Good wine, good food and good time. Lin Feng sat alone in front of the table. The waiter stood behind and poured drinks for Lin Feng, who served Lin Feng very well.

The two bodyguards who had gone out turned back and were somewhat depressed. Obviously, they spent a long time without finding Li Yun. Li Yun had a lot of babies. It was easy to escape them.

Therefore, the two people spent a lot of time and didn't find their master. Thinking of this, both of them had no choice but to fight and fly on their faces. The master really can't do things in general.

The two men raised their heads and saw Lin Feng still sitting there. Their eyes immediately lit up and said, "childe."

Hearing the voices of the two people, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. He raised his head and saw the two people. He smiled and said, "you two are looking for me, but what's the matter?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two people looked at me and I looked at you. Instead, they stood there, looked at Lin Feng pitifully and said, "childe, please, tell us where Miss Wei Yunshu took our young master?"

One of them stood up, looked at Lin Feng with a pitiful look on his face and said, "if we can't take people back, we will be killed. Please be kind and give us a way out. Although Li Yun is a second generation ancestor, his father is the owner of the family. "

Both of them stood in Lin Feng's face, looked at Lin Feng, and said cautiously.

Hearing the words of the two people, Lin Feng shook his head, sighed and said, "I knew now, why did I have to start? When I did bad things with him, why didn't I expect today's results? "

Lin Feng sneered, looked at the two men and said. When you are an accomplice in doing bad things, you use pity to seek help at this time. How can you say such a thing?

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two people's bodies trembled. They trembled for a while. They looked a little complicated. They couldn't speak for a moment. Seeing the appearance of these two people, Lin Feng just shook his head without saying anything.

Two people stood there, looking gloomy. For a moment, they didn't know what to say. Seeing the appearance of the two people, Lin Feng bowed his head and continued to eat. It looked like I didn't see you.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sat there and continued to drink tea. After a cup of tea, the whole person seemed to relax a lot.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the two men looked dejected. At last, they swallowed all the words on their lips. They wanted to say something, but they couldn't say anything in front of the facts.

Everything looks like this.

Thinking of this, both of them looked a little more helpless. Looking at Lin Feng gnashing their teeth, they were helpless. In terms of their skills, they were not the opponents of the people in front of them at all. Therefore, even if they had countless ideas in their hearts, these ideas precipitated in the end. The only thing they can do now is to stand here and look at Lin Feng pitifully, I hope Lin Feng can suddenly find out his conscience.

Lin Feng raised his head and saw the appearance of the two people. He raised his eyebrows and continued to eat. After sweeping all the food on the table, Lin Feng just stood up, nodded to the shopkeeper, smiled and went up with the door number.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the two wanted to follow up, but they had not had time to follow up. The shopkeeper stopped the two people's way and said, "guys, sorry, we don't allow people to enter the guest room and disturb the guests' rest!"

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, the two people's faces became gloomy for a moment. One person directly flashed at the shopkeeper's, snorted coldly and said, "stand in my way and die!"

The shopkeeper's cultivation is not high. He can't bear the attack of the strong in the later stage of fit. As soon as he feels the attack, the old shopkeeper closes his eyes, but for a while, the attack doesn't greet him. The old shopkeeper opens his eyes, but only sees two people lying in the hall wailing.

"Those who dare to bully me in front of me will die!" Lin Feng's face was gloomy. Looking at the two lying people, he slowly restrained his look, turned and walked directly up.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the two rolled on the ground. At this time, they were completely angry but dared not speak. Don't underestimate Lin Feng's attack. Although it looked simple, the attack hit them, but it was particularly painful, especially the attack mixed with soul power. They only felt the sharp pain in their heads now.

This bastard!

It's really hateful to have time to save such a frail old man, but not time to save them!

The two people gnash their teeth in their hearts and want to break Lin Feng into pieces, but they all know that they are not Lin Feng's opponents at all.

Their cultivation was not enough in front of Lin Feng during the robbery! Septum

Thinking of this, a group of people can only stand there dry and dare not speak. Their resentment is becoming more and more serious, but they can't say anything at last.

Lin Feng turned and walked directly upstairs. The shopkeeper stood there and looked at Lin Feng's back. His eyes lit up. What he didn't expect was that the young man in front of him would be such an expert, which was really beyond his expectation!

Thinking of his reminder just now, the old shopkeeper can only smile bitterly in his heart. It seems that he is troubled.

Thinking of this, the old shopkeeper sighed, sat back in front and continued to recite words and calculate.

Back in the room, Lin Feng blessed the room with several arrays. Just then he breathed a sigh of relief and moved his mind. Bo xunzuo came out of his body directly and floated in front of Lin Feng. On Bo xunzuo, a light blue small long dragon was crawling on it. There were countless auras around it, which swept frantically here, and then entered Boqi's Mini body.

Seeing that Boqi seemed to have a sign of waking up, Lin Feng's eyes immediately lit up. Looking at Boqi in front of him, he was moved. This guy was about to wake up at this time.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. This guy has high hopes. Now he has the opportunity to wake up when he is hungry. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Boqi woke up and Qianlong can have a good rest.

During this time, it was really hard for Qianlong to carry them in the wind and rain.

Lin Feng personally guarded Boqi and watched Boqi's soul strength increase. Suddenly, Lin Feng suddenly looked at Boqi on Boxun shuttle, but saw Boqi's body floating slowly, ran around Lin Feng, and then gave a low roar.

This low roar came from Boqi's soul and went directly to Lin Feng's brain. Lin Feng can clearly feel Boqi's joy at the moment.

"Congratulations!" Seeing Boqi's appearance, Lin Feng's mouth was touched with a smile, and his eyes were twinkling with stars. This is probably the best news he has gained all the way.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and his mood became happy.

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