"Master!" In this beautiful artistic conception, a voice with a bit of surprise sounded. In turn, a young man in a white shirt flew directly towards Lin Feng.

When it was close to boxunshuo, boxunshuo automatically escorted ouyangbai. Ouyangbai's whole body stuck to the shuttle. Looking at Lin Feng below, he looked pitiful and said, "master, it's me, it's me, I'm ouyangbai. Master, have you forgotten me?"

Ouyangbai's body was constantly shaking and shaking, shaking his arm at Lin Feng.

Hearing ouyangbai's words, Lin Feng was stunned and raised his head. Only then did he find that it was ouyangbai.

"Poop!" Lin Feng's mind moved. Ouyangbai fell in front of Lin Feng. He was thrown up and down and directly fell to a dog to eat shit.

After a while, Ouyang Baifang raised his head, looked at Yang Tiezheng with a sad face and said, "master, why don't you inform me? You see, people are disfigured. How can you hook up with sister carp?"

Ouyang Bai looked pitifully at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing ouyangbai's words, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at ouyangbai and said, "what's the matter?"

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't seem to reject himself and call him master, ouyangbai jumped up, stood in front of Lin Feng, smiled and said, "master, what do you think of my cultivation now?"

Ouyang Bai stood proudly in front of Lin Feng and showed his accomplishments in the middle of the fit in front of Lin Feng.

Seeing ouyangbai's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly and said, "it's just reluctantly, but you're a good boy."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. He didn't mention it casually at the beginning, but the boy dared to really run to yanxuan mainland. At this moment, the heart of the strong made Lin Feng look at the boy in front of him. Now it seems that the boy has good luck and seems to have got a lot of opportunities.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, ouyangbai just smiled and said, "it's all taught by the master. In fact, I haven't learned anything, but I've been studying hard outside. If it weren't for the master, I wouldn't be like today."

Ouyang Bai scratched the back of his head, looked at Lin Feng and quietly flattered him.

Hearing ouyangbai's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes, shook his head and said, "well, let's not mention this. Since we're here, sit down and have a cup of tea."

With that, Lin Feng took out Lingshui Lingcha and tea making tools from Dinghai Shenzhu. Ouyang Bai smiled and sat opposite Lin Feng, watching Lin Feng slowly make tea, while talking about his experiences during this period of time.

Seeing Ouyang Bai's appearance, Lin Feng had a gentle smile on his mouth. Listening to Ouyang Bai's adventures over the past period of time, Lin Feng stood listening with a gentle smile on his face. Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Ouyang Bai relaxed his breath. After seeing Yao Ziyi around Lin Feng, his eyes immediately lit up.

Shifu is really powerful. She used to be Ji ruoli, but now she is a great beauty!

It seems that as long as you follow the master, there will be countless beauties to see in the future!

Thinking of this, Ouyang Bai's eyes became brighter and brighter. Hehe smiled and leaned in front of Lin Feng and said, "master, master, next, I'll follow you. You see, I've been in the middle of fit. I won't hold you back."

Ouyang Bai's eyes twinkled with bright light, looked at Lin Feng and said.

Hearing ouyangbai's words, Lin Feng nodded, then took out a token and said, "take this token and go to the Baiyu gate. As long as you have this, you can enter the sect. That's my sect."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, ouyangbai carefully picked up the things, then put them close to Lin Feng with a baby look on his face, hehe smiled in front of Lin Feng, still with the rogue smile on his face, and said:

"Shifu, since you still have something to do here, let me follow you for a while. In this case, if you have an errand runner around you, don't do everything for Shifu, do you?"

Ouyang Bai's big face plate was in front of Lin Feng's eyes. Lin Feng gave a sound of disgust and retreated towards the back. Ouyang Bai didn't see Lin Feng's disgust. When he was in front of Lin Feng, the smile on his face became more and more cheerful. Seeing Ouyang Bai's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head.

Why didn't he see that ouyangbai was such a brazen teenager at the beginning? If he had seen it at the beginning, he would never let the youth in front of him appear in front of him.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

"Just keep it." Yao Ziyi suddenly opened her mouth, looked at ouyangbai and said softly.

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng was stunned and turned to look at Yao Ziyi. Yao Ziyi's mouth had a gentle smile and said, "this is Jiuzhou city. The nine families forcibly moved a piece of land on the water by relying on their own strength and array. Under Jiuzhou City, there is still a river. Ouyangbai is a monster. It must be possible to enter under Jiuzhou city."

Yao Ziyi looked at Lin Feng and her voice was very cold.

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng was stunned, turned to shake his head and said, "what does it matter? Anyway, we'll leave after the auction. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi bowed her head and said, "the Kyushu auction will be held every three years. Every three years, there will be countless troubles at the Kyushu auction. There will be no mercy in the battle. Especially the people of the nine families, relying on the fact that Kyushu city is their territory, they will hire people to rob the things auctioned out every time."

Yao Ziyi paused and said softly, "so you are proficient in the array. Ouyangbai is a monster and can swim in the water. Go, let ouyangbai destroy the array. In this way, if there is a battle, we can directly destroy the array and make the nine families have no mood to deal with us."

Yao Ziyi's eyes paused on Lin Feng and said.

Obviously, her strategy was not aimed at others, but at Lin Feng. Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng touched his nose and nodded.

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Ouyang Bai's body trembled. He took a look at Yao Ziyi, looked at Lin Feng and shook his head.

Shifu is already crafty enough. Unexpectedly, there is a more crafty one here!

"This... Isn't it inappropriate?" Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Ouyang blinked and said.

Before ouyangbai's words fell, Lin Feng nodded and said, "you're right. We should plan ahead. Anyway, we don't know very well about there. If we can plan ahead, it may not be a bad thing."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ouyang Bai, who was still a bit lucky, drooped in an instant, looking pitiful.

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