Lin Feng's body fell directly on the bosun shuttle. Twilight cloud sat deep inside, and a pair of eyes looked at Lin Feng's direction.

"How about coming back?" Yao Ziyi stood in front of Lin Feng, with some expectation in her eyes, looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"It's OK. It's not a very powerful array. It should only be a matter of time to solve it." Lin Feng said softly with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth. Instead, he also breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Let's go up first and find a place to eat."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi nodded. When she was at the white feather gate, she already knew that although she was already a high-level friar, Lin Feng's favorite was three meals a day. As long as she had time, she would sleep well and prepare a food for herself.

"I heard that Kyushu city is also the place where the first restaurant in Yunlou starts. Why don't we eat there?" Yao Ziyi thought in her mind, looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Let's go to the street first." Lin Feng smiled and walked towards the front. Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi nodded, went ashore with Lin Feng and put away the wave ten day shuttle.

The dusk cloud still entered Lin Feng's body. Obviously, he was not happy walking in the street.

"This guy is afraid sometimes. I think he can't figure it out." Seeing the deep evening clouds, Yao Ziyi sneered and said.

In the face of the deep clouds, Yao Ziyi's dislike is very sufficient. Lin Feng can always hear some hostility from Yao Ziyi's words.

"Dark clouds don't like to appear in the crowd." Lin Feng touched his nose and said softly.

"Hiss ~" hearing Lin Feng's explanation, Yao Ziyi hissed and said: "how could he be unwilling to appear in the street? He didn't dare. When we were young, all the disciples of our four sects were crushed by dusk cloud deep. As long as we see dusk cloud deep, no one won't fight. This guy made too many enemies and didn't dare to appear."

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng was stunned and turned to smile and nod. This really seems to be the style of dusk cloud depth.

"This time, I also want to see. There are several materials at the auction, all of which can be used by mu Yunshen for promotion." Lin Feng paused and said softly, "so I brought him here."

"Is he going to be promoted?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi was stunned. She looked a little strange. Seeing Yao Ziyi's appearance, Lin Feng smiled and said, "yes, after all, it's my puppet. If it's just the cultivation in the later stage of integration, I'm sorry that the spirit gained from thousands of years of deep sleep woke up."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi nodded and followed Lin Feng. The two people walked outside without delay. Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped, looked at Yao Ziyi and said:

"Let's have something to eat here." Lin Feng pointed to a barbecue shop next to the street and said with a smile.

"Here?" Seeing the shop pointed out by Lin Feng, Yao Ziyi looked strange. Looking at Lin Feng, she asked.

Lin Feng nodded with a smile and said, "don't underestimate here. You will be absolutely satisfied with the food here." With that, Lin Feng walked towards the shop. Yao Ziyi was stunned. Anyway, she didn't have much idea about food, so she walked inside with Lin Feng.

"Boss, five strings of each!"

Lin Feng found a place to sit and shouted.

"OK!" The boss was a fat middle-aged man. When he heard Lin Feng's words, he took the meat kebab and gave it to the waiter on one side. He went to Lin Feng himself and poured water for Lin Feng and Yao Ziyi, saying:

"It's your first time to come to my shop. To tell you the truth, the best kebab in the whole Kyushu city is definitely me. I don't believe you can see the business in my shop. It's a little affected these days, otherwise the business is usually full!"

The boss is a very talkative person. He stood beside Lin Feng with a smile and said.

"Well, I can see that your business is very good, boss." Lin Feng said with a gentle smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the boss's eyes lit up immediately and his hands trembled slightly. He heard a sense of identity from Lin Feng's words.

"Your kebab!" The boss quickly sent the kebab to Lin Feng's table. With some expectation on his face, he said, "you two have a taste."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded. He took a bunch of meat kebabs. The meat kebabs had a strong aroma, and a faint aura was brewing in them. The aura in the meat was well preserved. Obviously, the boss had a lot of thoughts on it, and the meat kebabs were also fragrant. Lin Feng sucked his nose, bit, opened his eyes and said:


"Thank you, thank you." The boss bent over and nodded hurriedly, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter. This is a kind of positive joy.

Monks spend most of their time on cultivation. Food for them is just something to eat. Therefore, although the store has a good business because of its good taste, in the eyes of other monks, it is just something to eat.

No one ever takes the delicacy of food seriously.

"Reiki is well preserved." Lin Feng commented again, took a bunch and handed it to Yao Ziyi, saying:

"Try it. Food is the most important thing for people. Since they all come, they should taste the taste of food. People always have so many troubles when they live in the world, but food will always be your best friend."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi nodded. Her cold face seemed to have a little more expression. She nodded and took over the roasted string in Lin Feng's hand. The taste of the roasted string was very good. Yao Ziyi's eyes immediately lit up, looked at Lin Feng and nodded.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded to his boss. When the boss saw Lin Feng's appearance, the fat all over his body trembled. Soon, the food ordered by Lin Feng continued to Lin Feng's table.

"Delicious." After a while, Yao Ziyi just commented, with stars shining in her eyes and her hand reaching into the plate again.

Hearing Yao Ziyi's words, Lin Feng smiled, nodded and said:

"Eat more if it's delicious. You're too thin. You can't afford meat if you don't eat a little."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi burst out laughing. The monk's body is mostly slim because of cultivation. It's difficult to raise meat, but this scene came out of Lin Feng's mouth. Yao Ziyi felt it differently.

Is it because you care?

Yao Ziyi took the meat kebab and looked uncertain. Seeing Yao Ziyi's appearance, Lin Feng smiled. Yao Ziyi ate more than ten kebabs but didn't stop. Lin Feng shook his head and asked the boss to serve another one.

At this time, several people hugged each other and entered the kebab shop. In front of them was the girl in pink who had trouble with Yao Ziyi that day.

Seeing this group of people, Lin Feng frowned. Intuitively, it didn't look good at first sight.

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