The waiter never had any illusions about the longbow, and the boss just hung it on the wall at will.

The long bow has been on the wall for three years.

At the beginning, someone sent the longbow to sell it to them, saying it was made from ancient ruins. The price of five top-grade spirit stones is not high, but for an unknown item, the price is good.

At that time, the boss studied it for a long time, but finally came to the conclusion that it was just an ordinary bow.

Now he saw that someone was interested in the longbow, and his mind immediately raised it.

"Yes, a little interested." Lin Feng nodded, but he didn't have much fun. He just held the long bow in his hand and played.

"Childe, to tell you the truth, the longbow has been in our store for three years, and the price is not high at the beginning. I'll sell you ten top-grade spirit stones." Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the waiter was worried and said quickly.

"Eight dollars." Lin Feng turned to look at the waiter and said with a smile.

"This..." hearing Lin Feng's words, the waiter was stunned and hesitated. It was good to think that the boss didn't care about the broken longbow and could sell eight top-grade spirit stones.

"Good!" The waiter nodded without hesitation, pointed to the long bow and said, "you pay for the eight top-grade spirit stones, and the long bow is yours."

Lin Feng directly took out eight top-grade spirit stones and gave them to the waiter. The waiter took them with a smile and put the cost inside. Then he took the other three top-grade spirit stones. The boss had already spoken about the long bow. If someone wanted to send them out, he could. Now, he made three top-grade spirit stones!

In the next period of time, I can practice well again.

With three top-grade spirit stones, the waiter's face was full of smiles.

"Little brother, you long bow, can you let me?" At this time, an old woman came in, nailed her mother-in-law's eyes directly to Lin Feng's long bow and asked.

"Sorry, No." Lin Feng stood there with a gentle smile on his mouth and said.

"Waiter, I'm willing to offer a hundred top-grade spirit stones. Are you willing to take back the longbow and sell it to me?" Mother-in-law should look at the waiter and ask again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure to leave. The things are already owned by this gentleman. It has nothing to do with me." Hearing what should be said by mother-in-law, the waiter shook his head and said, "mother-in-law, if you want to buy, talk to this gentleman."

The waiter raised his head and found that Lin Feng had left the jubaozhai, leaving only a natural and unrestrained figure. The corner of the waiter's mouth was slightly open. Looking at Lin Feng's back, smash it, smash it, and swallow everything in the back.

"It seems that he is a young man with personality!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Ying's mother-in-law smiled and said.

Lin Feng's front foot had just left. The next moment, a girl went directly to mother-in-law Ying, held her arm, smiled and said:

"Master, why are you here in a moment? I'm still looking for you everywhere!" Wei Yunshu vomited her tongue. Looking at her mother-in-law, she said with a smile.

"Where have you been these days?" Seeing the beloved, Ying, with a smile on her mother-in-law's face, sorted out some messy clothes for Wei Yunshu, looked at Wei Yunshu and asked.

"Haven't you met an asshole who owes me the spirit stone?" Wei Yunshu tooted her mouth, looked a little unhappy, stood there with her head down and said.

Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Ying's mother-in-law was stunned and wanted to ask something. Wei Yunshu had changed the topic. He he smiled, held Ying's mother-in-law's back and said, "master, I see a very interesting place, but I can't go in. Take me."

Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Ying's mother-in-law was stunned and nodded. As Wei Yunshu came out of jubaozhai together, the two walked some way. Wei Yunshu raised her head and saw a familiar figure in front of her. She was surprised.

Mother-in-law Ying raised her head and was stunned when she saw the figure in front. Isn't this the young man who didn't want to transfer the longbow in jubaozhai?

"Yun Shu, do you know him? Just now in jubaozhai, the young man found a treasure. It's good. There's some good materials in it that can upgrade your selfless sword. It's a pity... "Ying's mother-in-law shakes her head. She's not a strong buyer and seller. Since people don't want to sell, she can only regret. Although this material is rare, it's not impossible to get it. Find another place next time.

"This bastard is not a good man. He looks like a profiteer and doesn't pay back the spirit stone!" Hearing mother-in-law Ying's words, Wei Yunshu snorted coldly and said.

For Lin Feng, Wei Yunshu never gave a good face. Thinking of Lin Feng's bastard's deeds, Wei Yunshu hated his teeth itching!

"I said Miss Wei, is it bad to speak ill of people behind her?" Lin Feng smiled, stood behind Wei Yunshu, looked at Wei Yunshu with a smile and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's voice, Wei Yunshu jumped up, turned around, pointed to Lin Feng, looked frightened and said:

"Why are you here?"

"I'm not here. Where should I be?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Wei Yunshu and said with a smile.

"No..." hearing Lin Feng's words, Wei Yunshu shook her head. At this time, she remembered that the master was beside her. Wei Yunshu carefully looked back at mother-in-law Ying and saw the smile on mother-in-law Ying's face. Wei Yunshu's body shook unhappily.

"I... I just showed up here because of something."

With that, Wei Yunshu turned her head directly and muttered slightly.

Hearing Wei Yunshu's words, Lin Feng just smiled and waved his hand and said, "in that case, I'll go first."

"Hey, where are you going?" Seeing Lin Feng turning and leaving, Wei Yunshu shouted and asked.

Lin Feng's body had quickly disappeared into the crowd and disappeared. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Wei Yunshu tooted her mouth, looked at Lin Feng's back and said:

"What, come and go so fast..."

Mother-in-law Ying stood aside and sighed when she saw Wei Yunshu. After all, the girl's family had grown up and had their own thoughts. Of course, she also had other feelings.

Seeing Wei Yunshu's appearance, mother-in-law should know that Wei Yunshu already has a little happy people in her heart.

"Yun Shu, it's the first time I've seen this young man. His accomplishments are good at a young age. Tell the master where he met?" Mother-in-law Ying took Wei Yunshu's hand and said with a smile.

"He met me at the market. He is the leader of a small sect. He openly took his disciples to pit my spirit stone." Wei Yunshu said in a low voice.

"Small sect?" Ying's mother-in-law raised her eyebrows and asked.

"It's not true. I can't say it anyway." Thinking of Lin Feng's white feather gate, Wei Yunshu shook her head, shook her head, turned to raise her head and said:

"Oh, master, don't ask this. Let's go to the place I said first."

Seeing Wei Yunshu's appearance, Ying's mother-in-law smiled and said nothing more. She walked outside the city with Wei Yunshu.

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