin Feng. She said, "clan leader, these are the continuation of our snake people over the years. Jiuhe sect has been making these savings, and I haven't taken them out."

Seeing that Granny Wei sent things directly to Lin Feng, she whispered.

Lin Feng is not greedy for money. Although these things look good, he has too many good things on hand. Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "since they are the things of the snake people, then stay."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Granny Wei flashed a touch of emotion in her eyes and said, "thank you, patriarch."

Lin Feng just waved her hand. Granny Wei put away her things and hesitated. Suddenly she took out a box from inside and said, "patriarch, I believe you need this."

Mrs. Wei's mouth looked at Lin Feng with a mysterious smile and said that after listening to Mrs. Wei's words, Lin Feng was stunned, took the box, opened it and saw a small fragment put in it.

What is this?

Lin Feng frowned. Granny Wei smiled and nodded. Lin Feng put away the box, paused and said, "thank you, granny."

Mrs. Wei turned and looked at buddy and Ji'an. Buddy and Ji'an stood there with a flattering smile on their faces. Don't say anything about backbone. They didn't even have bones.

Lin Feng looked at the two dragons in front of him with some interest in his eyes. He remembered that Qian Qian said that there was a trace of dragon blood in Ruo Long's body. Compared with these Ruo long, there were also some.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng glanced at Qianqian behind him, coughed, looked at two ruolong and said:

"I heard that every Dragon who can cultivate will have a trace of dragon blood?"

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