The moon gate is at the end of the red flame mountains.

The whole ChiYan mountain range traverses the yanxuan continent. There are many monsters in the ChiYan mountain range, and all kinds of sects, large and small, are all around the ChiYan mountain range.

The moon gate is one of the leaders and the largest sect in the red flame mountain.

The moon gate is located in the Xiaoyun mountain of the ChiYan mountains. The whole Xiaoyun mountain is filled with clouds. A stone pillar rises into the sky. Above the stone pillar, the word "moon gate" is magnificent.

As one of the treasures of the moon gate, the moon hinders the moon gate, but in the moon city, a large market formed by relying on the moon gate. The whole moon stands on the central square of the moon city, occupying half of the area of the whole city.

In this square, countless practitioners and mortals sat cross legged on the ground, chanting one by one, with their hands in front, very pious.

"Do these people all want to join the moon gate?" Ji ruoli stood outside and saw so many people sitting on the ground with their mouths slightly open.

"Yes, all of these people hope to join the moon gate. However, the rules of the moon gate are very simple, that is, they can understand from above. Once they are recognized by the moon, they can enter the moon gate."

Sima Haoran nodded, looked at the very neat Xiuzhen and mortals sitting in front, and sighed.

"It's really cruel. If you can't, you can't. why give these people hope and despair?" Ji ruoli tooted his mouth, looked at the people eating below, and said cautiously on his face.

Hearing Ji ruoli's words, Sima Haoran shook his head and said, "in this world, the way of cultivation has always been different. God is biased. It is doomed that some people can practice and some people will be mediocre. The moon gate undoubtedly gives them hope. Even if they know that they can't do it, this is the meaning that these people are unwilling to give up."

Sima Haoran sighed, looked ahead and said.

Immortality is really a great temptation to human beings. Therefore, these people who have no way to practice, with the moon gate, they just open a new world and have a different paradise from now on.

And those who hold the moon gate have no threshold, which has indeed achieved them and, of course, destroyed them.

Both practitioners and ordinary human beings came to the moon gate one after another, dreaming that they could become disciples of the moon gate in that moment.

"This is already very gentle. The way of cultivation is to go against the sky. Everyone cuts through thorns and thorns. The moon gate is also an alternative, which gives them such a future, which is also a hope for them."

Lin Feng whispered to Ji ruoli.

After all, he once brought it in the countryside. Ji Ruolin can naturally understand the bitterness in the hearts of farmers, as well as the pursuit of power and helplessness. He officially thought he knew what. At the moment, Lin Feng gently nodded and Ji Ruolin nodded, which can also be regarded as understanding Lin Feng's words.

"These people..." Sima Haoran stood there and looked at those people. He just shook his head and said, "they are too crazy to see clearly. Every year, time is wasted here."

Hearing Sima Haoran's sigh, everyone didn't speak. A group of people shuttle among these people. These people sit there cleanly one by one. It seems that only the huge moon is left in their mind.

"The moon is so big." Not far from the moon, I saw countless disciples of the moon gate standing there. These disciples sat cross legged one by one with serious eyes. They glanced at a crowd sitting in the square, and the disciples of the moon gate shook their heads.

"If you leave, why don't you sit down and feel it?" Lin Feng looked at Ji ruoli and said with a smile.

"OK, OK, master, are you coming too? Why don't you come too, master? Hey, Sima nonsense, come too. " Ji ruoli turned to look at Sima Haoran and said with a smile. This time, because Sima Haoran has too much nonsense, Ji ruoli has automatically named Sima Haoran as Sima nonsense.

"Just come here, little girl. I belong to Guiyun sect. I don't covet this star and moon catcher. I think this is suitable for you, little girl." Sima Haoran shook his fan, shook his head and said.

Ji Ruolin sat there. He was really calm and began to feel it. Seeing Ji Ruolin's appearance, Sima Haoran turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "I said brother Lin, you can't really absorb people. You should put people here. Although the moon gate is good, because there are many people in the moon gate, the internal struggle of the moon gate is very obvious, There are many disciples of the moon gate. Every year, there are at least tens of thousands of people who die from internal fighting! "

Hearing Sima Haoran's words, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "who said I would leave Ruolin here? First of all, Ruolin is my disciple. Besides, she is a charming girl,. It's cheaper to stay here, these guys? "

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth lifted up with a sneer. He turned his head and looked at Sima Haoran with his eyebrows. He also looked forward to Ji ruoli's determination.

"Since you are going to run away with your apprentice, why don't you understand yourself? Brother Lin, your ability is so good. I believe you can learn a lot from it."

Sima Haoran smiled, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing Sima Haoran's words, Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "I've cultivated enough. I'm not in a hurry to pick up the stars and the moon. Let's wait for Ruo Li. By the way, wait for you to cover a little. I think this girl has great fortune."

Hearing what he said, Sima Haoran's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. He looked down at Ji Ruolin, who was sitting there quietly. He found that Ji Ruolin had a gentle smile on his face. His hands formed a strange gesture and sat there. Lin Feng blocked the sight of the disciples holding the moon gate in front.

Sure enough, they are a pair of fox teachers and disciples

Seeing this, Sima Haoran's mouth twitched, and his eyes were very strange.

These disciples who come to the moon gate will eventually become disciples of the moon gate. If they were not to enter the moon gate, they would not be here and abide by the moon day after day and year after year.

At this moment, Sima Haoran had to sigh that there were really no bad people around Lin Feng. Even Ji ruoli, who had the worst cultivation, had enough talent to describe it with change.

"Tut Tut, brother Lin, no wonder you haven't taught your little martial nephew all the time. It turns out that your talent is here..." Sima Haoran shook his fan and said.

Lin Feng didn't speak, but looked down at Ji ruoli. Seeing that Ji ruoli was soothing and frowning, Lin Feng's heart also lifted up, holding the invisible wave ten day shuttle in his hand. Once he found anything abnormal, Lin Feng was ready to run with Ji ruoli.

Ruo Li is his precious and good disciple, but he can't bear to teach hard. Finally, he made wedding clothes for others.

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