"Retreat!" When some monks saw this scene, they retreated one by one, stood in a safe area and looked at the two people in front of them. Obviously, they didn't want to be contaminated with these rights and wrongs..

"It's just a turtle shell. What else do you want?" Seeing Yao Ziyi's appearance, Jin Buhuan sneered and said.

Hearing Jin Buhuan's voice, Yao Ziyi sneered and said, "is it just a turtle shell?"

Hearing Yao Ziyi's cold voice, Jin Buhuan retreated towards the back again, holding Yao Ziyi's turtle shell in his hand. A genuine Qi was directly introduced into the turtle shell. The turtle shell became larger and protected Jin Buhuan in it.

"Jie Jie, so what? Thank you for telling me that this thing doesn't recognize its owner. I use it very well, little girl. Do you really think you are my opponent? "

Retreating to a relatively safe area, Jin Buhuan's eyes were gloomy. He didn't look at Yao Ziyi, hehe smiled and said.

"The realm of ice!"

Yao Ziyi didn't answer Jin Buhuan's words, but just roared. Then, there began to be flying snow around her. The frost sword came out of its sheath. The ice blue sword trembled in Yao Ziyi's hand. With a kind of excited chant, she stabbed Jin Buhuan directly.

Feeling Yao Ziyi's attack, Jin Buhuan was surrounded by golden spiritual skills. These spiritual skills were wrapped around Jin Buhuan and protected Jin Buhuan together with the turtle shell. Jin Buhuan smiled with pride. Looking at Yao Ziyi, he said:

"Little girl, what can you do to me?"

Hearing Jin Buhuan's voice, Yao Ziyi's eyes were cold. The long sword in her hand stabbed Jin Buhuan directly. The tip of the frost sword was on Jin Buhuan's body. With the tip of the sword, she rushed towards Jin Buhuan.

The ice blue Lingli peak training and the golden Lingli peak training are right together. Jin Buhuan's eyes are a little more solemn. Looking at Yao Ziyi in front of her, she gritted her teeth and insisted. The little girl's accomplishments exceeded his expectations!

The little girl who thought she was just at the top of the fit period didn't expect to get angry and go straight into the robbery period. She was on a par with him, even above him! Where did this little girl come from? She is so abnormal!

Jin Buhuan's hands continued to seal. Looking at Yao Ziyi, the heaviness in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"Disease!" Yao Ziyi gave a low roar, pulled out sword flowers on her wrist and rushed directly towards Jin Buhuan. Under Yao Ziyi's ice field, Jin Buhuan's battle became more and more difficult, and Yao Ziyi followed it closely.

Lin Feng stood by and watched the battle.

Is this Yao Ziyi's real strength?

What a surprise!

However, the girl's reaction was so great just now. It seems that being cheated in Yao Ziyi's heart is a very important thing.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng shook his head. He underestimated the girl. The girl's ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and stood aside with Feng Tong's sword in his hand. He didn't mean to shoot at all. According to the current situation, Yao Ziyi won't lose at all!

"Little girl, are you crazy?" Suddenly, Jin Buhuan made a sharp voice and looked up at Yao Ziyi with panic in her eyes. At this time, the girl even increased her attack!

In Yao Ziyi's ice field, Jin Buhuan's attack has been affected a lot. Now he is pressed by Yao Ziyi, which makes Jin Buhuan very uncomfortable!

Hearing Jin Buhuan's voice, Yao Ziyi snorted coldly, and the frost sword in her hand was getting faster and faster.

"Stop, stop, I can't give you back the turtle shell!" Seeing Yao Ziyi's attack getting stronger and stronger, Jin Buhuan shouted.

On weekdays, he was used to doing such things. Relying on his cultivation achievements in the early stage of Mahayana, the disciples of those small cultivation achievements had no use taking him. They could only let him force them. Finally, they couldn't say anything, but what happened to him was that Jin Buhuan didn't expect to meet the girl Yao Ziyi.

Originally, there was another real corduroy in his hand, which he used to exchange with those who had high accomplishments. Seeing that Yao Ziyi came forward, he couldn't help changing the fake. Jin Buhuan didn't expect that this little girl was so powerful. The most important thing is that Jin Buhuan didn't expect that there was a person who knew the goods nearby.

Thinking of this, Jin didn't change his bad luck.

I didn't look at the Yellow calendar when I went out today. I calculated it for myself, which led to such a thing.

Yao Ziyi didn't listen to Jin Buhuan at all and attacked Jin Buhuan again.

"Little girl, you forced me!"

Yao Ziyi's attack was pressing step by step. Jin Buhuan's face changed again. Looking at Yao Ziyi, the gloom in her eyes became more and more serious and said, "go to hell!"

Jin Buhuan had a golden awl in his hand. The awl was small and exquisite. With the blessing of Jin Buhuan's spiritual power, he directly broke through layers of spiritual power training and rushed towards Yao Ziyi.

Yao Ziyi's look changed a little. An ice wall stood up in front of her, and the awl hit the ice wall, which not only rotated into the ice wall.

The ice wall rose layer by layer, the awl kept moving forward, and Yao Ziyi's body kept retreating.

"Jie Jie, little girl, do you really take yourself seriously? I have just got this broken cloud awl for decades, and the people who have tasted it are gone. Let it shine well in front of you today and tell you my cultivation of Jin Bu Chang! "

Jin Bu changed his side. Jie laughed and his whole body trembled. Then he had a ruler in his hand and hit Yao Ziyi lightly.

When the yardstick came under Yao Ziyi, it suddenly opened and shrouded Yao Ziyi in it.

Seeing Jin Buhuan's attack, Yao Ziyi sneered. The body that had retreated immediately stopped. The body rotated at a high speed, and countless snowflakes began to fall in succession. These snowflakes were very beautiful. However, when they fell on the ground, they turned into sharp blades and directly attacked Jin Buhuan.

Jin Buhuan's body quickly retreated towards the back, and the speed of the awl slowed down. Yao Ziyi snorted coldly, and the frost sword stabbed directly over there.

"I'll come!" Lin Feng snorted coldly. Feng Tong's sword and the ruler were aligned and made a clear sound.

"Boy, die!" A low voice sounded from behind Lin Feng. Then, a powerful force attacked Lin Feng directly. At this time, Chu Qianxing was unwilling to be lonely and attacked directly here.

Feeling Chu Qianxing's attack, Lin Feng sneered. His whole body was dissatisfied with the dragon scale. The dragon scale reflected a light blue light in the sun, revealing only Lin Feng's eyes, mouth, Ba and ears.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly turned golden and looked at Chu Qianxing below.

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