"Have you taken the whole array as your own?" Yao Ziyi turned to look at Lin Feng and asked with a surprised face.

"No, it's just most of the arrays. There are many arrays under Kyushu city that are used to stabilize the foundation. I'm too lazy to start." Lin Feng smiled faintly, found a table and several stools from the ruins, greeted Yao Ziyi and said:

"Come on, sit down and eat. There's plenty of time anyway."

With that, Lin Feng picked out several spirit fish and was ready to attack. Taking one side of the construction wood, he began to live and boil fish soup. Yao Ziyi sat next to Lin Feng, nodded and looked at Lin Feng's little preparation.

A group of people scurried in the air, bowed their heads, and happened to see Lin Feng now.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, a group of people looked gloomy for a moment. This guy had time to eat here at this time, and he still looked complacent!

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, a group of people don't come together, especially the members of the nine families.

"Boy, we have no enemies with you. Why do you lock us in with the array?"

The people here are basically the high-level of each big power. Looking at Lin Feng, they look gloomy, very depressed and good. They just watch a play, and the boy will shoot them. I don't know which family he is from. It's too uneducated!

"Old Shu, Miss Shu, come in and have a seat!" Lin Feng's finger touched slightly, and Shu Gexin felt the changes in the space around him. The next moment, he directly appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng just smiled faintly at Shu Gexin, turned to Shu qiner and said:

"Miss Shu, the first time I met you, I'm in Xialin Feng!"

"I know you. You were in the box just now. The guy who played me." Shu qiner's eyebrows bent, his head turned to Lin Feng's direction, the corners of his mouth slightly stirred up, with a bit of mischief, and said.

"Boy, I have a girl around me. It's hard to fight. I'm really sorry about what happened just now." Shu Gexin arched his hand at Lin Feng. He took Shu qiner with him, which was really inconvenient.

"Old Shu can resist the last attack for me. Boy, thank you very much!" Lin Feng said with a smile that although Shu Gexin didn't make a move, if Shu Gexin hadn't blocked most of the last attack for him, he would definitely not have left his life now.

"It's also your boy's great fortune. It has nothing to do with me." Hearing Lin Feng's words, Shu Gexin just waved his hand, sat beside Lin Feng with a smile, pointed to the fish in the pot and said:

"Can you eat?"

"It will take a while to taste."

Shu Gexin nodded and took Shu qiner to sit down. He also sat aside. Lin Feng smiled and took out some fresh vegetables. Qianlong sent water. Lin Feng washed the vegetables.

"Master, I'm not washing dishes!" Qianlong said to Lin Feng with a depressed face.

"I'll give you a taste later." Lin Feng said with a smile, put the vegetables aside and looked up at the sky.

A group of scurrying people in the sky had calmed down at this time. They stood on the sky one by one, stared at Lin Feng and said:

"Boy, we have no grievances with you. Why did you trap us?"

"Yes, yes, our nine families have never done anything to you. This is our Kyushu city. You'd better untie the array now. Otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

"Hehe, you are light!" Lin Feng made a casual gesture, looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "if you think you can leave, you can leave by yourself. If you can crack my array, you can choose to crack my array."

Lin Feng waved his hand and looked completely indifferent. Instead, he lifted the lid of the pot, greeted Yao Ziyi, Shu Gexin and Shu qiner, and said, "the fish is good. Let's eat the fish first."

Then Lin Feng took out the bowls and chopsticks and filled everyone with a bowl. With a smile on his face and happiness on his face, he said, "it's still like this. Eating a bowl of fish soup is the happiest!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several others ate with Lin Feng. Everyone's faces were smiling and their mood became more and more beautiful.

"Boy, die!" Chu Qianxing stood in the sky, saw Lin Feng's appearance, his eyes were ready to crack, and attacked Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng completely transformed the array of Kyushu City, including the no air array and space isolation array in the sky.

Considering the existence of these Mahayana masters in advance, Lin Fengshun prepared all the arrays for convenience, so people had nowhere to escape. Chu Qianxing kept shouting in the array, but it was just shouting, and he couldn't reach Lin Feng at all.

Lin Feng's means are a little too cruel.

"Go, go!" Lin Feng waved with his hand, Chu Qianxing's body turned over from one side and fell into the array. The whole array kept rotating with Lin Feng as the axis, and Chu Qianxing's body kept shuttling through the array.

Water Dragons constantly attacked Chu Qianxing. The attack power of these Water Dragons is not very strong, but they consume Chu Qianxing's spiritual power.

"It's all right. Let's go on." Lin Feng raised his head and took a look. Instead, he waved his hand and continued to eat his own food, completely ignoring his meaning.

"Boy." Mother-in-law Ying stood in the center of the array, looked at Lin Feng and said, "if you have any conditions, just say it."

Mother-in-law Ying stood there, looked at Lin Feng and said faintly.

This boy, Ying's mother-in-law will never do useless work. Since the array is arranged here, she certainly won't change the array at will. She knows that this boy must ask for something.

Hearing mother-in-law Ying's words, Lin Feng smiled, stood there, looked at mother-in-law Ying and said:

"Mother-in-law Ying, this matter has nothing to do with you. You're right here. Look, just sit down."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, mother-in-law Ying turned her eyes, looked at Lin Feng and said, "don't pretend, you son. Our four sects have indeed dealt with you. In such a situation, you should also know that we can't help you. This is the star changing array in Kyushu City, which is a level 9 array. I believe your son is just borrowing it, We can't really crack this array. Come on, open it if conditions permit. Lingshi is still a treasure of heaven and earth. As long as we have it, we will meet you. "

Mother-in-law Ying stood on it, looked at Lin Feng and said directly.

"It's worthy of being the first mage in yanxuan mainland. It's good to look at my mother-in-law. This is the great array of changing stars in Kyushu city. The heads of the nine families have opened the array of Kyushu city?"

Lin Feng turned to look at the people of the nine families and asked.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the nine families stood there, looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy face, and looked completely angry.

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