"Eleven million!" Almost at the same time, Li Yun spoke directly. His face became more and more gloomy, and his fat trembled more and more. He had thought that as long as Lin Feng spoke again, he would congratulate Lin Feng. The price of a thundercloud beast is tens of millions. At that time, the Li family can earn a lot, and he can make good contributions to the family!

He wants to see which fool dares to despise him in the future! Li Yun became more and more excited, and his fat trembled faster and faster, waiting for Lin Feng to speak!

Zhao Qi shut up, glanced at box 131, turned his head down and sat there.

A middle-aged man walked into Zhao Qi's box and began to speak to Zhao Qi.

"Zhao Qi, aren't you capable? Come on, make an offer! " Li Yun sneered, "and that boy, you also ask for a price! Have you all been persuaded? "

After not hearing them speak for a long time, Li Yun's body trembled. A bad feeling appeared in his mind. He looked up at the two boxes.

"Well, we did!"

Lin Feng nodded naturally on his face, sat there and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Li Yun, Congratulations, tut Tut, this thundercloud beast has a different talent. It's worth the money!"

Hearing the schadenfreude in Lin Feng's words, Li Yun's face became more and more gloomy. He fell down on the ground of the box. His face turned pale in an instant. His whole body was wet. Eleven million. Where did he get eleven million?

Thinking of this, Li Yun's face was a little more frightened. If he was known by the family, he would have to be punished. What he was most afraid of was those punishments!

Seeing Li Yun's appearance, Lin Feng smiled, and his face was a little more proud.

"Boqi, tell the woman around Li Yun that there is ouyangbai who borrows money in the hall. You can borrow up to 10 million at one time, as long as it can be returned within three months. By the way, tell the girl that as long as she does what I want, I will give 100000 top-grade spirit stones!"

Lin Feng greeted Boqi with a smile and said.

When he heard Lin Feng's words, Boqi nodded and went out directly. Yao Ziyi stood there all the time and looked at Lin Feng carefully. Yao Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Lin Feng was no longer going to add money, but when he saw Lin Feng lending money to Li Yun, Yao Ziyi's heart lifted again.

Why does this guy always do things that she can't figure out?

"It's okay. Don't worry." Seeing Yao Ziyi's appearance, Lin Feng smiled and said, "these guys are expected by me."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yao Ziyi bit her lips slightly, nodded and said, "well, I know."

Then Yao Ziyi looked down with a complicated look. What she didn't expect was that Lin Feng talked a few words, but played Li Yun around. This guy is really

Thinking of Lin Feng's words just now, Yao Ziyi doesn't know what kind of words to face the people in front of her.

Although this guy is bad, sometimes he really has a different charm that makes people obsessed!

Yao Ziyi bit her lips slightly, twinkling stars in her eyes, looking at Lin Feng in front of her.

In turn, Yao Ziyi's look dimmed. There are a lot of things between herself and this guy... Whether it's a sect or Qin Yanran, when she thought of some, Yao Ziyi's mood, which was originally very happy, immediately began to change.

The seed that was budding was pressed back by Yao Ziyi.

"Hee hee, congratulations to young master Li Yun. He bought the thunder cloud beast with 11 million spirit stones." At this time, ya'er's voice rang out. She just came back to her senses and went around. The Leiyun beast even reached the price of 11 million. What's not a good thing is that the Leiyun beast was auctioned by Li Yun.

Ya'er's heart was unhappy. She knew that there must be a trial of her next. The ability of Li family leader to protect her weaknesses was well known.

Nevertheless, ya'er's face was still somewhat charming, looked at Li Yun's box and said:

"Mr. Li Yun is really more and more courageous. Ya'er likes you!"

"Is miss ya'er willing to go to room 307 in Yunlou tonight? As long as Miss ya'er says yes, I'm willing to buy this thundercloud beast at a sky high price. Who makes me admire Miss ya'er for a long time? "

Hearing ya'er's words, Lin Feng smiled, looked at ya'er and said with a smile.

"Sample!" Hearing Lin Feng's voice, ya'er turned her eyes and said, "your man is not like this. I look unique in your heart. What you like is not ya'er's skin bag?"

"Miss ya'er is wrong. Miss ya'er should believe that a good-looking skin bag is also a skill. Such a good-looking skin bag is deceiving when a hero like me is young and doesn't move."

"Hee hee, you can really talk!"

Then ya'er knocked directly with a small hammer and said, "eleven thousand times!"

"Eleven million twice!"

"Eleven million three times! Congratulations to master Li Yun. You have bought this thundercloud beast. Master Li Yun, with this thundercloud beast, Master Li must be more powerful and go to a higher level! "

Ya'er's voice became more and more charming, and the smile on his face could not be concealed. Seeing the woman in front of him, Lin Feng shook his head and sighed. Sure enough, he was a powerful woman. Li Yun's careful soul had been hooked.

Lin Feng shook his head and sat there slowly reading the booklet. The stars twinkled in his eyes, but he thought in his heart that this woman must be very good. Therefore, if you can get this woman

Thinking so, Lin Feng really began to calculate if he could get this woman... If this woman could be with him in the future

Lin Feng frowned slightly and smiled. If this woman can be used for herself, it is definitely a great help to the white feather door. It is a pity for such a woman to work in the nine families.

At this time, the protective array of the box moved a little, and Qianlong came back with ouyangbai.

Lin Feng restrained his expression, but ouyangbai was originally lying on Qianlong shuttle, so he saw his expression at a glance, widened his eyes and said:

"Master, I don't do base!" With that, Ouyang Bai hugged his body, stared at Lin Feng and said.

"Who's going to have sex with you?" Hearing ouyangbai's words, Lin Feng kicked him. Ouyangbai smiled and jumped away. He looked up at Lin Feng and said:

"The master doesn't make a base. Why did the master show such an obscene expression to me just now?"

"Get out!"

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