Hearing Lin Feng's words, mu Yunshen's look changed a little, took a look at the bottom and said, "no, just now you didn't hesitate to take the soul grass and kill the three people. If you want to know where Qin Yanran is, go down Baizhang cliff first. Your reputation is too low."

Muyun shook his head deeply, looked at Lin Feng and said, his face stiffened. Under the starlight of Ji ruoli, Muyun pursed his mouth and looked at Lin Feng.

"You are a person who follows us and are still talking about credibility with us?" Lin Feng sneered, looked at the dusk cloud and said, "it seems a little inappropriate. Anyway, I'll find it sooner or later. I've got it. Sima Haoran threw this guy down directly."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Sima Haoran nodded and looked like I was about to do it. Seeing Sima Haoran's appearance, mu Yunshen took a step towards the other side and said, "we're good enough to stand together now. It's easy to say. As long as you take me down, I promise to tell you Qin Yanran's position, and it's 100% ready, I can swear here in my name that if I say something wrong, it will be thunderous. "

Dusk cloud looked at Lin Feng deeply and said solemnly on his face.

Hearing the words of dusk clouds, Lin Feng turned and looked at Yao Ziyi. Obviously, Yao Ziyi understood these things better.

"Mu Yunshen is a puppet. During cultivation, there is no thunder robbery and he can't fly up. Therefore, he can only stay in this lower boundary all his life. As for his experiment, you can take it seriously, because he doesn't need any sky thunder. Just a thunder can directly put him out."

Yao Ziyi's eyes were cold, but she still answered Lin Feng's words. After listening to Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng nodded and said, "I hope you don't play pigtails, otherwise..."

Lin Feng had a strong warning in his eyes. When he heard Lin Feng's words, mu Yunshen smiled and said, "don't worry, Taoist friends. I have lived in Mu Yunshen for 2000 years, which still has some credibility."

Hearing the words of dusk clouds, Lin Feng's mouth twitched. A puppet who has lived for 2000 years is always strange to Lin Feng.

"Have you been a puppet since you were born?" Ji ruoli's eyes twinkled with stars. Looking at the deep evening clouds, he asked curiously.

Hearing Ji ruoli's words, Muyun shook his head and said, "no, no, I was not born or a puppet. I used to be a human being. I have practiced for more than 3000 years and can finally fly up. As a result..."

The words behind mu Yunshen didn't say, but from Mu Youyun's deep tone, Lin Feng heard a bit of desolation. It was not easy to fly up, but finally became a puppet who can only stay in the lower world forever.

I don't know what the fairyland looks like.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, turned back and said, "if you leave, we'd better hurry down now and maintain the skill on this. Your loss is too great."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji ruoli smiled and nodded, and the party went down. Sima Haoran looked at the depth of the twilight cloud for a few more eyes. It seemed that he could not see the depth of the twilight cloud.

"You're a puppet, so you're ready to run down for your own things?" Sima Haoran's voice was a little indifferent. He looked at the dark clouds and said.

"No, it's mainly to come down and have a look. I always feel that I have an opportunity here. I need to get it, so I'm here." After hearing Sima Haoran's words, Muyun shook his head and said solemnly.

"I finally know why I don't like you, because you are as shameless as me." Sima Haoran looked at the dark clouds and said.

"Sima Daoyou, you're wrong. I think Muyun Shen is right. Since I saw Muyun Shen, I feel that there seems to be a little music connection between my body and Muyun Shen. Maybe, Muyun Shen, you don't stay in the puppet sect. You can get a good chance to break into the world with me. It's not necessary to fly!"

Lin Feng looked at the dark clouds with a smile and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, twilight cloud turned to look at Lin Feng. There seemed to be a somewhat complex look in his eyes, but when he looked close with gray eyes, it always made people feel very shabby and unwilling to look close.

Muyun Shen was originally a puppet. He didn't have any popularity. He was pale and lifeless. Although he could walk around and looked handsome, he still looked too bad.

"..." muyunshen looked at Lin Feng speechless, especially after seeing the seriousness in Lin Feng's eyes and Lin Feng's fox like smile, muyunshen turned his head.

"Brother Lin, you're great!" Sima Haoran gave Lin Feng a thumbs up. What he didn't expect was that Lin Feng was ready to take others as his puppet!

The eldest disciple of the puppet sect can't be anyone. Maybe he will be the leader of the puppet sect in the future! As a result, people want you to be their puppet!

Sima Haoran walked behind. He always felt that he was strong enough. Now he knows that his strong force is not a fraud at all. This is the real strong person!

Along the way, with Ji ruoli's skill operation, those blood vines no longer tangled with the people. With the witness of many Nebula holy places and puppet disciples outside, the people finally stood on the ground without returning to the sea.

This is the real import of no return to the sea.

Although the sea water is pouring down, it is dark and dry below. There are many disciples walking around. These disciples, either from the nebula holy land or from the puppet sect, swim around. When they walk and see the dusk cloud, all the disciples of the puppet sect come together and stand in front of the dusk cloud and say:

"Elder martial brother, why are you here?"

A disciple came forward, obviously the leader here, looked at the deep evening cloud, frowned slightly and asked.

Obviously, this disciple seems to be a little unwelcome for mu Yun to come in.

"I'll come in and walk. Why, I'll come in and walk. You'll control me?" The twilight cloud snorted coldly, looked at these people and said.

Hearing what mu Yunshen said, several disciples of the puppet sect immediately turned pale and said, "senior brother, don't dare, we just... Just... Senior brother is not suitable for here." The leading disciple trembled when he saw the gloomy face in the dark cloud, shook his hand and said.

"Then don't stand in the way. I have something else to do." With that, dusk Yunshen walked directly to the front, as if you don't want to trouble me, otherwise, I'll be more troublesome than you.

"I heard that there is a disciple of our sect who can pick stars. Which martial nephew of mine has come?"

Just as the party was about to leave, a rough voice sounded.

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